-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] Cognitive Computing Track @ The 33nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - ACM SAC 2018 - Call for Paper Datum: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 13:59:24 +0200 Von: Mauro Dragoni dragoni@fbk.eu
==== Cognitive Computing Track @ The 33nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - ACM SAC 2018 - Call for Paper ==== Cognitive Computing Track website: https://coco.fbk.eu/sac2018 ACM SAC 2018 website: http://www.sigapp.org/sac/sac2018/
Dates: April 9-13, 2018 Venue: Pau, France
*** Aim & Scope *** The SAC2018 special track on Cognitive Computing (http://coco.fbk.eu/sac2018) aims to promote a forum for scientists, engineers and practitioners, in academia and industry, to share and discuss latest advances, breakthrough results, and real-world experiences in the Cognitive Computing area. This is an interdisciplinary emerging research area, at the core of Artificial Intelligence, investigating the development of self-learning systems, that naturally interact with humans in complex environments, and are capable to adapt to context and changes in language and meaning. Original and unpublished papers dealing with all facets of the Cognitive Computing area --- such as Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Audio and Video Analysis, Computer-Human Interaction, Neuroscience and Cognition --- are invited.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Cognitive Knowledge Acquisition ---- Frameworks for acquiring Cognitive Knowledge ---- Tools and Methodologies for Cognitive Knowledge acquisition ---- Natural Language Processing for Cognitive Knowledge acquisition ---- Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining ---- Linguistic Resources and Cognitive Knowledge Acquisition ---- Machine Learning techniques (e.g., Deep Learning) for Cognitive Knowledge acquisition ---- Acquisition from media other than text (e.g., audio, video, images) ---- Linked Data and Cognitive Knowledge Acquisition ---- Emerging approaches for Cognitive Knowledge acquisition (e.g., crowdbased approaches). ---- Principled evaluation of acquired Cognitive Knowledge - Representing, Formalizing and Reasoning with Cognitive Knowledge ---- Ontologies for Cognitive Systems ---- Representation languages for Cognitive Knowledge ---- Reasoning about Cognitive Knowledge - Development of Cognitive Systems ---- Architectures for Cognitive Systems ---- Scalability of Cognitive Systems ---- Complex Cognitive Systems ---- Fuzzy Cognitive Systems - Applications ---- Realworld applications that exploit Cognitive Knowledge ---- Cognitive Systems for Big Data scenarios ---- Cognitive Techniques for Deep Learning ---- Cognitive Techniques for Persuasion and Recommender Systems ---- Cognitive Robotics ---- Cognitive Techniques for Information Retrieval ---- Deployment of Cognitive Systems in specific domains. For example: ------- Digital Humanities and Social Sciences ------- eGovernment and public administration ------- Life sciences, health and medicine ------- Social Media, News, and Data Streams
*** Paper Submission *** Research papers and experience reports related to the above topics are solicited. Submissions must not have been published or be concurrently considered for publication elsewhere. Papers should be submitted in PDF using the ACM-SAC proceedings format via the SAC 2018 website. Authors' names and affiliations should be entered separately at the submission site and not appear in the submitted papers. Each submission will be reviewed in a DOUBLE-BLIND process according to the ACM-SAC Regulations. Student Research Competition submissions are welcome (see www.sigapp.org/sac/sac2018/pdf/SAC2018-CFSRC.pdf for details).
*** Submission sites: *** (for regular papers) TBA (for SRC papers) TBA Paper selection is based on the originality, technical contribution, presentation quality, and relevance to the Cognitive Computing Track. Some papers may be accepted as posters.
Authors of selected papers of the Cognitive Computing track will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to a forthcoming Special Issue in Progress in Artificial Intelligence (Springer journal).
*** Important Dates *** September 15, 2017: Regular Paper & SRC Abstract Submission Due - EXTENDED November 10, 2017: Author Notification November 25, 2017: Camera ready copies of accepted papers/SRC December 10, 2017: Author Registration Due
*** Track CoChairs *** Mauro Dragoni, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) dragoni@fbk.eu Marco Rospocher, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) rospocher@fbk.eu
*** Programme Committee *** TBA
*** General Inquiries *** For further information, please visit SAC Cognitive Computing Track and SAC 2017 conference websites (http://www.sigapp.org/sac/sac2018/) or feel free to contact the Track CoChairs.