-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] Health-IT and M-health Symposium: Reminder-Jan 11 deadline Datum: Sun, 4 Jan 2015 20:41:15 +0000 Von: Upkar Varshney uvarshney@gsu.edu An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
CALL FOR PAPERS: 3^rd Health-IT and Mobile Health (HMH) Symposium 2015
Co-hosted with 14th ANNUAL WIRELESS TELECOM SYMPOSIUM (WTS 2015) April 15-17, 2015, New York City, NY, USA www.csupomona.edu/wtsi http://www.csupomona.edu/wtsi
Technical Co-Sponsor: IEEE Communications Society
We invite the submission of both "research in progress" and "completed research papers" to the Health-IT and Mobile Health (HMH) Symposium.
Topic areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
E-health/M-health and Applications Health-IT/M-health Evaluation Management of Healthcare Technologies Smart Infrastructures for Healthcare Infrastructure for E-health/M-health E-health/M-health Architectures Adoption of E-health/M-health Managing Chronic Diseases M-health and Wellness E-health/M-health in Developing Countries Future of E-health/M-health Medication Adherence and Health Monitoring E-health/M-health for Graceful Aging
IMPORTANT DATES: January 11, 2015 Paper submission deadline February 8, 2015 Notification of acceptance March 8, 2015 Camera-ready submissions
As in the past years, expanded versions of papers will be considered for Decision Support Systems, IEEE Computer and Int. Journal of Int. Telecommunications and Networks (IJITN).
A developmental workshop is planned where authors will receive feedback from editors and senior researchers for possible extensions and outlets for their ongoing work.
Submit your papers as part of the regular WTS 2015 conference. The author guidelines are available at
http://www.csupomona.edu/~wtsi/paper_submission.html http://www.csupomona.edu/%7Ewtsi/paper_submission.html
If you are interested in serving on the program committee, please e-mail to “uvarshney@gsu.edu” with areas of expertise and current affiliation.
Symposium CHAIR: Dr. Upkar Varshney, Georgia State University, USA uvarshney@gsu.edu mailto:uvarshney@gsu.edu
WTS COMMITTEE CHAIRS: General Chair: Dr. Steven Powell, Cal Poly Pomona
The Wireless Telecommunications Symposium brings together industry professionals and academics from companies, governmental agencies, and universities around the world to exchange information on advances in mobile communications and wireless networking technology, business, policy, applications and security. Past WTS participants have included Dr. Vinton Cerf, Dr. Robert Kahn, and Dr. Leonard Kleinrock, Internet pioneers; Martin Cooper, “Father of the Cell Phone”; Dr. Irwin Jacobs, Co-Founder and Chairman of QUALCOMM; and Mike Lazaridis, Founder and former Vice-Chairman, Blackberry. Accepted papers will be published in the main conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore. The proceedings also will be distributed at the Symposium via a CD. Awards will be given for the most outstanding paper presented and best graduate and undergraduate student papers presented.