-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] WG: Call for Workshop Proposals 6th Conf. on Professional Knowledge Management 2011 (WM 2011) in Innsbruck Datum: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 09:07:26 +0200 Von: Michael KOHLEGGER Michael.Kohlegger@uibk.ac.at An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de CC: Ronald MAIER Maier@iwi2.uibk.ac.at
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!
Im Auftrag von Prof. Ronald Maier möchte ich Sie an denCall for Workshop Proposalsder 6. Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement 2011 in Innsbruck (WM2011 http://wm-konferenz2011.org/) erinnern. Bitte finden Sie alle detaillierten Informationen unterhalb. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Beiträge.
Mit den besten Grüßen aus Innsbruck,
Michael Kohlegger
Call for Workshop Proposals 6^th Conference Professional Knowledge Management 2011 (WM 2011)
The Conference Series on Professional Knowledge Management 2011 provides a broad integrative overview of organizational, cultural, social and technical aspects on knowledge management. Focus of the conference is bringing together different research disciplines and sharing experiences gained in the different areas where knowledge management is applied.
From Knowledge to Action.The conference seeks workshop proposals covering the entire field of knowledge management. There are no methodological limitations in this conference. Thus, we seek contributions with a practice-oriented, e.g., conceptual or case study focus as much as contributions with a quantitative-empirical, qualitative-interpretive or design-science-engineering-oriented approach. Special emphasis is given to contributions targeting insights into or solutions for the challenge of putting knowledge into action. The conference provides a platform so that people engaged and committed to knowledge management from these diverse perspectives get to know each other, approach each other and connect their experiences in order to strengthen relevance and impact of knowledge management results as well as lessons learned from their application.
Both, practitioners and scientists will be invited to visit Innsbruck, Austria, in order to exchange experiences, to discuss current problems and challenges and learn from each other. Participants will get a well-founded overview of the most important trends in the area of knowledge management. Therefore, our conference offers much time and space for communication.
We would like to invite you to contribute actively by organizing a workshop at WM2011. There will be opportunities for half-day, one-day, and two-day workshops. Please submit your workshop proposal electronically in PDF or Postscript format. The proposal can be written in German or English and should not be submitted later than July 15th, 2010, via the conference system
Each proposal should explain on 2-3 pages the topic of the workshop, the potential audience (as concretely as possible), and information about the intended length (in terms of number of papers to be presented). Furthermore, a tentative program committee should be given.
In case the proposal is accepted, the workshop organizers are responsible for the organization of the workshop completely including distribution of the workshop call-for-papers, maintenance of their own web page, organization and implementation of the review process, and providing the camera-ready submissions in time. Furthermore, all workshops have to follow the time schedule given below. The workshop organizers have to mention that at least one author of an accepted paper has to be registered to the conference.
Accepted submissions will be published in joint conference proceedings. Every workshop will have access to a given amount of pages depending on the length of the workshop.
Program Structure
The conference consists of presentations and workshops, plenary sessions and a poster session which takes place during the conference program. During the workshops,current knowledge management issues will be presented and discussed and the results will be elaborated.
* Submission of workshop proposals 15th of July 2010
* Notification about workshop acceptance/rejection 1st of August 2010
* Publication of the call for papers (on the organizer-website) 15th of August 2010
* Submission of workshop papers 24th of October 2010
* Notification of authors about acceptance/rejection 30th of November 2010
* Submission of camera-ready papers 31st of December 2010
* Workshops at WM2011 21st to 23rd of February 2011
Beschreibung: Universität
*University of Innsbruck* School of Management Information Systems
*Michael Kohlegger *
Universitätsstraße 15, ZiNr. W.3.05, 6020 Innsbruck
Telefon* +43 (0) 512 / 507 - 38012* Fax * +43 (0) 512 / 507 - 38099 *E-Mail *michael.kohlegger@uibk.ac.at* mailto:michael.kohlegger@uibk.ac.at