Forwarded message from [hruska@DCSE.FEE.VUTBR.CZ (Tomas Hruska)] sent originally on Wed, 2 Feb 2000 15:00:45 +0100: : [WE APOLOGIZE IF YOU RECEIVE MULTIPLE COPIES] : Fourth Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering : : 2nd Call for Papers : : www page : : : The fourth Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering : (JCKBSE) will be held in Brno, Czech Republic from Tuesday September : 12th until Thursday September 14th 2000. : : JCKBSE aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to : discuss the latest developments in the areas of knowledge engineering : and software engineering. Particular emphasis is placed upon applying : knowledge-based methods to software engineering problems. The : Conference originated in order to provide a forum in which the latest : developments in the field of knowledge-based software engineering : could be discussed. Although initially targeting scientists from : Japan, the CIS countries and countries in Central and Eastern Europe, : JCKBSE warmly welcomes participants from all countries. JCKBSE 2000 : will continue with this tradition and is anticipating even wider : international participation. Furthermore, the scope of the conference : as indicated by its topics has been updated to reflect the recent : development in all the three covered areas, i.e. knowledge : engineering, software engineering, and knowledge-based software : engineering. : : The conference will include several invited talks and a plenary talk : by a distinguished speaker. : ------------------------------------------------------------- : Organized by : * Czech Society for Computer Science, : * Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of : Electrical Engineering : and Computer Science, Brno University of Technology and : * SIG-KBSE, The Institute of Electronics, Information and : Communication Engineers, Japan. : : in cooperation with : * IEEE Tokyo Section Computer Chapter, : * Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence, : * Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence, : * Slovak Society for Computer Science, : * The Institution of Electrical Engineering - Slovakia Centre and : VEMA Brno, computers and projects, Ltd., Brno : ------------------------------------------------------------ : Program Committee : : Bailes P., Australia, Banaszak Z., Poland, : Benczur A., Hungary, Bielikova M., Slovakia, : Brusilovsky P., USA, Devedzic,V., Yugoslavia, : Dichev,Ch., V., USA, Dicheva,D., USA, : Dochev D., Bulgaria, Ehrlich,A., Russia, : Eisenecker U., Germany, Far Behrouz H., Japan, : Fukazawa Yoshiaki, Japan, Gams, M., Slovenia, : Gladun V. P., Ukraine, Hashimoto Masa-aki , Japan - co-chair, : Hori Masahiro, Japan, Hruska T., Czech Republic- co-chair, : Kaijiri Kenji, Japan, Kang Kyo-Chul, Korea, : Khoroshevsky, V., F., Russia, Komiya Seiichi, Japan, : Koyama Teruo, Japan, Kumeno Fumihiro, Japan, : Lozovskiy V. S., Ukraina, Moessenboeck H., Austria, : Molnar, L., Slovakia, Nagata Morio, Japan, : Navrat P., Slovakia, Okamoto Toshio, Japan, : Oomori Yasumasa, Japan, Osipov,G.,S., Russia : Pechersky Y., Moldova, Stefanuk V. L., Russia, : Sugawara Kenji, Japan, Tan Chew Lim, Singapore, : Ueno Haruki, Japan, Welzer T., Slovenia, : Williams M., United Kingdom, Yamamoto Shuichiro, Japan, : Yamada Hiroyuki, Japan, Young Gilbert H., Hong Kong, : Zendulka J., Czech Republic. : ------------------------------------------------------------ : Organizing Committee : : Tomas Hruska, Czech Republic - chair, Vladimir Janousek, Czech Republic, : Tomas Vojnar, Czech Republic, Jaroslav Zendulka, Czech Republic, : : Ludmila Ottova, Czech Republic - secretary (paper submission), : Vera Burdova, Czech Republic - secretary (fees, accomodation, : travelling, etc.). : ------------------------------------------------------------ : Topics : : We solicit research papers describing new results, original ideas and : applications, or reports describing the development and maintenance of : actual systems. The research should address issues concerning the : theory, development, management, and application of advanced systems. : Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: : : * architecture of knowledge, software and information systems : including collaborative, distributed, multi-agent and multimedia : systems, internet and intranet, : * requirements engineering, domain analysis and modeling, : formal and semiformal specifications, : * knowledge engineering for domain modeling,system family engineering and : software product lines, : * intelligent user interfaces and human machine interaction, : * knowledge acquisition and discovery, data mining, : * automating software design and synthesis, : * object-oriented and other programming paradigms, : metaprogramming, : * reuse, re-engineering, reverse engineering, : * knowledge-based methods and tools for software engineering, : including testing, verification and validation, process management, : maintenance and evolution, : CASE, : * decision support methods for software engineering, : * applied semiotics for knowledge-based software engineering, : * knowledge systems methodology, development tools and environments, : *practical applications and experience of software and knowledge : engineering, : * information technology in control, design, production, logistics and : management, : * enterprise modeling, workflow, : * knowledge management for business process, : * intelligent agents for software engineering, : * program understanding, programming knowledge, : learning of programming, modeling programs and programmers, : * knowledge-based methods and tools for software engineering education, : * software engineering and knowledge engineering education, distance : learning. : ------------------------------------------------------------ : Paper Submission : : Papers should not exceed 8 pages. Short papers should not exceed 4 : pages. Papers will be reviewed according to: : : technical quality, originality, clarity, appropriateness to the conference : focus, and : adequacy of references to the related work. : : Authors should submit their papers electronically. : In addition, one copy of the manuscript should be sent, as well. : Each paper should contain the following information: : : The title of the paper. : The name, affiliation, mailing address, and e-mail of the author. An : abstract of 100-200 words. A subject category (topic) in which the : paper should be reviewed. All camera ready papers have to be prepared : according to the instructions on the www page : : : ------------------------------------------------------------ : Important Dates : : February 1, 2000 - Preliminary registration : March 1, 2000 - Paper submission deadline : May 1, 2000 - Notification of acceptance : May 20, 2000 - Camera-ready deadline : September 12 - 14, 2000 - Conference dates : ------------------------------------------------------------ : Venue : : The conference is taking place in the Santon Hotel, : which is located in one of the most popular recreational areas in Brno : -- the Brno Dam Lake. The distance from public transport facilities is : approx. 200m. In Brno, it is possible to visit numerous cultural and : social events, theatres, concert halls, musea and historical : monuments. : ------------------------------------------------------------ : Conference Fees : : The cost of an integrated package including the conference fee, : accomodation (three nights), meals (starting with the dinner on : September 11 and finishing with the lunch on September 14), and social : activities is 350 US$ (before July 20, 2000). After July 20, 2000 the : cost of the integrated package is 400 US$. For participants from the : Central and Eastern Europe including the newly independent states, the : cost of the integrated package is 150 US$. Ask about the fee if your : country fits this condition. For a limited number of students, the : programm committee will grant an additional financial support. The fee : for an accompanying person is 250 US$. The cost of the integrated : package including some special services (bus transport from the Vienna : or Prague airport to Brno and back, a guided tour, a boat trip on the : dam) is 550 US$. This programme can be arranged for groups only. We : cannot refund a part of the fees in case you cannot stay for the whole : period of the conference. : ------------------------------------------------------------ : Contact Addresses : : The e-mail address of the programm committee (for paper submission): : : : The surface mail address of the programm committee (hard copy paper : submission): : : JCKBSE 2000 : Ludmila Ottova - secretary Department of : Computer Science and Engineering, Brno University of Technology, : Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Bozetechova 2, : 612 66 Brno, Czech Republic, tel: : +420-(0)5-4121 2219 fax: +420-(0)5-4121 1141 : ------------------------------------------------------------ : Preliminary Registration : : You can use mail, e-mail, fax, or preferably the electronic : registration form on the page for : your preliminary registration to JCKBSE 2000. : : ------------------------------------------------------------ : I am looking forward for your answer. : Best regards, : Tomas Hruska - PC co-chair : Brno University of Technology, : Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, : Bozetechova 2, 612 66 BRNO, Czech Republic : : phone: ++420+5-4121 2219 : fax: ++420+5-4121 1141 : : : : ===== Start of ISWorld List Footer ===== : ISWorld list is a service of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) : ( hosted at University College Dublin. For archives, : subscribing, or posting "norms" see : ===== End of ISWorld List Footer =====
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