-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP AMICS 2014 - End-User Information Systems, Innovation, and Organizational Change (SIGOSRA) Datum: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 17:43:25 +0000 Von: Frank Ulbrich Frank.Ulbrich@ufv.ca An: 'aisworld@lists.aisnet.org' aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
*20^th Americas Conference on Information Systems*
*Savannah, Georgia*
*August 7--10, 2014*
Call for Papers/Reviewers
*End-User Information Systems, Innovation, and Organizational Change (SIGOSRA)*
Frank Ulbrich mailto:Frank.ulbrich@ufv.ca*, *University of the Fraser Valley, Canada
Joao Porto de Albuquerque mailto:jporto@icmc.usp.br*, *University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
This track focuses on advancing research and application of information and communication technologies in the end-user environment to support work processes, improve employee performance, and enhance overall organizational effectiveness in direct support of goals and strategies.
We invite research papers on topics related to integrating information and communication technologies in the workplace including end-user innovation, business process redesign/management, project management, technology training and support, industry specific applications, work group technologies, knowledge management as an end-user technology, and technology adoption, assimilation and use. Papers related to curriculum issues, service learning, and other pedagogical topics---including teaching cases---are also invited.
The track is open to all types of research. Best papers from the mini-tracks will be considered for submission to the Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal (ITLPJ).
Please let us know at frank.ulbrich@ufv.ca mailto:frank.ulbrich@ufv.ca if you are interested in peer-reviewing manuscripts submitted to this track.
/Co-creating Innovations/
Carina Ihlström Eriksson mailto:carina.ihlstrom_eriksson@hh.se, Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn
In today's global and competitive market, many organization's innovation processes are shifting character from in-house and closed innovation processes to more open processes where several stakeholders are included to co-create digital innovations. One aim of opening up organization's boundaries is to reach long-term sustainability and growth of both organizations and society while taking human needs into account. Hence, long-term sustainability includes societal and human needs that preserve the environment from a global perspective so that human needs can be met for generations to come. These open approaches are manifested in new approaches to innovation such as open innovation, open source software development and living labs. New digital innovations influence and bring new values to societal and business practices. However, the process of bringing the potential value of an innovation from idea through design to the market is very challenging. By engaging the end-users and other relevant stakeholders into the innovation system and design cycle, it has been shown to improve the innovation capability and ensure applications and services create both user value and market acceptance.
Co-creating digital innovation contributes to the emerging challenges of mass-deployment of ICT solutions by bringing the users/consumers/citizens into the innovation system, thereby leveraging a large mass of ideas, knowledge and experiences. Such situated design methodologies have the potential of substantially improving innovation capability and forming the value networks that can realize innovation value that fulfill the needs of the users. One goal then is to engage and empower a diversity of stakeholders in open real-world experimentally driven innovation processes.
The IS field is a boundary crossing and co-creative research area where stakeholders, business areas, research disciplines and methods creates a multifaceted research area. In contrast to more traditional IS research contexts, co-creative innovation processes focus on identifying opportunities for digital innovations that contribute to and enrich people's everyday life including individual, organisational and wider societal contexts. Co-creative innovation processes offer interesting issues for theory and practice, creating new knowledge, methods and systems.
This mini-track expect papers on a broad range of issues related to innovative and co-creative approaches to digital innovation and engaging all stakeholders in the innovation process and value networks to realize the potential value of an innovation.
/Consumerization of IT - BYOD and Beyond/
Rob Nickerson mailto:RNick@sfsu.edu, Iris Junglas, Sebastian Köffer
Organizations are facing an expanding challenge in managing enterprise information technology: the consumerization of IT. The arrival of consumer-oriented devices and applications into the workplace is re-defining how corporate IT is adopted, delivered, and consumed. Personal devices such as smartphones and tablets may be brought to the workplace by employees (called BYOD) or provided by employers for use by the workforce to help employees in their jobs. Consumer-oriented applications, often in the cloud (such as Dropbox, Skype, Yammer LinkedIn, and GoogleDocs), may be used by employees for work-related activities with or without company sanction. While there is no single, universally accepted definition of IT consumerization, it can loosely be defined as the enterprise use of technologies that were originally designed for the consumer market.
End-users have mastered new digital technologies enough to begin to assert their independence from the constraints that the IT department has previously put in place to ensure the compliance, security, and stability of the corporate IT platform. Although the IT department has confronted "rogue" or "shadow" IT efforts in the past and dealt with "End User Computing" in the 1980s and 1990s, the recent technological advancements and the expanding level of IT literacy are changing the nature of how corporate IT and users of IT are managed.
While there are numerous industry-oriented articles on the consumerization of IT, little academic research has appeared. This dearth of research publications highlights the need for theoretical and empirical investigation into this topic. The purpose of this mini-track is to provide a forum for presenting research in this new and important area.
/End-User Training, Support, and Knowledge Management/
Elizabeth A. Regan mailto:earegan@mailbox.sc.edu
This mini-track will focus on user training, support, and knowledge management within and across organizations and cultures. Today's anywhere, anytime work environment is made possible by a wide-range of increasingly sophisticated communications and knowledge management technologies. Knowledge management, along with a growing array of collaborative tools and social media, has become increasingly mainstream for managing today's global enterprises. Moreover, the concept of managing end-user knowledge and expertise as an enterprise asset has proven both appealing and elusive. Now with the growth of big data and data mining, the concept of information or knowledge as a corporate asset has been gaining increasing credibility. Managing knowledge assets across a diverse workforce requires technical know-how along with sensitivity to an organization's culture, group dynamics, and individual work styles. Exploratory, theoretical, empirical and descriptive (case studies) papers related to end-user training, support, knowledge management, and knowledge as an asset are invited.
/IS and Process Innovation in Collaborative Networks /
Paul Drews mailto:drews@informatik.uni-hamburg.de, João P. de Albuquerque, Jens Pöppelbuß
Today's organizations are highly interconnected in manifold kinds of collaborative networks, such as virtual organizations, enterprise alliances, business ecosystems, supply chains, social networks, and ad-hoc networks (e.g., in disaster scenarios). These connections provide great potentials for organizations as complementary competencies can be brought together, leading to, e.g., product and service innovations, streamlined cross-organizational operations, and advanced uses of IS/IT. However, organizations within these collaborative settings are faced with an increasing socio-technical complexity which not only arises from integrating diverse organizations, their business processes and corresponding IS/IT infrastructures, but also from their interaction with people outside the organizational boundaries and with society (e.g., by mobile devices and social media).
Traditional approaches for IS/IT innovation management and organizational change can hardly be applied in this context, as they are generally focused on a single organization with well-defined borders. Hence, the design, management and deployment of IS and process innovations in collaborative networks represent relevant and current challenges for IS research. Answers to these challenges may include, for instance, adapting existing or developing novel IS frameworks, methodologies and approaches to deal with the socio-technical complexity of collaborative networks.
This mini-track aims at providing a forum for research on methods for analyzing and intervening into collaborative networks that consider the tremendous size, geographical dispersion, socio-technical intertwining as well as the limited possibilities to influence these networks. We encourage conceptual, theoretical, methodological as well as empirical contributions towards understanding and managing business processes and IS in collaborative networks.
/Managing End-User IS Innovation in Complex Organizational Networks and Ecosystems/
Elizabeth A. Regan mailto:earegan@mailbox.sc.edu
The integration of information and communication technologies across all industry sectors continues to challenge the ability of organizations to engage employees in innovations essential to realizing business value. Although computing devices have become ubiquitous in the workplace, IT applications seldom are used to their potential. This mini-track seeks papers related to implementing and managing end-user IS innovation in complex organizational networks and ecosystems. Research and practice related to all aspects of workplace transformation are invited. We are particularly interested in field research that addresses how organizations integrate information technology with business process to transform ways in which they deliver products and services and the impact of these innovations on the way people work and on customer satisfaction.
/Organizational Learning through Process Modelling/
Lars-Olof Johansson, Jens Pöppelbuß mailto:jepo@is.uni-bremen.de
For understanding and improving work practices, organizations frequently rely on process models. Process discovery activities (i.e., activities aiming at exploring how work is performed), for instance, help to understand the operation of business processes so that they can be represented in meaningful models which, in turn, can form the basis for employee training. Process-oriented methods (e.g., TQM, Lean Management, or Six Sigma) are widely adopted to improve the operations of organizations. More generally, business process orientation (BPO) is considered to help organizations to dissolve functional, in-house boundaries (e.g., between the IT department and other departments) as well as the boundaries to customers and suppliers. In this context, process models can serve as boundary objects between different intra- and inter-organizational communities of practice that facilitate organizational learning. However, many organizations also face problems with their process documentations. The ways people actually work often differ from the ways the organization has defined that work, leading to a model-reality divide. People may also be reluctant to implement and perform according to process designs that result from process improvement or reengineering projects.
New methods and tools can help organizations with the management of process-related knowledge and learning. Increasing involvement of employees and improved analytical approaches that disclose how processes are really performed can lead to more sustainable business processes, i.e., business process that will be accepted within the organization. Current web-based technologies, for instance, yield the potential to increase the involvement of employees in process modelling and process improvement activities. Making the documentation and analysis of business processes a more participatory and social endeavor appears promising to reduce organizational inertia. Improved analysis functionality like process mining helps to discover and analyze processes based on real event logs recorded by information systems, also leveraging organizational learning.
This mini-track intends to serve as a platform for research on the intersections between organizational learning, knowledge management, and process modelling/visualization. We invite contributions from disciplines including information systems, information management, organization, science, computer science and management science. Boundary-spanning research that connects business process modelling and organizational learning with other than the named disciplines is also welcome. We encourage papers applying a wide variety of methodologies, including quantitative and qualitative, empirical and theoretical research such as case studies, action research, surveys, experiments, and design science.
*Important Dates*
The AMCIS 2014 submissions website is open from *January 5, 2014* *until March 1, 2014*: ScholarOne's ManuscriptCentral http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2014
Authors will be notified as to whether their submission was accepted, conditionally accepted, or rejected by *Friday, April 4, 2014*.
Authors must have their revised submissions submitted by *Friday, April 18, 2014*.
Authors must submit their camera-ready, final papers by *Friday, April 25, 2014*.
At least one author of every accepted submission and all members of every accepted panel must present at AMCIS 2014 in Savannah. Authors should be prepared to present their papers or participate in panels at any time during the conference (*Thursday, August 7 to Sunday, August 10, 2014*). Failure to comply with this requirement can result in removal of papers or panelists from the AMCIS 2014 Proceedings.
Best regards,
*Frank Ulbrich, PhD *Director - School of Business
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33844 King Rd | Abbotsford BC V2S 7M8 | Canada Phone: +1 604 854 4551 or (Toll Free Canada) 1 888 504 7441 x4551 | Email: frank.ulbrich@ufv.ca mailto:frank.ulbrich@ufv.ca