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Subject: CfP Int. Conf. on Web Services - Europe 2003 (ICWS-Europe'03) Deadline: may, 23 Date: Sat, 17 May 2003 13:55:39 +0200 From: Rainer Unland unlandr@informatik.uni-essen.de To: Mario Jeckle mario@jeckle.de Cc: zhanglj@us.ibm.com
The International Conference on Web Services - Europe 2003
Theme: Web Services Architectures, Infrastructures and Applications
Location: Erfurt, Germany Date: 2003-09-23 and 2003-09-24
Web site: http://www.jeckle.de/ICWS03-Europe http://tab.computer.org/tfec/icws03
Important Dates Deadline Paper Submission: 2003-05-23: Notification of acceptance: 2003-06-20 Camera ready copies in electronic format: 2003-06-30.
The International Conference on Web Services - Europe 2003 (ICWS-Europe'03) is an international conference focusing on Web Services research and development and will be held in Germany in Oct, 2003. ICWS-Europe'03 is an extended event of the 2003 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'03) in Europe. It will be held concurrently with Net.ObjectDays'2003 (http://www.netobjectdays.org/node03/en/index.html) in Germany. ICWS provides a forum for researchers and industry practitioners to exchange information regarding advancements in the state of the art and practice of Web Services, as well as to identify the emerging research topics and define the future of Web Services computing. The first ICWS'03 will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, June 23 - 26, 2003.
After some time of early experience Web Services are moving themselves from a new highly fragmented technology to a piece of nowadays infrastructures which promise to address various current challenges. These include classical integration and data access challenges in a heterogeneous environment. Web Services provide an open and technology-agnostic interface, and furthermore propel new usage paradigms in distributed computing infrastructures like Grid services based OGSA (Open Grid Services Architecture).
Successful adoption of Web Service technology relies on the definition of interoperable architectural building blocks which can be integrated in existing software architectures, like J2EE or CORBA heritage. Interoperability will surely prove itself as the critical success factor of the Web Service proliferation. In order to accomplish these interoperability various standardization bodies such as the W3C, UN or OASIS founded activities to create specifications and products implementing these building blocks.
In the coming months, more and more early adopters will gain experience in deploying web services in their enterprises. Enterprises might try to extend the reach to external partners and lead to business to business exploring web services based integration. Web services metering, monitoring such as SLA (service level agreement) and choreography or web services flow management within enterprise and across enterprise will gain more attention.
Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
* Web Services based and Traditional Integration Architectures * Web services metering * Web Services and Semantic Web * Location-based Web Services Applications and Pervasive Services * Ontology for Web Services * Grid-based Services * Emerging Standards * Case Studies of Web Services Solutions * Interoperability --- Experiences and Desiderata * Web Services and E-Commerce * Web Services for Business Process Integration and Management * Federated Web Services Discovery * Web Services Choreography and Composition * Web services performance and modeling
Full papers must not exceed 15 pages (see http://www.netobjectdays.org Menu For Authors). All papers should be in Adobe portable document format (PDF) or PostScript format. The paper should have a cover page, which includes a 200-word abstract, a list of keywords, and author's e-mail address. Authors should submit a full paper via electronic submission to mario@jeckle.de or zhanglj@us.ibm.com. All papers accepted for ICWS-Europe'03 are peer-reviewed and will be published in a special proceedings "Web Services Computing" by Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
General Co-Chairs * Bogdan Franczyk, Leipzig University, Germany * Jen-Yao Chung, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Program Co-Chairs * Mario Jeckle, University of Applied Sciences Furtwangen, Germany * Liang-Jie Zhang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Industrial Chair * Zongwei Luo (University of Hong Kong)
Program Committee * Farhad Arbab (CWI Amsterdam) * Boualem Benatallah (University of New South Wales) * Fabio Casati (HP) * Schahram Dustdar (Vienna University of Technology) * Jean-Philippe Martin-Flatin (CERN) * Ulrich Frank (Koblenz University) * Garciela Gonzales (Sam Houston State University) * Patrick Hung (Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Org.) * Arne Koschel (Iona) * Zongwei Luo (University of Hong Kong) * Ingo Melzer (DaimlerChrysler) * Michael Stal (Siemens) * Son Cao Tran (New Mexico State University) * Rainer Unland (University of Duisburg-Essen) * Athanasios Vasilakos (University of Thessaly)
Important Dates
Extended Deadline: 2003-05-23: Notification of acceptance: 2003-06-20 Camera-ready copies in electronic format: 2003-06-30. --
***************************************************************************** *** Prof. Dr. Rainer Unland University of Duisburg-Essen Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB) Practical Computer Science, especially Data Management Systems and Knowledge Representation Schuetzenbahn 70 45117 Essen, Germany Tel.: (+49) 201-183 3421 Fax: (+49) 201-183 4460 email: UnlandR@informatik.uni-essen.de WWW: http://www.cs.uni-essen.de/dawis/ ***************************************************************************** ***