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Subject: 2nd CFP: EDOC 02 - Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 17:45:58 +0100 From: Gil Regev gil.regev@EPFL.CH To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
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C A L L F O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S -------------------------------------------
The 6th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference EDOC 2002
Organized by: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Location: Lausanne, Switzerland Date: September 17-20, 2002
Important Dates --------------- Abstract submission due: March 4, 2002 Paper submission due: March 22, 2002 Tutorial submission due: April 15, 2002 Acceptance notification: May 10, 2002 Camera-ready copy due: June 7 , 2002
Conference web site: http://icawww.epfl.ch/edoc ------------------- Conference email: edoc2002@epfl.ch ----------------
The Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference is the primary annual event addressing issues related to the design, management and evolution of enterprise systems and in particular the theories, best practices and technologies in Business Engineering and Distributed Systems Engineering. EDOC 2002 is the latest in the successful series of conferences, which since 1997 has brought together leading researchers and industry experts to discuss problems, solutions, and experiences in meeting current and future enterprise distributed computing needs.
The introduction of enterprise business and information systems still poses significant organisational, technical and engineering challenges. Enterprise systems must increasingly support inter-organisational collaborations that integrate business processes while satisfying the flexibility and security requirements of each business partner. The requirement for loosely coupled, event-driven enterprise applications both within and between enterprises is becoming increasingly apparent. Novel solutions, such as the OMG's Model Driven Architecture(TM), are needed for a closer integration of software systems with organisational goals, policies and procedures. These solutions also cater for managing the deployment, evolution, and re-engineering of enterprise components and services. However, improved tools and techniques are required for the co-ordination and integration of distributed software as well as the development of services that support mobility of users, devices and applications. Although the growing maturity of distributed object and component technologies provides a solid foundation for enterprise software development, major issues remain to be addressed.
The conference will include a high-quality technical program, tutorials, invited speakers and panel discussions. EDOC 2002 encourages submissions from practitioners on case studies, experience reports and applications in distributed object computing, as well as submissions on novel research and engineering achievements.
Technical Program -----------------
EDOC 2002 invites contributions on all aspects of distributed object and component /service based enterprise computing. Papers must describe original work and must not have been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. Submitted papers will be evaluated for technical contribution, originality, and significance. Major topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* System modelling techniques and tools (e.g. Model Driven Architecture(TM), meta-modelling, platform-dependent and independent models, mappings between models, generation of systems from models, information repositories, meta-object facility.)
* Enterprise modelling techniques and standards (e.g. specification and implementation of business processes, rules and policies, EDOC profile for UML, role modelling.)
* Web-services and component-based application development and operation for enterprise systems.
* Enterprise services and infrastructure support (e.g. service discovery, auto-configuration, messaging systems, security policies, workflow management, enterprise-level uses of, and enhancements to execution platforms such as J2EE or .NET.)
* Technologies for inter-enterprise co-operation and integration (e.g. business to business interactions, supply-chain management. )and customer-enterprise co-operation (e.g. customer relationship management.)
* Enterprise frameworks and technologies for the electronic marketplace (e.g. ebXML, BizTalk, e-speak.)
* Models, case studies and experience reports on vertical applications (e.g. OMG s domain task forces, financial applications.)
* Implementation and architecture issues of enterprise systems.
* Integration of mobile devices into enterprise systems.
Paper Submissions: Papers should not exceed 12 pages in the IEEE format. Please consult the IEEE author guidelines for details (http://www.computer.org/cspress/instruct.htm).
Submissions should be made electronically in PDF (preferred) or PostScript format. All paper submissions will be carefully reviewed by at least 3 international experts and comments will be returned to author(s) with each review. Presented papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings, published by the IEEE CS Press.
The paper submission process has two separate stages. First you will have to submit the details of the paper (title, authors, keywords, abstract). At the paper submission deadline, you will have to submit the electronic version of your paper.
Tutorial Proposals Tutorial proposals should be submitted to the program co-chair Keith Duddy (dud@dstc.edu.au ) and should include the tutorial title, the names and a brief biography for each presenter (approximately half page) and a summary of the tutorial contents (approximately 1-2 pages i.e. 500-1000 words). If the tutorial or an earlier version of it has been given before please indicate the events and dates.
Organizing Committee -------------------- General Chair: Prof. Alain Wegmann ICA-DSC, EPFL CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland E-mail:alain.wegmann@epfl.ch
Program Co-Chairs ----------------- Keith Duddy CRC for Enterprise Distributed Systems (DSTC Pty Ltd) Level 7, General Purpose South University of Queensland St Lucia, Qld 4072, Australia E-mail:dud@dstc.edu.au
Jan-Øyvind Aagedal SINTEF Telecom and Informatics P.O.Box 124 Blindern 0314 Oslo, Norway E-mail:Jan.Aagedal@informatics.sintef.no
Local Organization Chair ------------------------ Evelyn Dupperrex (ICA-DSC, EPFL, Switzerland) E-mail:evelyn.duperrex@epfl.ch
Publicity Chair --------------- Alexandra Vogler (ICA-DSC, EPFL, Switzerland) E-mail:alexandra.vogler@epfl.ch
Financial Chair --------------- Danielle Alvarez (ICA-DSC, EPFL, Switzerland) Email:danielle.alvarez@epfl.ch
IEEE ComSoc Liaison ------------------- To be defined.
Conference Steering Committee ----------------------------- Colin Atkinson chairman steering committee (University of Kaiserlautern and Frauenhofer IESE, Germany) Zoran Milosevic (DSTC, Australia) Cris Kobryn (Telelogic, USA) Morris Sloman (Imperial College, UK) Sanya Uehara (Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan) Guijun Wang (Boeing, USA)
Conference Program Committee ---------------------------- Mikio Aoyama (Nanzan University, Japan) Nigel Baker (University of West England, UK) Jean Bézivin (Université de Nantes, France) Derek Coleman (Hewlett-Packard, USA) Fred Cummins (EDS, USA) Desmond D Souza (Kinetium, USA) Wolfgang Emmerich (Zuhlke Engineering, UK) Kurt Geihs (Technical University of Berlin, Germany) Brian Henderson-Sellers (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia) Yigal Hoffner (IBM Lab, Switzerland) Sridhar Iyengar (Unisys, USA) Stuart Kent (University of Kent, UK) Peter Linington (University of Kent, UK) Claudia Linnhoff-Popien (Munich University, Germany) Emil Lupu (Imperial College, UK) Pericles Loucopoulos (UMIST, UK) Naftaly Minsky (Rutgers University, USA) Jishnu Mukerji (HP, USA) Takako Nakatani (Slagoon, Japan) Oscar Nierstrasz (University of Berne, Switzerland) Jim Ning (Accenture, USA) Francois Pacull (Xerox Research Europe, France) Thomas Preuss (University of Applied Sciences, FH Brandenburg, Germany) Kerry Raymond (DSTC, Australia) Martin Sachs (IBM Research, USA) Martin Schader (University of Mannheim, Germany) Richard Mark Soley (OMG, USA) Sandy Tyndale-Biscoe (Open-IT Ltd, UK) Peter Walker (Sun Microsystems, USA) Kurt Wallnau (Software Engineering Institute, USA) Andrew Watson (OMG, USA) Karl-Heinz Weiss (Oracle Consulting, Germany) Alan Wills (TriReme International, UK) Bryan Wood (Open-IT, UK) Kazuki Yoshida (Toshiba, Japan) Christian Zeidler (ABB Corporate Research, Germany)
Sponsors --------
IEEE Computer Society [Approval Pending] IEEE Communication Society [Approval Pending] Fassbind Hotels
In cooperation with: Object Management Group ACM
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