Sixth International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2006)
Palo Alto, CA :: July 11-14, 2006
Submission deadlines: * Paper abstracts: 3 February 2006 * Paper submissions: 10 February 2006
Selected papers will also be considered for a special issue of the Journal of Web Engineering
ICWE 2006 is an IW3C2 Endorsed Conference
The Sixth International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE'06) will be held July 2006 in Palo Alto, California, at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The conference continues the tradition of ICWE'05 in Sydney, Australia, ICWE'04 in Munich, Germany, ICWE'03 in Oviedo, Spain, ICWE'02 in Santa Fe, Argentina and ICWE'01 in Caceres, Spain.
ICWE'06 aims to promote research and scientific exchange related to Web Engineering and to bring together practitioners, scientists, and researchers, as well as those interested in learning more about Web Engineering. By Web Engineering, we refer to the technologies, methodologies, tools and techniques that are used to develop and maintain Web applications and to enable and improve the dissemination and use of Web-based content.
ICWE'06 invites original submissions in any of the following categories: papers, demonstrations, posters, or workshops.
Submissions may cover new approaches in Web Engineering, novel viewpoints and challenges on any aspect of Web Engineering, reports on the implementation or deployment of advanced Web projects in an industrial or application scenario, or descriptions of Web Engineering education experiences. Authors should explain the relationship of their work to the Web Engineering discipline as necessary in their submission. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. We anticipate the conference proceedings will be published by ACM. Selected papers will also be considered for a special issue of the Journal of Web Engineering after the conference.
IWCE'06 is jointly organized by the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, the University of San Francisco, and the University of California-Santa Cruz.
The conference will be roughly organized according to the following themes, with descriptions of potential topics within each of these themes. Please note that this list of topics is not exhaustive. Quality submissions that do not fit within these themes, but are still within the scope of Web Engineering, are also encouraged.
Building, maintaining, and engineering large-scale websites:
Content development systems, collaborative Web development, Integrated Web application development environments, use and integration of open-source tools and techniques, replication and data management, industrial practice and "lessons learned."
Modeling of Web Applications <<
UML modeling for the Web, Data models and software factories for the Web, Requirements engineering for Web applications, and Web site information design.
Knowledge representation and the Web <<
Semantic Web and its applications, RDF, OWL, folksonomies, microformats, tagging, query languages and processing, text and link analysis and summarization, working with rich media sources, metadata and search for non-textual data, and data mining for the Web.
Measuring and evaluating Web applications <<
Automated testing and evaluation, quality control, Web application security, metrics for evaluating web application performance, techniques for clustering and ranking documents or search results, verification and correctness.
Web convergence and non-traditional devices <<
Mobile and ubiquitous computing, Web accessibility, device independent Web Engineering, WAP or other cell-phone-targeted applications, protocols for targeting handheld devices, multimodal interfaces, voiceXML, and accessibility issues.
Service-oriented Architectures <<
Deployment, discovery, composition and integration of Web Services, reliability and transactional models for Web Services, adding semantics to Web Services, and Web Service-driven applications.
Web structure, group and community modeling <<
Social computing, models of trust and reputation, recommender systems, group formation, size and structure of the Web, educational tools and e-learning. peer-to-peer models and applications, and user modeling.
The following prizes will be awarded during ICWE'06:
Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award: These awards will be given to those papers which the judging panel views as contributing most to the advancement of Web Engineering. To be eligible for the best student paper award, the first author must have been a student at the time the paper was written and the paper must be predominantly reporting their work.
Best Presentation Award: This award will be given to the paper presentation which the judging panel feels best demonstrated the effective delivery of a paper, particularly in terms of informing the audience and engaging them in developing a clearer understanding of Web Engineering concepts.
Deadline for paper abstracts: 3 February 2006 Deadline for paper submissions: 10 February 2006 Notification of paper acceptance: 1 April 2006 Deadline for final versions: 19 April 2006
Papers can be submitted as either full papers (up to 8 pages), or poster presentations (with 2 pages in the proceedings). Authors of full papers will also be able to specify whether they would like their paper to be considered for acceptance as a poster if it is not accepted as a full paper. All accepted submissions will be included in the Conference Proceedings. For full submission details, please consult the ICWE'06 web site. Papers should be formatted according to ACM style guidelines.
ICWE'06 provides a forum for discussing ongoing work. We welcome poster reports on in-progress projects, demonstrations of early versions of software tools and products, invitations to cooperate on new project ideas, etc. Please submit demonstration proposals to the Posters and Demo Chair, Alolita Sharma (
We are also soliciting proposals for workshops. We intend for the workshops to be highly interactive forums for exchanging novel results, conducting in-depth discussions on a specific topic, or coordinating work among representatives of a technical community. Workshop proposals should be submitted to the Workshop Co-Chairs, Nora Koch ( and Luis Olsina ( A workshop proposal should include the following items: * Name of the workshop. * Names and affiliations of the organizer(s), identifying one primary contact. * A 200 word abstract, including the workshop's major topics, goals and expected outcomes. * Motivation: relevance of the workshop to the Web Engineering community; references to other workshops organized by the proponents at ICWE or other conferences. * Desired number of workshop participants (minimum and maximum). * Facilities, equipment and materials required. * A preliminary version of the Call for Papers, briefly describing the goals of the workshop, the participant selection process, the schedule of the activities, and the organizers' biography. * A short description of the activities that Workshop organizers propose to undertake for the success of the workshop.
General co-chairs: David Wolber, University of San Francisco, Neil Calder, SLAC Program co-chairs: Chris Brooks, University of San Francisco, Athula Ginige, University of Western Sydney, Australia Local Organization Chair: Bebo White, SLAC Treasurer: Jim Whitehead, University of California-Santa Cruz Sponsorship Chair: Terence Parr, University of San Francisco Keynotes Chair: T.V. Raman, Google Poster and Demo Chair: Alolita Sharma, Technetra Workshop and Tutorial co-chairs: Nora Koch, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Luis Olsina, National University of La Pampa, Argentina
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