-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [wkwi] CfP: GECON2010 - 7th Intl. Workshop on Economics of Grids, Clouds,Systems, and Services; submission deadline May 28th, 2010 Datum: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 08:37:27 +0200 (CEST) Von: Jörn Altmann jorn.altmann@acm.org Antwort an: postmaster@idefix.buva.sowi.uni-bamberg.de An: undisclosed-recipients:;
Call for Papers
GECON2010 7th International Workshop on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services http://www.my-groups.de/gecon2010
Ischia - Naples, Italy August 30-31, 2010 Co-located with Euro-Par 2010
Important Dates - Paper Registration Deadline: May 21th, 2010 - Paper Submission Deadline: May 28th, 2010 - Notification of Paper Acceptance: June 28th, 2010 - Camera Ready Paper Deadline: July 12th, 2010
This workshop follows the very successful past workshops (http://www.my-groups.de/gecon), where high-quality technical papers have been presented. - The proceedings will be published by Springer LNCS. - Extended versions of 4-6 accepted papers will be invited to get published by Elsevier in a special issue of the Journal of Future Generation Computing Systems.
Scope The commercial provisioning of computing resources is becoming ever more popular under the term “Cloud Computing”. The existing services are very diverse, ranging from Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) models, Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) models to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) models. Although the economics of these services is not understood yet and the interoperability of such services is still lacking, a common market for simple computing services is slowly developing. It allows buyers and sellers of computing services to trade easily. However, it is still not possible that any market participant can act as a resource provider or resource seller, depending on the current demand. Another example of developing an open market is the Web2.0-based service aggregation capability, which enables consumers to create new services by creating “mashups”. The benefit of these solutions is that value can be created through the combination of services, excess capacity can be sold to reduce costs, and demand peaks can be covered with outsourcing to external Grid resource providers. These examples of services are still simple. But, in the future, these services could not only be based around the offer of resources (e.g., network, storage, computing for mass markets) but also complex services encapsulating high-performance-computing algorithms or business workflows.
The GECON workshop invites researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to present and discuss economics-related issues and solutions associated with the development of these services. Contributed work can comprise extensions to existing technologies, successful deployments of technologies, economic analysis, and theoretical concepts. The purpose of this workshop is to gather original work and build a strong community in this increasingly important area of a future information economy.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to present final results and work in progress. However, submissions have to show original research in the area of Distributed Computing (Grid, Cloud and Peer-2-Peer Computing), Systems, and Economics. The topics of interest are: - Service Science - Business modeling - Service value chain and value networks - Economic modeling of networks, systems, software, and data - Software-as-a-Service models - Web2.0 and Peer-to-Peer system based charging - Markets, market mechanisms, and market models - Service-orientation of Cloud systems - Utility computing models for networked systems - Knowledge utility models - Business Process Analysis - Economics of Information Goods - Incentives for participation and resource sharing - Economic-enhanced Grid services - Analysis of pricing schemes for Cloud systems - Reports on test beds and operation - Analysis of application scenarios - Resource (computing, bandwidth, storage) selection and allocation - Metering, accounting, and charging - Billing systems and AAA systems - Decision support systems for users and providers - Capacity planning systems - Service level agreements (SLAs) - Economic aspects of XaaS Virtual organizations - Trust, security, and risk management - Standardization - Virtual organizations - Impact of legal requirements on distributed computing - Economics-aware operation of applications - Service Composition, service decomposition, service provisioning - Economics of software - Sustainable Infrastructure development
Submission Guidelines - Original, high-quality papers and works in progress, which are not currently under review by another conference, will be considered. - Submitted papers should not exceed 14 pages in Springer LNCS format (including references and appendices). For further details, visit the GECON2010 Web page. - Manuscripts will be reviewed based on technical merit, originality, and relevance. Past acceptance rate of Gecon has been below 33%. - Paper submissions are managed electronically via the EasyChair Website (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gecon2010)
Workshop Chair Jörn Altmann (Seoul National University, South-Korea), jorn.altmann(at)acm.org Omer F. Rana (Cardiff University, UK), o.f.rana(at)cs.cardiff.ac.uk
Organization Chair Marcel Risch (Seoul National University, South-Korea), marcel.risch(at)temep.snu.ac.kr
Program Committee Hermant K. Bhargava (UC Davis, USA) Ivona Brandic (Technical University of Vienna, Austria) Rajkumar Buyya (University of Melbourne, Australia) Costas Courcoubetis (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece) Jeremy Cohen (Imperial College London, UK) Dang Minh Quan (CREATE-NET, Italy) Karim Djemame (University of Leeds, UK) Torsten Eymann University of Bayreuth, Germany) Thomas Fahringer (University of Innsbruck, Austria) Wolfgang Gentzsch (DEISA, EU) Chun-Hsi Huang (University of Connecticut, USA) Odej Kao (Technical University of Berlin, Germany) Tobias A. Knoch (Erasmus University, Netherlands) Matthias Hovestadt (Technical University of Berlin, Germany) Bastian Koller (HLRS, Germany) Harald Kornmayer (NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany) Byungtae Lee (KAIST, South-Korea) Jysoo Lee (KISTI, South-Korea) Dan Ma (Singapore Management University, Singapore) Steven Miller (Singapore Management University, Singapore) Dirk Neumann (University of Freiburg, Germany) Rajiv Ranjan (University of Melbourne, Australia) Peter Reichl (Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria) Marcel Risch (Seoul National University, South-Korea) Simon See (Sun Microsystems, Singapore) Satoshi Sekiguchi (AIST, Japan) Arunabha Sen (Arizona State University, USA) Katarina Stanoevska (University of St.Gallen, Switzerland) Burkhard Stiller (University of Zurich, Switzerland) Steve Taylor (IT Innovation, UK) Bruno Tuffin (IRISA/INRIA, France) Kurt Vanmechelen (University of Antwerp, Belgium) Dora Varvarigou (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) Daniel Veit (University of Mannheim, Germany) Gabriele von Voigt (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany) Christof Weinhardt (University of Karlsruhe, Germany) Stefan Wesner (HLRS, Germany) Phillip Wieder (University of Dortmund, Germany) Ramin Yahyapour (University of Dortmund, Germany) Wolfgang Ziegler (Fraunhofer Institute SCAI, Germany)
--------------------------------- Prof. Dr. Jörn ALTMANN Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program Department of Industrial Engineering College of Engineering Seoul National University email: jorn.altmann@acm.org