-------- Original Message --------
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA)
An International Journal
Call for Papers for the Special Issue on the
'Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Modelling Tools'
Deadline for submission of an extended abstract: April 16, 2012
Deadline for submission of the final manuscript: June 4, 2012
Editors of the Special Issue
Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Andreas Oberweis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Stefan Strecker, University of Hagen, Germany
Description of Special Issue
The effective and efficient use of conceptual modelling methods and
modelling languages presupposes the availability of corresponding
modelling tools. Modelling tools represent a class of software systems
aimed at supporting modellers in constructing, documenting and
maintaining conceptual (meta) models and, at the same time, at
fostering integrity of models. Particularly with regard to
domain-specific modelling (DSM) approaches, the development of
graphical modelling tools has gained importance to support model-based
analyses and to realise a model-driven software development cycle. The
design, implementation and evaluation of modelling tools raises
particular software engineering and modelling challenges pertaining,
for instance, to model and diagram management, consistency and syntax
checking, synchronous and asynchronous collaborative modelling,
inter-tool diagram exchange, and model version control. Users of
modelling tools are faced by particular challenges resulting, for
instance, from partly subtle interdependencies between modelling tool,
its meta modelling environment, and the specification as well as
application of modelling languages.
This Special Issue is dedicated to capturing the current state-of-the
art in the area of modelling tool research with a focus on methodical
development of modelling tools. We strongly encourage submissions that
go beyond 'yet another modelling tool' and invite submissions that
address research challenges and direct further research. It is
expected that the submissions are based on sound methodical,
theoretical, conceptual-analytical and, where appropriate, hermeneutic
and/or behaviouristic approaches (e. g. case study-based
research). Submissions may not have been submitted or be under
consideration elsewhere and must constitute original work. It is
possible to submit a major revision of a manuscript already published
in workshop or conference proceedings given that the earlier
publication is properly referenced. In addition, it must be clearly
described and/or marked which parts of the manuscript have been
revised and of what nature the changes are.
Topics of interests to this Special Issue include but are not limited
Software development methods dedicated to the development of modelling
Systems architectures and architecture modelling for modelling tools,
Automated modelling tool generation and corresponding theoretical,
technical and practical challenges,
Interdependencies between modelling tool, its meta modelling
environment, and the specification of modelling languages,
Approaches to bridge the gap between modelling languages and
implementation languages,
Modelling tools for collaborative modelling and solutions to
corresponding software development challenges,
Design patterns and rules with respect to modelling tool development,
Economic analysis of modelling tools and their development,
especially under consideration of free and open source software
frameworks and platforms,
Challenges in modelling tool development and potential solution
candidates (e.g., layout algorithms, model versioning, distributed
modelling, tool usability),
Evaluation and critical review of modelling tools, their
architectures, underlying frameworks and platforms,
The use of modelling tools in organizations.
Experience reports and case studies on modelling tool development,
evaluation, and use in practical applications are encouraged as well
and will be considered for the special EMISA category of articles,
'Guidelines for Successful Practice', intended to foster the
application of modelling methods and languages in organizations.
Important dates:
2012-03-31: Optional submission of an extended abstract (max. 4 pages;
motivation of research, research method, related work, key results).
Submissions of an extended abstract is strongly recommended.
2012-05-01: Deadline for submission of manuscripts.
Instructions for authors including guidelines for manuscript
preparation are available online. Authors are asked for electronic
submissions via the submission management system available at
http://www.wi-inf.uni-duisburg-essen.de/ojs/. In case of multiple
authors, it is required to name one author who uploads the
submission. The submission should include a cover page with the
paper's title and the names, affiliations and e-mail addresses of all
authors. The first page of the paper starts with the title and does
not carry the authors' names. Submissions must be completely anonymous
(including document metadata). Submitted manuscripts are accepted
either in MS-Word or PDF format. A LaTeX template is
available. Submissions should not exceed 7.000 words. In addition to
the paper, an abstract (around 150 words) has to be
provided. Submitted papers will be reviewed within no more than two
months. The review process is double blind. Authors who submit a
manuscript guarantee that it has not been published elsewhere, nor is
intended to be published elsewhere. Papers that were accepted for
publication must be written according to the style defined for the
journal. Please keep in mind that the journal EMISA uses British
Please see
for further information.
Best regards
Prof. Dr. Stefan Strecker
Information Systems Development Research Group
University of Hagen, Germany
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