-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] IBM Cloud Conference cfp
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 16:51:15 -0600
From: Sue Conger <sue.conger@gmail.com>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org


The IBM Cloud Academy and
 IBM Centers for Advanced Studies (RTP, Chicago, Heritage Corridor, Florida)  
invite you to the
1st  International IBM Cloud Academy Conference
ICA CON 2012
Thursday and Friday, April 19-20, 2012
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
at the IBM Employee Activity and Fitness Center
Building 400, Cornwallis Drive
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Conference website: http://www.ibm.com/solutions/education/cloudacademy/us/en/cloud_academy_conference.html

If you plan to attend, please register at:
We are currently accepting submissions for papers and poster presentations at:
Best papers will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Cloud Computing

For more information, contact conference co-chairs Andy Rindos (rindos@us.ibm.com) or Chris Bernbrock (cwbernbr@us.ibm.com)

ICA CON 2012, the 1st International IBM Cloud Academy Conference, will provide an exciting opportunity for educators and researchers to share ideas and experiences in cloud computing. The conference is open to both K-12 and higher education institutions already implementing cloud technologies and services, or considering doing so.
The program will include invited keynotes, technical papers, position papers, workshops and a technology showcase. The technical papers portion of the conference program will feature experience reports and original research papers. The technology showcase will feature poster presentations and demonstrations on cloud computing research or implementations in progress. Selected papers from conference proceedings will be published as a special edition of the International Journal of Cloud Computing IJCC http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalCODE=ijcc

ICA CON 2012 will be an excellent venue for presenting original work, exchanging new ideas, embracing cloud technologies, sharing results and experiences, and networking with other leading institutions who are already implementing cloud solutions.

Call for Papers
We invite submission of papers / presentations or posters on the use of cloud computing for educational and research purposes. Of particular interest will be submissions featuring original research or experience reports that address how the transition to cloud computing is helping to transform education. The latter is intended to facilitate the sharing of best practices with real-world examples illustrating improvements in quality, outcomes, lessons learned and return-on-investment.
A range of topics relevant to cloud computing in education and research will be considered. Here are some areas to show the range of interests and possibilities:
Institutional Strategy and Planning for Cloud Computing
Building the institution's future infrastructure on a cloud
Culture change challenges in transitioning to cloud computing
Economic Models of, and Economic Development through, Cloud Computing
Financial impact and benefits of cloud computing
Roadmap for adoption, integration and transition to cloud computing
Data Management and Analytics on the Cloud
Business Intelligence for education and research purposes using cloud computing
Analytics and predictive analytics in cloud environments
Big Data in clouds
Storage management and clouds
User Productivity with Cloud Computing
Collaboration using cloud computing
Enhancing accessibility through cloud services
Workloads and Use Cases of cloud for education and research
Cloud Computing Implementation Strategies
Building Green Data Centers
Data Center migration to cloud computing
Energy Management Considerations
Integration and workflow of cloud services
Impact on IT Infrastructure Management with cloud computing
IT Service and Relationship Management (Business and IT)
Service Oriented Architecture and cloud computing
Software development services with cloud computing
Research Computing in the Cloud
High Performance Computing and cloud computing
Research computing models using cloud computing
Pedagogical Impact of Cloud Computing
Impact on learning and teaching with cloud computing
Delivering educational resources via a cloud
New and Innovative Pedagogical Approaches with cloud
Service Sciences, Management and Engineering (SSME)
Standards and Open Source Strategies for Cloud Computing
Innovations in IP (especially as relates to Open Source)
Open standards for cloud computing
Systems Management in a Cloud Computing Environment
Service level agreements and clouds
Security, identity, trust and privacy on clouds
Software licensing in education for cloud computing

Papers / presentations proposals on the implementation and research issues associated with the virtualization technology, management and security policies and user applications that underlie or utilize solutions like the Virtual Computing Lab and SPSS Decision Management for Education are also encouraged, as here is a significant interest in these areas within the academy presently.
Important dates

January 20, 2012
Deadline - abstracts for papers/posters due

February 17, 2012
Acceptance notification to authors/presenters of papers/posters for conference
March 16, 2012
Full papers due for preliminary proceedings
April 19-20, 2012
ICA CON 2012 in Research Triangle Park, NC

Review Procedure
All submissions will be peer reviewed by appropriate domain experts among those listed on the Program Committee.. The reviewers know that the ICA CON 2012 conference aims to produce innovative as well as quality work, and that authors of selected papers / presentations will be selected and invited to have work published in a special issue of the International Journal of Cloud Computing / IJCC http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalCODE=ijcc
Submission Format
Abstract up to 250 words
Anonymized (remove author names and affiliations) for the review process.
To facilitate the subsequent publication of selected manuscripts, we suggest you check with the guidelines used by the International Journal of Cloud Computing at the outset: Submissions guidelines (http://www.inderscience.com/mapper.php?id=31)
Submission implies willingness of at least one author to register and present at the conference.
To submit:
To submit your extended abstract for consideration, please go to:


For more information, contact conference co-chairs Andy Rindos (rindos@us.ibm.com) or Chris Bernbrock (cwbernbr@us.ibm.com)

Program Co-Chairs and Steering Committee
Sharon Pitt, George Mason University
Art Vandenberg *, Georgia State University
Mladen Vouk, North Carolina State University
Chris Bernbrock, IBM
Son Huynh, IBM
Paul Kontogiorgis, IBM
Andy Rindos *, IBM
* Proceedings Co-Chairs as well
  Program Co-Chairs will also serve as reviewers
Registration Chair
   Alisha Malloy, North Carolina Central University

Program / Reviewers Committee:
   Fernando Brito e Abreu (U Nova de Lisboa)
Rui Aguiar (U de Aveiro)
D Turgay Altilar (Istanbul Tech U)
Rodolfo Ambrosetti (IBM)
Glenn Ammons (IBM)
Arun Anandasivam (KIT)
Shivnath Babu (Duke)
Helena Barbas (U Nova de Lisboa)
Jorge Gomes Barbosa (U Porta)
Joao Paulo Barros (Polytech Inst Beja)
Umesh Bellur (IITB)
Michel Bezy (CMU)
David Bernstein (IBM)
Peter Bloodsworth (NUST)
Bob Brookshire (U of SC)
Larry Burton (NCA&T)
Miguel Calejo (Universidade do Minho)
Paul Carlson (City of Columbus)
Anu Chirinos (FIU)
Rada Chirkova (NC State)
Sue Conger (U Dallas)
Antonio Corradi (U Bologna)
João Falcão e Cunha (U Porta)
Jose Cunha (U Nova de Lisboa)
Ron Dattero (U Missouri)
Carlos De Backer (U Antwerp)
Murthy Devarakonda (IBM)
Michael Devetsikiotis (NC State)
Bruce Dillon (IBM)
Beniamino Di Martino (Seconda U di Napoli)
Henrique João L. Domingos (New U Lisbon)
Robert Eades (IBM)
Chaker El Amrani (Abdelmalek Essaadi U)
D. Cenk Erdil (Bilgi U)
Terry Escamilla (IBM)
Rustem Faizullin (IBM)
Vitor Basto Fernandes (Inst. Polytech Leira)
Sew Bun Foong (IBM)
Anne Rivers Forcke (IBM)
Rodney Foreman (IBM)
Joao C. Freitas (U Nova de Lisboa)
Stephane Gagnon (U Québec en Outaouais)
Robert Geist (Clemson)
Enrico Giunchiglia (U Degli Studi Genova)
Clay Gloster (NCA&T)
Sebastien Goasguen (Clemson)
Donna Grant (NCCU)
Adam Grzech (Wroclaw Polytechnic)
Sergio Guerreiro (U Lusófona Human e Tec)
Xiaohui Helen Gu (NC State)
Rajeev Gupta (IBM)
Milt Halem (UMBC)
Xiao Wei Hu (IBM)
Anupam Joshi (UMBC)
Karuna Joshi (UMBC)
Matjaz B. Juric (U Ljubljana)
Jasleen Kaur (UNC)
Alexander Keller (IBM)
David Kaminsky (IBM)
Bina Khimani (IBM)
Mike Kirgan (FIU)
Petra Kopp (IBM)
Vladimir Korenkov (U Dubna)
Jack Kouloheris (IBM)
Richard Kouri (NC State)
Michael Kowolenko (NC State)
Helmut Krcmar (Tech U München)
Dietmar Kuebler (IBM)
Eng Pin Kwang (TPU)
Chung-Sheng Li (IBM)
Tao Li (FIU)
Dave Lindquist (IBM)
Marin Litoiu (York U)
Richard Lucic (Duke)
Hari Madduri (IBM)
Alisha Malloy (NCCU)
Mukesh Mohania (IBM)
Alan Moraes (U Federal da Paraíba)
Paul Mugge (NC State)
Hamid Mukhtar (NUST)
T. N. Nagabhushan (IISc)
Chris Nero (IBM)
Peng Ning (NC State)
Charles Nicholas (UMBC)
Rui Oliveira (U Minho)
Yi Pan (GSU)
Andras Pataricza (BME)
Marcelo Perazolo (IBM)
Harry Perros (NC State)
Diane Pozefsky (UNC)
Jan Prins (UNC)
Sivakumar Rajendran (IBM)
Rajiv Ramnath (Ohio State U)
Jayashree Ramanathan (Ohio State U)
Mike Reiter (UNC)
Armanda Rodrigues (U Nova de Lisboa)
Di Rui-Hua (BJUT)
Wieland Sabine (HfTL)
Masoud Sadjadi (FIU)
Fred Sadri (UNCG)
Sambit Sahu (IBM)
Javier González Sánchez (Arizona State U)
Henrique Santos (U Minho)
Sandra Saúde (Polytech Inst Beja)
Henry Schaffer (NC State)
Berni Schiefer (IBM)
Rainer Schmidt (HTW Aalen)
Jeanne Schreurs (U Hasselt)
Cameron Seay (NCA&T)
Pedro Sequeira (Polytech Inst Santarém)
Eric Sills (NC State)
Mark Simpson (IBM)
Don Smith (UNC)
Pedro Sobral (U Fernando Pessoa)
Mike Spreitzer (IBM)
M. N. Srinivas (U Mysore)
Sarah Stein (NC State)
David Stotts (UNC)
Eleni Stroulia (U Alberta)
Nasseh Tabrizi (ECU)
Kishor Trivedi (Duke)
Bart Vashaw (IBM Research)
Jamshid Vayghan (U Minn)
Jiri Vorisek (U Economics, Prague)
Elizabeth Woodward (IBM
Eric Wiebe (NC State)
Laurie Williams (NC State)
Jacob Yackenovich (IBM)
Yaacov Yesha (UMBC)
Yelena Yesha (UMBC)
Yi Liang (BJUT)

IBM Employee Activity and Fitness Center,
Building 400, Cornwallis Drive,
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709


Paul Kontogiorgis
IT Services Curriculum Program Director
SSME Advocate
email: paulkont@us.ibm.com