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Subject: SPECIAL ISSUE ON: Management of Global Software Development: Opportunities, Challenges and Lessons L
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SPECIAL ISSUE ON: Management of Global Software Development:
Opportunities, Challenges and Lessons Learned

Background and Scope

Global Software development (GSD) has recently emerged as a viable and
important software development paradigm. Many companies have been adopting
GSD approaches due to limited availability of software development expertise at the host companies and to reduce software development costs.
Previous work suggests that half of the companies that have tried GSD have
failed to realise the anticipated outcomes which has resulted in poor global relationships, misunderstanding of the projects\' requirements, high costs and poor services. There are many reasons for these failures.
One of the major issues in GSD is that many clients endorse global contracts with their vendors prior to testing their project management capabilities for the global activity.

However, the scope of GSD is expanding from focusing only on reducing cost to improving organisations\' overall management of software development capabilities. Understanding issues relating to managing GSD initiatives will help to ensure the successful outcome of projects and to maintain long lasting relationships between clients and vendors in different geographical locations. This special issue is aimed to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to share their advancements on management of GSD initiatives. We will welcome research papers which report new
methodologies, experiments, technologies and empirical studies. Experience papers and practical reports on industrial case studies are particularly welcomed.
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-Managing global software development: planning,controlling, directing, team building, managing diversity, measurements and evaluation.
-Managing software process improvement in global software development
-Communication, trust, coordination and collaboration challenges in global software development
-Managing human behaviours in global software development
-Managing virtual software development teams
-Empirical studies of managing global software development
-Software process paradigms for global software development (planned, agile, balanced, etc)
-Methods and tools for global software development: requirements engineering, design, coding, verification, testing and maintenance
-Empirical studies of collaborative technologies in global software development
-Empirical studies of global software development teams
-Strategic issues in managing global software development (offshoring, nearshoring, onshoring etc.), w ork distribution models, supplier selection and management, and costbenefit analysis
-Knowledge management in global software development
-Multi-cultural aspects in global software development
-Software global development risk management
-Global software development practices & metrics
-Economy of global software development
-Lessons learned from past projects
-Teaching global software development
Proposed publication schedule
Deadline for submission of
papers: 30 April 2011
Authors to receive a 1st
decision by: 30 August 2011
Final notification of acceptance:
30 November 2011
On-line and print publication:
February 2012 (subject to IET Schedule)

Submission Guidelines

All papers must be submitted through t he journal\'s Manuscript Central system: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iet-SEN

Special issue guest editors:
Dr. Mahmood Niazi (corresponding editor)
Keele University
E: m.k.niazi@cs.keele.ac.uk
Dr. Narciso Cerpa
Universidad de Talca
Dr. Valentine Casey
Dundalk Institute of Technology
IET Publishing Dept. contact:
Paul Rowley
Editorial Assistant
IET Software
E: prowley@theiet.org

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