-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] 2nd Call for Papers: Workshop on Flexible Advanced Information Systems Datum: Thu, 1 Feb 2018 10:04:35 +0000 Von: Pufahl, Luise Luise.Pufahl@hpi.de Antwort an: Pufahl, Luise Luise.Pufahl@hpi.de An: wi@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de wi@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
2^nd Call for Papers: 1st Workshop on Flexible Advanced Information Systems (FAiSE), co-located with the 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE)
June 11/12, 2018, Tallinn, Estonia
Due to the recent development of digital systems, IoT-technologies and the uptake of the digitalization wave in industries, massive amounts of data and events are being continuously generated and are readily available. These data can be used by organizations to provide smarter and personalized services and products to people and organizations, as well as to improve the efficiency of their work and the value of their business models. The new challenges that information systems are facing in this context are related to both being able to exploit the data stemming from the IoT and the ability to react fast to the changes notified by these data.
Therefore the main purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for discussions on the synergies of the IoT, innovative technologies, and advanced information systems and thus encourage exchange between researchers and practitioners towards identifying concepts and approaches supporting the exploitation of advances in IoT towards enabling flexible information systems. We are especially interested in the reconciliation of the divide between any of the following areas:
·Digitalization and IoT for smarter and personalized services to people and organizations
·Flexible Information systems that allow organizations to maintain control and react to constant changes in competitive, rapidly changing environments
·Data-driven process performance improvement - data analytics and its integration into flexible advanced information systems
More specifically the relevant topicsare as follows:
·Synergies and integration of Information Systems and IoT, through e.g. event processing, monitoring, flexibility and other approaches
·Flexible information systems - engineering aspects and methodologies, techniques and infrastructures
·Data-driven processes - e.g. modelling, execution, monitoring and flexibility aspects
·Advanced Information Systems design and engineering principles for data-driven process performance improvement
·Flexible design and/or execution of processes using different approaches and technologies
·Lessons learned and case studies showing success stories of synergies between Information Systems, IoT and Business Process Management
FAiSE 2018 calls for formal/technical papers as well as empirical/industrial papers submissions of up to 12 pages. All accepted submissions will be published in the LNBIP volume of the CAiSE 2018 workshop proceedings. More information can be found at https://bpt.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/FAiSE18 https://bpt.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/FAiSE18
Important Dates:
Submission of papers: March 4, 2018
Notification of acceptance: April 6, 2018
Final paper version: April 13, 2018
Dimka Karastoyanova, University of Groningen (RUG) and Luise Pufahl, University of Potsdam, Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI)
Luise Pufahl, M.Sc.
Research Assistant / PhD Student
Business Process Technology Group
Campus Griebnitzsee | Universität Potsdam
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Straße 2 - 3 | 14482 Potsdam
Tel.: 0331 5509-195
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Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Digital EngineeringgGmbH
Amtsgericht Potsdam, HRB 12184
Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel
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