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Subject: [AISWorld] [CFP for Volume 2, Issue 2 ] Journal of Cyber Forensics and Advanced Threat Investigations
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2021 15:11:49 +0100
From: Andrew Zayine <scholarshipchile@gmail.com>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

You are cordially invited to submit your research to the International
Journal of Cyber Forensics and Advanced Threat Investigations (CFATI),
which is the first open access, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal, that
is dedicated entirely to the study of tools, techniques, procedures,
and methodologies of Red, Yellow, and Blue teamers.

CFATI is a gold-open access journal, which means it does not charge
fees neither to authors nor to readers and is entirely maintained by
the Association of Cyber Forensics and Threat Investigators.

Topics of Interest
The journal publishes original research, practical, review articles,
case studies, and legal analysis reports related to all areas of
cybersecurity, digital forensics, incident response, and threat

The scope includes the measures that governments or organization
should follow to protect the online information & critical
infrastructure, the impacts of cyber-crime & cyber-attacks in
organizations and/or individuals, malware/ransomware, analysis &
reversing, hardware/software security testing, zero-day attacks &
exploits, large-scale digital investigations, unconventional
penetration testing tactics, techniques & tools, social engineering &
human hacking, anti-forensics & anti-anti-forensics, identity theft &
protection, women in cybersecurity & challenges faced by women in
cyber forensics, relevant case studies in cybersecurity, digital
forensics, incident response, & threat investigations, and proficient
strategies for tackling the various types of cyber-attacks and

Author Guidelines
Authors are solicited to contribute to this journal by submitting
articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works,
and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in
cybersecurity, digital forensics, incident response, and threat

Please browse through the journal website to find out more information
about the focus and scope of the journal and the author's guidelines.

The Journal welcomes five kinds of submissions:
* Research Articles,
* Practical Articles,
* Review Articles,
* Case Studies,
* Legal Analysis Reports.

All manuscripts undergo blind reviewing by at least 2 well-qualified
reviewers. Their task is to provide constructive, fair, and timely
advice to authors and editors. Please browse through the journal
website to find out more information about the author's guidelines.

Articles must be submitted through the dedicated system available at

Submitted works will be assessed primarily on originality,
significance, technical soundness, and quality of presentation.
Contributions should conform to generally accepted practices for
scientific papers with respect to organization, clarity, and style.
Besides technical contributions, Submissions must be original and
should not have been published previously or be under consideration
for publication while being evaluated for this journal.

Kindly in any manuscript, submissions use the journal layout template either in

Microsoft Word: https://conceptechint.net/CFATI-Word-template.zip
LaTeX formats: https://conceptechint.net/CFATI-LaTeX-template.zip

Time Schedule
Paper Submission Due: May 03, 2021
Notification to Authors: July 20, 2021
Camera-Ready Papers Due: August 28, 2021
Publication Date: Determined by the Editor-in-Chief

Contact Information
All questions about submissions should be emailed to cfati@conceptechint.net

The CFATI Journal has a mailing list opened to the community, where we
publish any public content such as blog posts, screencasts, or
webinars that are relevant to cybersecurity, digital forensics,
incident response, and threat investigations. We encourage you to
enroll in our mailing list to get notified about any new content.


Editorial Office,
Journal of Cyber Forensics and Advanced Threat Investigations
Concept Tech Publishing,
Carryduff, United Kingdom.

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