-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Resubmitting the CFP for the Copenhagen Co-Creation conference 1st and 2nd of September 2011
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 12:10:10 +0100
From: Sudhanshu Rai <sr.inf@cbs.dk>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

Dear Colleagues


Several people have informed me that the attached file for the CFP for the Copenhagen Co-Creation conference was faulty. I resubmit the CFP in this mail for the benefit of the community.





- Co-Creating Innovative Technologies for Future Markets -


The Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and Danish Design Association invite you to participate in the 2nd Copenhagen Co-Creation Conference on ‘Co-creating Innovative Technologies for Future Markets’.


The conference will take place on

September 1. & 2.

Copenhagen Business School, Denmark




Call for Submissions and Participation 


Design and Innovation is increasingly becoming an important lever for creating new opportunities for companies as new technologies emerge, creating new markets.


Co-creation is an innovative way to combine resources across different knowledge platforms and geographical regions. Co-creation is the process of visualizing, designing, combining and developing an artifact or systems that support the commercialization of that artifact. The focus of co-creation is to seek and design new and future markets.  The process of co-creation is as much a process of coordination as it is of knowledge generation, construction and instruction. Co-creation implies the coming together of diverse, non-similar knowledge bases to collectively identify an opportunity and pool their knowledge and resources together to take advantage of the opportunity. In co-creation of IT innovation, information technology - with its domain flexible knowledge - drives the opportunity identification and goal setting.


The 2nd Copenhagen Co-Creation Conference will gather stakeholders from the academia, the industry and the civil society to create an environment of proactive dialogue about co-creation. The goal of the conference is to explore how markets can be identified, formed and explored via co-creation processes, and how markets redefine themselves and evolve by engaging with co-creation; and how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can assist the process of co-creation over time and space.


The conference will address both the managerial and entrepreneurial challenges of engaging with ‘co-creation’ as a concept and the academic challenges of researching on co-creating innovation for future markets.


The 2nd Copenhagen Co-Creation Conference is organized with an academic summit the 1st of September, and a industry-focused workshop on the 2nd of September.


The conference will seek to explore co-creation from (at least) two perspectives:


·       Allow a space for the industry to populate the concept of co-creation with ideas from practice (either the ones being used or planned to be used) along with possible difficulties and challenges involved due to organizational constraints.

·       Allow a space for academics to draw upon research and develop models, tools and techniques that would enrich the idea of co-creation. 



For submission guidelines and additional information, consult the conference website: www.cocreatech.dk (launches formally late February 2011).


Target Audience  

The conference is expected to gather and inspire academics, professionals, researchers, activists, managers, entrepreneurs, think-tanks and leaders who would deliberate upon the opportunities and challenges of building a future market through Co-creation models. It will draw upon experiences, expertise, and knowledge-sharing from across the academia, government, civil society, community of practitioners, international organizations, bilateral and multilateral agencies. 


Themes for Submissions

We invite submissions on a variety of topics in the context of co-creation. Functionally, papers will be organized around four clusters of ideas, as follows: 


Papers are invited on the following topics:  


1. Context Cluster

1.1. Address the challenges of local, regional and global diversity in Co-creation

1.2. Identify institutional boundaries and logic in Co-creation

1.3. Map institutional differences and identify tensions among multiple contexts with reference to Co-creation


2. Process Cluster

2.1. Explore the challenges and opportunities of connecting emergent and developed economies

2.2. Address approaches to innovation

2.3. Identify the competence of Co-creation vis-à-vis knowledge and tensions

2.4. Discuss aid campaigning models and opportunities for Co-creation projects

2.5. Identify and select contexts for Co-creation projects 


3. The Practicing Community Cluster

3.1. Address variance in innovation trajectories vis-à-vis possibilities of open and closed participation

3.2. Explore the issues of legitimization, knowledge-combination and ethical responsibility vis-à-vis actors, networks and stakeholders involved in Co-creation 

3.3. Discuss the issue of creating affordable technologies for the underprivileged

3.4. Explore the challenge of developing skills, especially among the underprivileged, to use the technologies involved in Co-creation


4. The Market Creation Cluster

4.1. Address services and processes that would increase well-being and welfare of the participants

4.2. Map services, products, and platforms that can create Co-creation

4.3. Explore the challenges and possibilities of micro-finance for entrepreneurs

4.4. Discuss the challenges of mapping changing constellations of interest and cognition

4.5. Identify suitable inclusion and exclusion rules in the process of Co-creation


Submission Guidelines
Information regarding submission of research papers will appear on the website www.cocreatech.dk on the 24th of February 2011
Types of contributions 
Submissions for the 2nd Copenhagen Co-Creation Conference can be in the form of full research papers, short papers (research in progress), panel proposals and workshop proposals. 
Full papers should not exceed 14 pages all inclusive (single line spacing, 12 point font size)
Short papers should not exceed 8 pages all inclusive (single line spacing, 12 point font size)
Please consult the conference website for formatting and submission instructions: www.cocreatech.dk (available late February 2011). 
 The papers accepted for presentation will be published as part of the proceedings of the 2nd Copenhagen Conference on Co-creation.  
All submissions are subject to a double-blind reviewing process managed by the Program Committee (program committee chair: Bloch Rasmussen, Copenhagen Business School. Email: lbr.caict@cbs.dk).
Important Dates for both research papers and research in progress papers 
- Submission Deadline: May 15, 2011
- Notification to Authors of acceptance: June 15, 2011
- Camera-ready deadline: July 15, 2011



The conference will take place at the Copenhagen Business School (Copenhagen, Denmark)


Copenhagen Business School

Solbjerg Plads 3

2000 Frederiksberg



Ph.: +45 3815 3815



Conference Committee

Dr. Sudhanshu Rai (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)

Prof. Krithi Ramamritham, (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India)

Prof. Mogens Kühn Pedersen (Copenhagen Business School)

Dr. Leif Bloch Rasmussen (Copenhagen Business School)

Dr Anders Drachen (Copenhagen Business School)


Information and Contacts

For further information contact Leif Bloch Rasmussen (lbr.caict@cbs.dk) or Sudanshu Rai (sr.inf@cbs.dk)




With Warm Regards


Sudhanshu Rai, PhD

Post Doc

Lead investigator Cc-Creation of Innovation for future markets; "CCLIFM"

Team Leader, Euro-India ICT R&D Project 2008-2009

Copenhagen Business School

Department of Informatics

Howitzvej 60

DK-2000 Frederiksberg


Office.: +45 38 15 24 94

e-mail, work: sr.inf@cbs.dk 

Euro-India Project  http://www.euroindia-ict.org

Website http://www.euroindia-ict.org 

CBS India http://uk.cbs.dk/forskning_viden/institutter_centre/projekter/cbs_india_portal

CCLIFM-  http://www.cocreatech.dk  

Blog  http://stepbystepinnovation.blogspot.com