-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for papers and special session proposals: ISCRAM 2011 Social Media and Collaborative Systems Track
Datum: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 01:21:16 -0400
Von: Linda Plotnick <linda.plotnick@gmail.com>
An: AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org



The 8th International Conference on Information Systems for

Crisis Response and Management

"From early-warning systems to preparedness and training"


Lisbon, Portugal, May 8-11, 2011









Introduction of the track

The convergence of information and communication technologies, the growth of the Internet including the mobile Internet, and the advent of technologies known under the general heading of Web 2.0 have all contributed to our ability to collaborate over great distances, both synchronously and asynchronously.  Our aim in this track is to explore how these new approaches to and support for collaboration can help in crisis management and response.  How might such collaboration technologies help:


·         preparation for disasters?

·         the crisis management team in their decision making on the handling the event?

·         the crisis management team in their interactions with a wide range of responders, government bodies, various publics and stakeholders and, of course, the victims and their families?

·         all parties build a picture and share information about a developing crisis?

·         widen the range of stakeholders who can join fully in handling the crisis and recovery?

·         involve communities fully during the recovery phase to rebuild and return to normality?

·         communities to work together, alongside but independently of government and non-governmental agencies, to inform and help themselves, co-ordinating citizen-led efforts?

·         virtual teams and virtual communities develop processes and software for emergency management and recovery?


Track topics

Papers are invited that provide rich description and/or evaluation of the actual use of novel web based and other systems for collaboration and/or widespread participation in any phase of emergency management, from initial planning and preparedness, through detection, response, and recovery phases.  This might include, among others:



Track co-chairs

-  Starr Roxanne Hiltz, NJIT

-  Paloma Díaz, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

   Linda Plotnick, Jacksonville State U., USA

   (another co-chair to be added)


Corresponding track co-chair

-  Starr Roxanne Hiltz, NJIT




Starr Roxanne Hiltz



Paloma Diaz

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid







Linda Plotnick 

Jacksonville State University


Important Notice:



The ISCRAM Community is a worldwide community of researchers, scholars, teachers, students, practitioners and policy makers interested or actively involved in the subject of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. At its annual international conference alternating between the US and Europe, the ISCRAM Community gathers to present and discuss the latest research and developments in this growing area during an interactive and stimulating 3 day program. The ISCRAM Community also organizes an International Summer School for PhD students and ISCRAM-CHINA, an annual conference for ISCRAM research in China. All information on ISCRAM can be found at http://www.iscram.org

Important dates
01 October 2010
Submission of proposals for panels and other special sessions

01 November 2010
Notification of acceptance for panels and other special sessions

15 November 2010
Submission of full research papers

15 December 2010
Submission of work-in-progress papers and practitioner papers

Mid January 2011
Notification of acceptance for full research papers