-------- Original Message --------
Joint Call For Papers
IEEE UIC 2012, IEEE ATC 2012, ICA3PP 2012
Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan, September 04-07, 2012
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and
Computing (UIC 2012)
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted
Computing (ATC 2012)
The 12th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures
for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP-12)
Important Dates
UIC 2012
Workshop Proposals Deadline: February 3, 2012
Workshop Proposals Notification: February 13, 2012
Paper Submission Deadline: March 15, 2012
Authors Notification: May 15, 2012
Final Manuscript Due: June 15, 2012
UIC 2012
1. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Systems
* Sensor, Ad Hoc, Mesh & P2P Networks
* Social Networking and Computing
* Knowledge Representation and Ontology
* Wearable, Personal and Body Area Systems
* Middleware and Intelligent Platforms
* Intelligent Services and Architectures
* Agents, Swarm and Context-aware Systems
* Nature-inspired Intelligent Systems
2. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Environments
* Smart Room, Home, Office, Laboratory
* Smart Shop, Hospital, Campus, City, etc.
* Smart Vehicle, Road, Traffic & Transportation
* Healthcare and Elder/Child Care Services
* Pervasive/Ubiquitous Media and Services
* Pervasive Learning, Games, Entertainment
* Other Intelligent/Smart Applications
3. Ubiquitous Intelligent/Smart Objects
* Electronic Labels, Cards, E-Tags and RFID
* Embedded Chips, Sensors & Actuators
* MEMS, NEMS, Micro & Biometric Devices
* Smart Appliances and Wearable Devices
* Material, Textile, Cloth, Furniture, etc.
* Embedded Software and Agents
* Interaction to Smart Objects/Devices
* Smart Object OS and Programming
4. Personal/Social/Physical Aspects
* Real/Cyber World Modeling and Semantics
* User/Object Identity and Activity Recognition
* Adaptive User Interfaces and Tools
* Security, Privacy, Safety and Legal Issues
* Emotional, Ethical and Psychological Factors
* Implication & Impact of Ubiquitous Intelligence
* Relations between Real and Cyber Worlds
Related links
For more details on paper submission, workshop proposals,
demo/exhibit sessions, click:
UIC 2012: http://conf.kyusan-u.ac.jp/uic2012/
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted
Computing (ATC 2012)
Important Dates
ATC 2012
Workshop Proposals Deadline: February 3, 2012
Workshop Proposals Notification: February 13, 2012
Paper Submission Deadline: March 15, 2012
Authors Notification: May 15, 2012
Final Manuscript Due: June 15, 2012
1. AC/OC Theory and Models
* Models, negotiation, cooperation, competition, selforganization,
emergence, verification, etc.
2. AC/OC Architectures and Systems
*Autonomic elements & their relationship, frameworks,
middleware, observer/controller, architectures, institutional
architectures, etc.
3. AC/OC Components and Modules
* Multi-core CPU, memory, storage, database, device server, proxy,
software, OS, I/O, etc.
4. AC/OC Communication and Services
* Networks, self-organized net, web service, P2P, grid, EaaS, cloud,
5. AC/OC Tools and Interfaces
* Tools/interfaces for AC/OC system development, test, monitoring,
assessment, supervision, etc.
6. Trust Models and Specifications
* Models and semantics of trust, distrust, mistrust, over-trust,
cheat, risk, reputation, reliability, etc.
7. Trust-related Security and Privacy
* Trust-related secure architecture, framework, policy, Intrusion
detection/awareness, protocols, trust-adaptive agents and
communities, etc.
8. Trusted Reliable and Dependable Systems
* Fault-tolerant systems, hardware redundancy, robustness,
survivable systems, failure recovery, etc.
9. Trustworthy Services and Applications
* Trustworthy Internet/web/P2P/grid/cloud services, secure mobile
services, novel applications, etc.
10. Trust Standards and Non-Technical Issues
* Trust standards and issues related to personality, ethics,
sociology, culture, psychology, economy, etc.
Related links
For more details on paper submission, workshop proposals,
demo/exhibit sessions, click:
ATC 2012: http://conf.kyusan-u.ac.jp/atc2012/
The 12th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures
for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP-12)
Important Dates
Workshop Proposals Deadline: February 3, 2012
Workshop Proposals Notification: February 13, 2012
Paper Submission Deadline: March 15, 2012
Authors Notification: May 15, 2012
Final Manuscript Due: June 15, 2012
ICA3PP 2012
* Cluster, Distributed & Parallel Operating Systems and
* Cloud, Grid, and Services Computing
* Reliability and Fault-tolerant Computing
* Multi-core Programming and Software Tools
* Distributed Scheduling and Load Balancing
* High-performance Scientific Computing
* Parallel Algorithms
* Parallel Architectures
* Parallel and Distributed Databases
* Parallel I/O Systems and Storage Systems
* Parallel Programming Paradigms
* Performance of Parallel & Distributed Computing Systems
* Resource Management and Scheduling
* Tools and Environments for Parallel & Distributed Software
* Software and Hardware Reliability, Testing, Verification and
* Security, Privacy, and Trusted Computing
* Self-healing, Self-protecting and Fault-tolerant Systems
* Information Security In Internet
* Multimedia in Parallel Computing
* Parallel Computing in Bioinformatics
* Dependability Issues in Computer Networks and Communications
* Dependability Issues in Distributed and Parallel Systems
* Dependability Issues in Embedded Parallel Systems
* Industrial Applications
* Scientific Applications
Related links
For more details on paper submission, workshop proposals,
demo/exhibit sessions, click:
ICA3PP 2012 - http://anss.org.au/ica3pp12/
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