-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Call for papers SYSCO 2014
Datum: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 20:02:51 +0000
Von: SYSCO 2014 <sysco2014@sysco-conference.com>
Antwort an: <sysco2014@sysco-conference.com>
An: <gustaf.neumann@wu.ac.at>

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The conference “Collaborative Systems” SYSCO  wants to be a meeting privileged between researchers and industrialists on the researches and development related on SysCo and the related problems emanating from other communities by confronting disciplinary and transverse work, theoretical and applied .

Since a few years, the collaborative systems (ERP, WfMS, CRM…) became crucial in the organizations. The investigations in SysCo aim at defining methods, architectures and techniques to conceive and carry out collaborative systems of quality.

The objective is to produce systems which cope with the problems of flexibility, reliability and opening. The SysCo conference will be taken place with HAMMAMET, like second edition, it will be opened with the presentation of recent significant experiment and innovating industrial development, research tasks in the field as of collaborative systems. Besides the sessions of presentations, the program understands presentations of the invited lecturers and posters sessions.


The authors are encouraged to submit papers for SysCo' 2014 describing one of the following topics (but not exclusively):

Two formats of submission

SysCo proposes two formats of submission: long paper of 12 pages or short paper of 5 maximum pages. This last format is exclusively designed to allow proposals for demonstrations and returns on industrial applications or experiments.

Declaration of intention

With an aim of facilitating the organization of the conference SysCo' 14 and guaranteeing its success, the Steering Committee requires the declaration of intention of an author by submitting an abstract before May 16th, 2014.

Submitting and Evaluation

 Each paper will be evaluated by at least three reviewers of the program committee. The accepted papers will be published in proceeding of SysCo' 2014. The papers will have to conform to the models defined in http://isi.revuesonline.com/appel.jsp (to the maximum 12 pages) and must be submitted using the submitting system.

 The official language of Sysco is French. However the conference is opened with the contributions of English language.

 The  best papers will be selected for a special issue of the review “Engineering of the Information systems, Hermes – Lavoisier”. The authors will then be invited to write an extended version of their paper to submit it at a specific reading committee

Invited speaker

Professor Selmin NURCAN, University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France.


Important Dates

for more information : http://www.sysco-conference.com/

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