------- P2P2003 CALL FOR PAPERS -------
The Third IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing includes
converging Overlay Networks (P2P, Grid, Clusters, etc.) and the Web Services that convey through them.
1-3 September 2003 Linkopings universitet, Linköping, Sweden, Department of Computer and Information Science http://www.ida.liu.se/conferences/p2p/p2p2003
Important Dates: Paper submission deadline 2 June 2003 Notification of acceptance 23 June 2003 Camera ready papers due 7 July 2003 Conference 1-3 September 2003
The Scope
P2P2003 is the third Conference in a continuation of annual conferences concerned with the convergence of overlay network technologies that
empower the
leaf-nodes. These overlay networks are converging toward a common set of protocols due to their extensive implementations on the Internet and other shared environments.
These new protocols render the overlay networks functionally independent
of the
networks that they ride on. This has opened new security issues. Not only
we be concerned with the security within the overlay network, we must be concerned with the threats they may spawn toward the networks they ride
Consistent with our previous conferences we promote a collaboration in
between academic institutions, government organizations, and business enterprises that are concerned with the research and implementation of
Grids, Clusters, and other overlay networks.
Any topic that relates to Overlay Networks and the Web Services that
through them is open for consideration.
We would like to give special encouragement to research papers on security technology and policy issues for these Overlay Networks.
Some other suggested topics are:
- Overlay System Monitoring * Agents
- Accountability * Applications
- Overlay Super Computers * Middleware
- Wireless * Protocols
- Collaboration * Supernodes
- Overlay Architectures * Network Management
- e-Commerce
We include all presented papers in the proceedings. The IEEE Proceedings hardcopy will be available at the Conference.
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline 2 June 2003 Notification of acceptance 23 June 2003 Camera ready papers due 7 July 2003 Conference 1-3 September 2003
Submission Details
Send paper submissions (pdf only) using our on-line service available from
conference web site. Regular papers 8 pages; poster papers 2 pages. Paper formatting should follow IEEE guidelines (double column, size 10 font).
Organization Committee
Conference Chair Mariam Kamkar, Linkopings Universitet, Sweden Department Chair, Computer and Information Science
Steering Committee Chair Nahid Shahmehri, Linkopings Universitet, Sweden Director of Intelligent Information Systems LAB
Program Committee
David Barkai, Intel, USA Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia Germano Caronni, Sun Microsystems, USA Ross Lee Graham, Program Chair, LiU, Sweden Martin King, Quick Com, Switzerland Cecilia Mascolo, University College London, UK Nahid Shahmehri, Linköpings universitet, Sweden ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ The Program Committtee membership is still in progress.
Local Organization Committee Patrick Lambrix, Chair, Linköpings universitet, Sweden Claudiu Duma, Linköpings universitet, Sweden
Inquiries If you have any question please send your inquiries to Program Committee