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Subject: 7th Intl. Conference on TECHNOLOGY POLICY AND INNOVATION, MONTEREY´2003 Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 11:01:48 +0100 From: "Alexandra Coimeiro" alexcoi@dem.ist.utl.pt To: "Alexandra Coimeiro" alexcoi@dem.ist.utl.pt
10-13 June 2002, Monterey, México
DEADLINE for submitting Abstracts: 15 November 2002
Special Topics of Monterrey 2003 Conference 1. Regulations and Globalization: a. Multilateral, Bilateral, and Domestic Regulations for Competitiveness: Convergence or Divergence b. From Policy to Regulatory Action: Multi-principals in Networked Industries c. Connectivity and the Broadband Challenge d. Challenges for Physical Infrastructures in the Quest for Competitiveness: Energy, Highways, Ports, and other Physical Capital 2. Education and Technology a. Education for Innovation and Technology b. Emerging Knowledge Management Theory and Practice c. Challenges for the formation of technology based entrepreneurs 3. Finance as Critical Factor in Technological Development a. Critical Financial Restrictions in Emerging and Developed Regions b. Models of Finance for Technopolies c. Experiences and Proposals for Venture Capital Development for Innovation, Technology, and Management. 4. Innovation, Productivity, and Sustainability a. Challenges for Sustainable Development in Developed and Developing Regions b. Productivity and Innovation: Modeling simple versus complex relationships c. Innovation and Environment: public policies and new markets d. Technology measurement experiences and challenges in Europe, Asia, and America e. Social Inclusion in Technological Investment f. Technology and Demography g. National Innovation Systems as leverage for economic growth 5. Sectors and Industrial Specialization: a. Industrial Internationalization and Technology Adaptation in Production Chains b. Industrial Technology Specialization in Emerging Regions: Automotive, Electronics, Machinery, Biotechnology, and other Non- Traditional Sectors c. Industrial Clusters 6. The e- Economy and e- Government a. E-Government: Best and Worst Practices b. Implications of e-Government for Social and Political Accountability c. Global and Local e-business: Present and Future 7. Incubators and Public - Private Consortia a. Emerging Regions and Adaptive Incubation b. Challenges for Globalized Industrial Parks and Technology based incubators c. Most Recent Lessons from Technological Consortia d. Incubators processes: benchmarking versus world class best practices e. Technopolies 8. Solving Problems Across Borders