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AMCIS 2023
August 10 - 12, 2023 (Panama City, Panama)
Track: Information Security and Privacy
Mini-track: Extra Role Security Behaviors in the Workplace
In addition to compliance with organizational information security
policies (OISPs), employee behaviors that go beyond organizational
prescription can substantially impact a company's security
posture. Rapid distribution of the workforce and an evolving
threat landscape have increased the value of this facet of
behavioral security in recent years. Unfortunately, despite its
value, employee disinterest in information security remains one of
the greatest challenges to security programs today. This issue is
especially problematic for extra role security behaviors, which
are discretionary and less responsive to formal controls. In
response, this mini track seeks to expand the knowledge base on
extra role security behaviors and the mechanisms that support it.
We welcome research using a variety of theories, methodologies,
and levels of analysis. Topics may include, but are not limited to
human factors, normative influences, relational drivers, identity
related mechanisms, information pr
ocessing and decision making, and organizational enablers of extra
role security behaviors.
Mini-track Co-chairs
Joshua Davis, Missouri State University,
Deepti Agrawal, Appalachian State University,
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