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17th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2015)
The CBI is aimed at creating a forum for researchers and practitioners
from various fields that contribute to the construction, use and
maintenance of information systems and the organisational context they
are embedded in. Last but not least, we want to offer a common platform
for Computer Scientist and Information Systems researchers. The benefits
of such a cross-disciplinary conception are contrasted by a challenge:
Authors who submit a paper take the risk to be assessed by standards
that are different from those they are used to in their own communities.
The CBI's organisation accounts for this challenge. It comprises various
domains that represent certain communities. Domains may overlap. They
are represented by two domain coordinators. To encourage submissions
both from Computer Science and Information Systems, the domains are, if
possible, coordinated by representatives of both disciplines. The domain
coordinators are in charge of supervising the reviewing process and
forming tracks depending on the collection of accepted papers. Tracks
are not only intended to represent a certain subject area, but also to
include papers from different communities.
CBI 2015 will include the following domains:
Business Process Management (Coordinators: Jan Mendling, Mathias Weske)
Business Systems Engineering (Coordinators: Massimo Mecella, Manfred
Business Data Engineering (Coordinators: Carsten Felden, Gottfried Vossen)
Business Models & Service Innovation (Coordinators: Eng Chew,
Anne-Laure Mention)
Enterprise Engineering & Enterprise Architecture (Coordinators: Florian
Matthes, Antonia Albani)
Method Engineering (Coordinators: Jolita Ralyté, Robert Winter)
Modelling in Business Informatics (Coordinators: Oscar Pastor, Steven Alter)
Industrial Services (Coordinators: Ralf Gitzel, n.n.)
General Co-chairs
José Tribolet, University of Lisbon, Portugal
KJ Lin, University of California Irvine, USA
PC Co-Chairs
Ulrich Frank. University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
David Aveiro, University of Madeira, Portugal
Submission via:
Paper Submission: 15 March , 2015
Paper Acceptance Notification: 26 April, 2015
Camera Ready: 14 May, 2015
Workshop proposals: 22 Dec, 2014
WS acceptance notification: 2 Jan, 2015
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank
Chair of Information Systems and Enterprise Modelling
Director of IS:link
Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems
University of Duisburg-Essen
Universitätsstr. 9
D-45141 Essen
Tel.: +49(201) 183 4042
Fax: +49(201) 183 934042
e-mail: ulrich.frank@uni-due.de
Mailing-Liste: wi@lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request@lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi