-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Special Session: Natural Language Processing and its Applications
The 25th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering &
Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems
June 9-12, 2012 - Dalian, China
The amount of information and knowledge represented in natural languages
is vast and increasing rapidly as advances in modern communication
significantly improve how human society create, share, and process
information. This special session will reflect the recent progress in
Natural Language Processing and provide a platform for researchers in
this field to exchange ideas and further widen its applications. Session
topics include but not limited to the following:
* Information extraction
* Information retrieval
* Biomedical text mining
* Clinical record management
* Text categorization
* Document clustering
* Word sense disambiguation
* Automatic text summarization
* Machine translation
* Parsing and Part-of-speech tagging
* Coreference resolution
* Discourse analysis
* Named entity recognition
* Natural language generation
* Natural language understanding
* Question answering
* Relationship extraction
* Sentiment analysis
* Speech recognition
* Speech segmentation
* Topic segmentation and recognition
* Word segmentation
* Word sense disambiguation
* Speech processing
Important dates
Paper submission deadline: January 5, 2012
Notification of acceptance: Feb. 1, 2012
Camera ready form: Feb. 20, 2012
Author registration: Feb 1, 2012
Early registration: Before March 1, 2012
Late registration: March 1, 2012
Conference date: June 9-12, 2012
Submission format:
Authors are invited to electronically submit their paper, written in
English, of up to 10 single spaced pages, presenting the results of
original research or innovative practical applications relevant to the
special session. Practical experiences with state-of-the-art AI
methodologies are also acceptable when they reflect lessons of unique
value to the conference attendees. Shorter works, up to 6 pages, to be
presented in 10 minutes, may be submitted as SHORT PAPERS representing
work in progress or suggesting possible research directions. Please
visit the conference website at
http://ssdut.dlut.edu.cn/iea-aie/webpages/index.htm for submission
format. All submissions for this special session should be at
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieaaie2010. Please indicate
that your submission is for this special session in the title of the
first page of your submission.
Each submission will receive at least two reviews. Accepted papers will
be published in the conference proceedings as regular papers by
Springer-Verlag (format instructions available at
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html) in its "Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence" series. Referees will be asked to nominate
papers for a Best Paper Award to be announced at the conference.
Outstanding papers in the session will be automatically considered for
publication in an expanded form in selected international journals,
including Applied Intelligence, Soft Computing, Evolutionary
Intelligence, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing.
Session organizers:
Dr. Hisham Al-Mubaid, University of Houston-Clear Lake, hisham@uhcl.edu
Dr. Ping Chen, University of Houston-Downtown, chenp@uhd.edu