-------- Original-Nachricht --------
apologize for possible cross-posting
Workshop on
"People Centered Smart Territories: Design, Learning and Analytics"
Bologna (Italy) - 16 October 2013
co-located at
Smart City Exhibition 2013
Co-promoted by:
• Dept. of Educational Science and Technologies, ISIM_Lab - Tor Vergata University of Rome
• Forum PA
• International Observatory on Smart City Learning
Organized by:
• Gianni Dominici (Forum PA)
• Carlo Giovannella (Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata & Creative Industrie Consorzio Roma Ricerche)
• September 10 - Deadline for the submission of extended abstract and/or position papers (no extension is expected)
• September 20 - Notification of acceptance
• September 30 - Camera-ready paper due
• October 5 - Registration deadline
The workshop is intended to promote the diffusion of a "People Centered
Smart Territories" vision, i.e. a socially-oriented and inclusive
bottom-up vision driven by a 'person in place' centered design approach
that focus on persons who, as well known, are driven by motivations and
expectations, desires, needs and, moreover, have their own styles.
It is pretty obvious that the challenge is to support the harmonious and
continuous development of all experiential dimensions relevant to
individuals, to the community of belonging and to the contexts of reference.
Because of this we think that it is important to offer a 'place' where
meet, compare and discuss "People Centered" experiences that have been
supported by the smartness of the territories.
Central to this purpose are:
• the dissemination of an adequate design literacy and an open access to
strategies and methodologies that may support the development of "People
Centered Smart Territories"
• the support to the development of learning paths that will prove more
effective in engaging and stimulating social innovation and, as well, in
keeping the persistence of individuals and communities in the so-called
state of "flow", which is essential in order to achieve and maintain the
leadership of creativity and innovation
• the ability to perform a multidimensional and holistic monitoring of
the transformation the territories are undergoing to become smart and,
as well, their ability to support the expectations of individuals and
communities of reference, within the framework of a sustainable development.
All this justifies the three key words contained by the workshop title:
Design - Learning - Analytics
- strategies, approaches and methodologies to design and support the
development of "People Centered Smart Territories"
- concepts and case studies related to the "People Centered Smart
Territories" vision (e.g.: support to small smart communities, social
inclusion, learning, etc.)
- monitoring, analytics and benchmarking of the dimensions relevant to
define the smartness of "People Centered Smart Territories"
Please submit your extended abstract or position paper (2 pages) using
the IxD&A submission system at:
(send a copy also to the email of the workshop organizers using the
contact email address)
Contributions should be written accordingly to the IxD&A Journal
guidelines for authors
Since the duration of the workshop is half day, only a limited number of
contributions will be selected for presentation.
All contributions will be blindly peer-reviewed by two members of the
Program Committee.
An extended version of the selected paper (max 14 pages) will be
published in a special issue of the IxD&A Journal (ISSN 1826-9745) -
Spring 2014
info [at] mifav.uniroma2.it
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