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Subject: ITHET 2020 - Call for Papers
Date: Sun, 3 May 2020 06:52:18 +0000
From: ithet.conferences@gmail.com <ithet.conferences@gmail.com>
To: gustaf.neumann@wu.ac.at

Call for Papers - IEEE 19th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2/3/4 November, 2020 - Side, Turkey

This is the 19th running of the conference which has been contributing excellent papers in the area of how Information Technology has been shaping the way we do higher education. We warmly invite you to contribute a paper to the main Track (ITHET) or to one of the two attached workshops (REPSTeL and PRASAE).

This year is very uncertain due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Submission deadlines:

  1. Deadline for electronic submission of full papers 15 June, 2020
  2. Notification of acceptance and registration 03 August, 2020
  3. Submission of final papers 03 September, 2020


The convergence of current technologies provides the infrastructure for transmitting and storing information faster and cheaper. For information to be used in gaining knowledge, however, environments for collecting, storing, disseminating, sharing and constructing knowledge are needed. Such environments, knowledge media, brings together telecommunication, computer and networking technologies, learning theories and cognitive sciences to form meaningful environments that provides for a variety of learner needs.

ITHET 2019 continued with the traditional themes of previous events. However, ITHET 2020 will have Artificial Intelligence and how it empowers education as its special theme.


The organising committee of ITHET 2020 extends a cordial invitation to you to come to Side in Turkey to attend the conference. Sede is a one hour drive from Antalya International airport, which has numerous connections to the major airports of Europe.


The scope of the conference will cover but not be limited to:

Paper Submission:

Prospective participants are invited to electronically submit their full papers following the instructions available on the conference web site.


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