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We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
The 16th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing
and Multimedia
(MoMM2018) 19 - 21 November 2018
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
http://www.iiwas.org/conferences/momm2018/ email:
Paper submission:
**** IMPORTANT DATES ***** 20 July 2018: Full Papers (10 pages),
Short papers, demos and work in progress (4 pages) (EXTENDED)
15 September 2018: Acceptance Notification
10 October 2018: Camera-Ready Papers and Authors Registration
19 - 21 November 2018: Conference Dates
***** Publication *****
ALL accepted MoMM2018 papers will be published by ACM
International Conference Proceedings Series (ISBN:
978-1-4503-6452-2) and the supplemental proceedings which will be
archived in the ACM Digital Library, and indexed by DBLP, Ei
Compendex, Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson Reuters
Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).
Selected high-quality papers will be invited to be published,
after revision and extension, in special issues of international
**** Scope *****
A vast variety of multimedia services like voice, email, instant
messaging, social networks, mobile payment and transactions,
mobile video conferencing, or video and audio streaming has
already shaped the expectations towards current mobile devices,
infrastructure, and services. Within the last five years, mobile
multimedia has become the accepted standard, driven by
developments in end-user devices, radio networks, and backend
services. However, many open research questions remain open, from
limited battery life to heterogeneous data types, increases in
quality of service, context-aware adaptation to the environment,
or the ever-present security and privacy issues.
MoMM2018 is the 16th edition in the series of the highly
successful International Conference on Advances in Mobile
Computing and Multimedia. Recently, MoMM has been held in Salzburg
(2017), Singapore (2016), Brussels (2015), Kaohsiung (2014),
Vienna (2013), Bali (2012), Ho Chi Minh City (2011), Paris (2010),
Kuala Lumpur (2009), and Linz (2008). This year, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia will host MoMM2018. The MoMM conference series has
provided opportunities to researchers, graduate students, and
industry practitioners to address recent research results and
current industry practices in the area of mobile computing and
**** Submissions *****
We invite three types of submissions: Full Technical Papers, Short
Position Papers, and Demonstrations. - A Full Paper should provide
solid conceptual and theoretical foundation and substantial
support for its results and conclusions as a significant
contribution to the field. - A Position Paper is not expected to
be theoretically or empirically thorough, but represents an
earlier stage of work. Examples are demonstration or prototype
work, preliminary user studies, or work in progress, i.e. a report
on the latest emerging ideas, approaches, methodologies, systems
and application scenarios. - A demonstration is intended to
showcase novel concepts and innovative technologies which are at
advanced stage and have already been implemented in working
prototype systems. The informal setting of the demonstration
session encourages presenters and participants to engage in
discussions about presented work, while the accompanying short
paper should describe the scientific aspects, concepts or methods
underpinning the hands-on demonstration. Accepted papers and
demonstrations from all three categories will be published in the
ACM International Conference Proceedings Series.
***** Topics *****
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1. Mobile Platform Track
- Mobile software architectures, systems, and platforms
- Operating system and middleware support for mobile computing
- Mobile network traffic engineering, performance, and
- Wireless and mobile network management and service
- Wireless communication technologies (GSM/UMTS, WiMAX, WiFi,
Bluetooth, etc.)
- Mobility and location management
- Integration and interworking of wired and wireless networks
- Distributed systems aspects of mobile computing
- Localization and tracking
- Transaction processing in mobile environments
- Security and privacy of mobile/wireless systems
- Security and privacy of mobile/wireless protocols
- Security of mobile end-user devices
- Energy efficiency in mobile systems
- Approaches, and technologies for dealing with big data in mobile
- Integration of cloud computing and mobile computing
- Mobile services usage data analysis and pattern recognition
- Regulatory, societal, legal, and ethical issues of mobile
2. Mobile Interaction Track
- Mobile applications and services
- Mobile computing markets and business models
- Provisioning of mobile services
- Personalization and context awareness in mobile computing
- Location based services
- Security and privacy of social network services
- Mobile visualization for big data
- Rapid prototyping of mobile applications
- Mobile user interfaces and interaction techniques
- Evaluation and usability of mobile devices and services
- Mobile services for older adults with diverse capabilities
3. Mobile Multimedia Track
- Mobile multimedia streaming and services
- Mobile multimedia coding and encryption
- Mobile multimedia for learning
- Interfaces for multimedia creation
- Media fusion for communication and presentation
- Distributed mobile multimedia systems
- Audio and video analysis, modeling, processing and
- Image analysis, modeling, and recognition
- Augmented reality on mobile devices
- Communication and cooperation through mobile multimedia
- Enabling infrastructures for mobile multimedia
- Scalable multimedia big data management
**** Submission Guidelines ****
Papers and demonstration descriptions must be submitted
electronically in PDF through the conference website. Submitted
papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal,
conference, or workshop with proceedings. Submitted demonstrations
should convey a scientific result and should not be advertisements
for commercial software packages. Submitted papers and
demonstrations will be subject to stringent peer review by at
least three members of the international program committee and
carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical
soundness, and clarity of exposition. Accepted papers and
demonstration descriptions will appear in the conference
proceedings to be published by ACM. Format requirements for
submissions of papers and demonstrations are:
- Maximum 10 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150
words), all figures and references for Full Technical papers.
- Maximum 4 pages, including the abstract (no more than 150
words), all figures and references for Short Position Papers.
- A video clip (for review purpose only) and a description of
maximum 4 pages for the demonstration. The description should
outline the underlying novel concepts, methods and/or approaches,
and details about implementation, deployment, testing, and
evaluation and user uptake.
- All submissions should be formatted according to ACM guidelines
- Submissions must be entered into the Submission System
**** Awards ****
MoMM2018 best paper awards, best student paper awards, and best
demonstrations will be selected based on novelty, significance,
and the presentation at the conference. Best student paper awards
can only be awarded to papers on which students are first authors.
**** Past Conferences ****
ACM Digital library:
*** Contact *****
Pari Delir Haghighi, Program Committee Chair, Monash University,
AISWorld mailing list