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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP - Workshop Intelligent Digital Architecture, Methods, and Services for Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 (IDAMS)
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2021 19:16:49 +0000
From: Rainer Schmidt <Rainer.Schmidt@live.com>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

Call for Papers - Workshop Intelligent Digital Architecture, Methods, and Services for Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 (IDAMS)

The digital transformation of global industries and value chains and the associated need for structured research and standardization has given rise to major global and national initiatives. These initiatives address the potentials and challenges of digitalization. Enterprises and societies currently face crucial challenges, while Industry 4.0 becomes important in the global manufacturing industry all the more. Industry 4.0 offers a range of opportunities for companies to increase the flexibility and efficiency of production processes. The development of new business models can be promoted with digital platforms and architectures for Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 is dedicated to research for industry and supports the implementation of this vision, especially in manufacturing companies. According to the Japanese government, Society 5.0 is more general and can be defined as a fusion between cyberspace and physical space, addressing economic progress aligned with solving social problems by providing goods and services to meet repeated latent needs regardless of location, age, gender, or language.

Contemporary advances in the field of artificial intelligence have led to a rapidly growing number of intelligent systems that can operate entirely independently of human intervention or enables interactions of unprecedented complexity with humans. Data plays a central role in intelligent digital architecture and allows to automate decisions impacting all stakeholders. The use of artificial intelligence techniques enables autonomous decisions that were previously reserved for humans. Intelligent systems augment processes by creating automated interfaces to human beings and replacing human-decision making by a machine-based one. Intelligent digital architectures support the request, configuration, and fulfillment of services. Digitalization promotes the creation of intelligent systems and services with an intelligent digital architecture. Products based on intelligent digital architectures become aware of their environment, act upon it, are able to interact with human beings, and can change their functionality during their lifetime. Based on intelligent digital architecture products and services have local autonomous and dynamically extensible capabilities by accessing external services. Platforms become feasible by matching the supply and demand of services, resources, and products. Intelligent Digital Architectures also enable and enhance business models by integrating resources and leveraging decision making in unprecedented ways, for instance, by applying Digital Enterprise Architecture Framework such as the Adaptive Integrated Digital Architecture Framework (AIDAF). Public discourse on 'autonomous' algorithms which work on 'passively' collected data contributes to this view.

The EDOC Workshop - Intelligent Digital Architecture, Methods, and Services for Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 - covers fundamental and practical aspects to support the digital transformation. This disruptive change interacts with all information processes and systems, which are important business enablers for digital transformation for years. Intelligent digital architectures enable intense interaction with customers and products. The customer is closely integrated with business processes and interacts like a co-worker by using implicit touchpoints, which are provided by mobility and wearable systems and the Internet of Things. In this way, customer experience is fostered with disruptive transformation and continuous improvement.

We are delighted to invite contributions to the EDOC Workshop - Intelligent Digital Architecture, Methods, and Services for Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0. Our aim is to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to discuss both technological and business aspects in the context of digital architectures, methods, processes, services, products, platforms, and business models. We also investigate how intelligent digital architectures support new ways of value co-creation for Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0.

Important Dates

Workshop paper submission: 18 June 2021

Workshop papers acceptance notification: 16 July 2021

Workshop camera-ready papers due: 30 July 2021

Author registration: 30 July 2021

Workshops sessions: 25 October 2021




Digitalization of Products, Services, Processes, Systems, and Enterprises

Dynamic Capabilities and Digital Enterprise Models

Digital Strategy, Governance, and Management

Digital Enterprise Architectures

AIDAF - Adaptive Integrated Digital Architecture Framework

Security in Digital Architectures

Architectural Patterns for Digitalization and Intelligent Analytics

Customer Experience and Interaction Design

Runtime Monitoring of Operation Data

Digital Platforms and Ecosystems

Advanced Analytics and Decision Support for Digital Enterprises

Cognitive Models for Decision Support

Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving for Digitalization

Intelligent Systems and Services

Deep Learning and Machine Learning

Semantic Support, Knowledge Representation and Inference Technologies

Rationality and Explanation Technologies

User Roles and Human-centered Problem Solving and Learning

Digital Visualization, Interaction, and Augmented Reality

Multi-perspective Architectural Viewpoints, Methods, and Environments

Self-optimizing and Resilient Adaptive Systems

Adaptive Software Architectures

Gill Framework: Adaptive Enterprise Architecture

Decision Support Processes and Frameworks

Intelligent Digital Applications: Digitized Cars, Smart Finance, Smart City, Smart Home, Smart

Medicine, Smart Energy, Industry 4.0, 3-D Printing and Production Environments, Robots, etc.

Workshops Chairs

Yoshimasa Masuda, Keio University, Japan, and Carnegie Mellon University, USA, yoshi_masuda@keio.jp<mailto:yoshi_masuda@keio.jp>, and ymasuda@andrew.cmu.edu<mailto:ymasuda@andrew.cmu.edu>

Alfred Zimmermann, Reutlingen University, Germany, alfred.zimmermann@reutlingen-university.de<mailto:alfred.zimmermann@reutlingen-university.de>

Rainer Schmidt, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany, rainer.schmidt@hm.edu<mailto:rainer.schmidt@hm.edu>

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