-------- Original-Nachricht --------
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Conference theme this year is:
"Engineering Education in Sustainable Development"
10-13 Nobember, 2013
Vienna, Austria
ICELIE 2013 is Co-located with The 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
(IECON 2013)
Sponsored by: IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
Technically Co-Sponsored by: IEEE Education Society
IEEE ICELIE 2013 is an International Conference for the presentation and discussion of modern education and
electronic learning methods for teaching in the field of industrial electronics and related disciplines. ICELIE
2013 will be co-located with IECON 2013, the flagship conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
Those two conferences will hold concurrent sessions and joint activities, but each conference will publish its
own proceedings.
*** In this event participants can enjoy both ICELIE and IECON conferences and receive both conference
proceedings for a single registration fee ***
The conference will cover eLeaning aspects in teaching Industrial Electronics' related disciplines such as:
* Power Electronics & Renewable Energy
* Signal and Image Processing & Computational Intelligence
* Electrical Machines & Drives
* Control Systems & Applications
* Mechatronics & Robotics
* Sensors, Actuators & Systems Integration
* Factory Automation & Industrial Informatics
The topics of ICELIE 2013 include, but are not limited to:
* eLearning-oriented devices and networks
* eLearning technologies
* Tools and platforms
* On-line learning
* Mobile learning, teaching, and training
* Hybrid learning: Didactics
* Challenging technical aspects of modern-day engineering education
* Assessing eLearning
Exhibition: An exhibition of selected works in the area of e-learning in Industrial Electronics will be
organized within ICELIE. A diploma will be awarded to the best e-learning solutions presented. Detailed
information about submission of works to the Exhibition is available at:
Working Language:
English is the working language of ICELIE. Full papers are to be submitted electronically, with file size
limited to 2 MB. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the respective conference proceedings, and
included in IEEE Xplore online digital library.
Detailed information about manuscript formatting and submission is available at:
http://icelie.ieee-ies.org/ (it should be noted that IECON and ICELIE have separate papers
submission systems)
Important Dates:
Contributed Papers: 15 April 2013
Exhibition Proposals: 7 June 2013
Tutorials Proposals: 3 May 2013
Special Sessions Proposals: 15 March 2013
Notification of Acceptance: 1 July 2013
Final submission Due: 15 August 2013
ICELIE 2013 Organizing Committee
IEEE IES conferences
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