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Subject: [AISWorld] New Article: Determinants of Digital Divide using Demand-Supply Framework: Evidence from India
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 08:15:03 +1000
From: Ajis Editor <ajis.eic@gmail.com>
To: ISHoDs <IS-hods@list.utas.edu.au>, ISWorld <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>, ISAus <IS-Aus@list.utas.edu.au>, AJIS Editor-in-Chief <ajis.eic@gmail.com>

The Australasian Journal of Information Systems has just published its
latest article:

*Determinants of Digital Divide using Demand-Supply Framework: Evidence
from India*
*A. Guha, M. Mukerji*

Recently, India has seen high economic growth with an increased
availability and use of information
and communication technologies (ICTs). However, ICT penetration in India is
much less
when compared to global averages. There exists a substantive level of
inequality in ICT access and use.
Empirical studies on digital divide in India are few, especially those with
a theoretical demand-supply
framework, using consistent and reliable pan data. This paper examines the
digital divide in India
across socio-economic classes and different political-geographic regions.
The demand equations for
two ICT instruments – Internet and mobile phone - are estimated for
households aggregated at subnational level.
An econometric model identifies demand and supply side factors shaping
differential access by households.
Findings indicate the digital divide is a reflection of the existing
socio-economic divide.
On the demand side, socio-economic inequality manifests in the economic
conditions of households,
social category, occupational profile, age and education status are key
determinants of district level digital divide.
Supply side factors: availability of electricity, mobile network and extent
of urbanization also play an important role.

#DigitalDivide #KeyDeterminants #Econometrics #India #Census

Professor Karlheinz Kautz
Australasian Journal of Information Systems


The AJIS provides immediate open access to its content on the principle
that making research freely available to the public supports a greater
global exchange of knowledge. The journal has been published since 1993 and
appears in the Index of Information Systems Journals, is ranked "A" by both
the Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems and
the Australian Business Deans' Council. In addition to web distribution,
AJIS is distributed by EBSCO, it is listed in Cabell's International
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Open Access Journals. Thanks for the continuing interest in our work.
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