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Subject: [AISWorld] CIST 2020 - Call for Papers
Date: Tue, 12 May 2020 16:47:22 -0400
From: Lauren Rhue <lrhue@rhsmith.umd.edu>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

2020 INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST)

Call for Papers

INFORMS CIST 2020 will take place in our nation’s capital, Washington DC on
November 7-8, and we call for meaningful ideas related to the theme *“Impacting
Society through Technology, Analytics, and Policies”*. We invite original
research in all areas of Information Systems and related fields that seek
to address issues related to the conference theme. We are especially
interested in papers with clear and significant policy implications for
businesses and government organizations. We strive to develop a conference
program that honors the diverse set of ideas and researchers in our field.

All papers will be accepted electronically, and we plan to open the online
submission system on June 8th. We will send out another announcement in the
near future with the submission link and details. Please see submission
instructions, submission restrictions, and important dates below.

*Notice regarding COVID-19*: Since CIST is part of INFORMS 2020 Annual
Meeting, CIST depends on decisions made by INFORMS regarding the 2020
Annual Meeting. As of the time of writing (May 12, 2020), we are following
the instructions from INFORMS to continue the planning process assuming
that INFORMS 2020 will take place as an in-person meeting. If this changes,
we will provide notification as soon as we can. Given the current
uncertainties surrounding COVID-19, we will coordinate with INFORMS Annual
Meeting in terms of contingency plans. If the conference cannot take place
in-person, we will consider alternative formats, and registration fees will
be revised accordingly. During your submission process, we will ask you
regarding your conference preference (whether you would only like to
present if the conference is an in-person event, or if you are also open to
the idea of an online virtual conference).
Areas of interest for submitted papers include (but not limited to):

- Artificial and Augmented Intelligence Impacts on the Economy
- Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications in Business
- Bias and Ethical issues in Data Science Practices
- Blockchain Technologies, Cryptocurrencies and FinTech
- Crowd Markets
- COVID-19 and IT processes
- COVID-19 and online communication/learning
- Digital Advertising
- Digital Collaboration
- Digital Entrepreneurship & New Business Models
- Digital Transformation and IT Innovation
- E-Commerce
- Economics of Digital Goods and IT
- E-Government
- Explainable AI and Predictive Modeling
- Healthcare IT
- IT and Productivity
- IT and Labor Market
- IT and societal problems
- Information and Cyber Security
- Internet of Things
- Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications in Business
- Mobile and Digital Environments
- Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision for Business
- Personalization Technologies and Recommendation Systems
- Predictive Analytics and Data Science
- Privacy and Ethics of IS
- Sharing Economy
- Social Networks and Social Media
- Software Engineering, Open Source Software, and Open Standards

Submission Instructions

Submissions will be accepted online via the submission portal. Only papers
that follow the specific guidelines below will be considered for acceptance:

- Submissions *must be blind*, i.e., author names, contact, and
affiliation information should NOT appear anywhere in the paper
(*NOTE*: *This
is a change from prior years*).
- Papers are limited to a maximum of 15 pages of body text with *at most* 5
additional pages for abstract, references, tables and figures. *Papers
that exceed the page limit will be desk rejected*.
- Papers must be printable on 8.5 x 11-inch paper.
- Papers must use 12-point, Times New Roman font with one-inch margins
on all four sides.
- Papers must be double-spaced.
- Student papers must indicate on the first page whether the bulk of the
work was done by a student to be considered for the Best Student Paper

Please note that CIST and INFORMS do not take ownership of paper
copyrights. However, accepted papers will be made available on the
conference website prior to and during the conference. After the
conference, if the authors wish, the papers can be removed from the website
upon request.
*Submission Restrictions*

- To promote diversity, we strongly recommend that no individual should
appear as an author on more than three papers submitted to CIST 2020.
- We recommend that no author present more than two papers on CIST 2020.
- If your paper has already been accepted for publication, or
conditionally accepted, please refrain from submitting it to the conference.
- In the spirit of promoting original work, we ask that authors not
submit work that has recently been presented at major IS conferences and
workshops. We also discourage the submission of accepted CIST 2020 papers
to future conferences and workshops, and plan to share a list of accepted
papers with the conference organizers of WITS 2020 and WISE 2020.

Submissions that violate these restrictions will be given lower priority in
acceptance decisions.
Important Dates

- Online submission opens: June 8, 2020
- Submission Deadline: June 29, 2020
- Notification of Acceptance: August 17, 2020
- INFORMS Early Registration Deadline: October 12, 2020
- CIST Speaker Registration Deadline: TBD
- CIST 2020 Conference Dates: November 7-8, 2020 (Washington DC)

Organizing Committee

You can reach the program committee members by sending your inquiry to:
cist2020chairs@lists.gatech.edu. The program committee members are:

Jesse Bockstedt, Emory University, bockstedt@emory.edu

Wenjing (Wendy) Duan, George Washington University, wduan@gwu.edu

Rajiv Garg, University of Texas at Austin, rajiv.garg@emory.edu

Peng Huang, University of Maryland, huang@umd.edu

Mingfeng Lin, Georgia Institute of Technology,

Lauren Rhue, University of Maryland, lrhue@rhsmith.umd.edu

*Lauren Rhue, Ph.D.*
Assistant Professor of Information Systems
Robert H. Smith School of Business
4324 Van Munching Hall
7621 Mowatt Lane
University of Maryland
College Park, MD USA 20742
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