3rd International Conference on Social Computing and its
Applications (SCA 2013) - Call for Tutorials
Conference Information:
Call for Tutorials
The 3rd International Conference on Social Computing and
its Applications (SCA 2013) intends to offer tutorials that
provide the conference participants an opportunity to learn
about advanced topics in social computing and experts a venue
to share their expertise with the community of social
computing researchers and practitioners. We solicit proposals
for half-day or full-day tutorials on advanced topics in
social computing and its applications, given by renowned
scientists and practitioners in their fields.
Tutorials must focus on a specific topic and may be
delivered as lectures, hands-on training or other forms of
instructional sessions. Incorporating diverse ways of
interacting with the audience is strongly encouraged as well
as advanced scientific topics with strong relation to
practical applications. A list of topics of particular
interest (but not limited to) can be found at
Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format
according to the IEEE CS format style and not exceed 4 pages.
The proposals should be submitted by email to Jasminko Novak (
no later than May 15, 2013.
Proposal Criteria
Proposals must include:
* an abstract, keywords and the e-mail address of the
corresponding author
* a motivation for the tutorial (why this, goals, why
now, why at SCA 2013?)
* an outline of the content, a preliminary schedule and
type of tutorial (e.g. lecture, hands-on)
* short bio(s) of the lecturer(s) incl. their
qualification/expertise and prior instructional experience
* references to previous instances of the tutorial
incl. date, venue, topics and number of participants (if
* special requirements for the tutorial room/technology
if necessary (note: we can fulfill requests going beyond
standard space and presentation equipment only to a limited
* requirements for the attendants (e.g. bring own
laptop or other hardware, prerequisites etc.)
* any other limitations (e.g. number of participants)
Evaluation Criteria
The proposals will be evaluated based on:
* the relevance of the topic and its potential interest
to the conference community,
* the suitability of the selected tutorial format,
* the expertise of the instructors in the topic area,
* the overall quality of the proposal.
Accepted tutorials will be published in the conference
proceedings as a 2 page summary, and receive one full
conference registration fee waiver.
Important Dates
* May 15th 2013: Submission of tutorial proposals
* May 31st 2013: Notification of acceptance
* June 15th 2013: Announcement of tutorials
* July 15th 2013: Camera-ready extended abstract for
the proceedings
* Sept 1st 2013: Camera-ready slides for online
* Sept 30th 2013: Tutorials take place
Conference Information: