UBICOMP 2004


          The 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing


                         7-10 September, 2004


                            Nottingham, UK





You are invited to contribute original and exciting ideas to UbiComp 2004, the Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. UbiComp is the premier venue for presenting research and development achievements in the design, implementation, deployment and evaluation of computing technology that migrates beyond our desktops and becomes increasingly embedded in a wide variety of other objects. Submissions to UbiComp 2004 must be original, unpublished work and may not be simultaneously submitted to any other conference or journal. Papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings published by Springer-Verlag in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Each conference attendee will receive a printed copy of the proceedings; additional copies can be purchased through Springer-Verlag. The proceedings will also be made available through digital libraries. Submissions must be in the LNCS format; full instructions and templates are available at:


For Ubicomp 2004 we are soliciting high quality technical papers that describe original, unpublished research on handheld, mobile or ubiquitous computing. Potential areas of interest include: technologies, methodologies and formalisms to support ubiquitous computing and the development of ubiquitous computing applications (e.g. novel devices, system software, software engineering techniques and interaction methods); reports on experiences of designing, developing, deploying and living with ubiquitous computing systems; and, studies of the wider implications of ubiquitous computing. We are particularly seeking papers appropriate to the interdisciplinary community represented at the UbiComp 2004 conference. Submissions should report concrete, transferable results that contribute to our understanding of ubiquitous computing and help advance the state-of-the-art.


Papers will be evaluated on the basis of originality, significance of the contribution to the field, technical correctness and presentation. All papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the UbiComp 2004 program committee and by additional members of the ubiquitous computing research community. Papers submitted to UbiComp 2004 must not be under simultaneous review for any other conference, journal, workshop or other publication. Technical papers should be no longer than 18 pages, including an abstract of no more than 100 words, all figures and references, and should be formatted according to the Springer-Verlag LNCS format. In contrast to previous Ubicomp conferences there are no separate categories for long and short papers; all papers will be considered as full papers and should be an appropriate length for their content. Accepted papers will be published in the UbiComp 2004 Proceedings and authors are, of course, required to attend the conference to present their work.


UbiComp 2004 submissions should be properly anonymized to facilitate blind

reviewing: papers being submitted should not list the authors, affiliations or addresses on the first page -- to preserve formatting, it would be best to leave these sections blank. Author, affiliation and address information should still be filled out on the electronic form for submitting the paper, and final camera-ready copies should have this information included. Authors are also encouraged to take care throughout the entire document to minimize references that may reveal the identity of the authors or institutions.


UbiComp 2004 requires electronic submission. Reviewers will be instructed to maintain the confidentiality of all materials for submitted papers throughout the entire reviewing process. Submissions should contain no information that will be proprietary or confidential at the time of publication.


Full submission details and information on other ways to participate in Ubicomp 2004 are available at


Deadline for Submission: Papers due midnight GMT on March 12th 2004.



Program Committee



Nigel Davies, Lancaster University, UK and University of Arizona, USA (program co-chair)

Elizabeth Mynatt, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (program co-chair)

Itiro Siio, Tamagawa University, Japan (program co-chair)


Gregory D. Abowd, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Michael Beigl, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Gaetano Borriello, University of Washington and Intel Research Seattle, USA

W. Keith Edwards, Palo Alto Research Center, USA

Ken Fishkin, Intel Research Seattle, USA

Armando Fox, Stanford University, USA

Alois Ferscha, Universität Linz, Austria

Rebecca E. Grinter, Palo Alto Research Center, USA

Bill Gaver, Royal College of Art, UK

Hans Gellersen, Lancaster University, UK

Beverly L. Harrison, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA

Eric Horvitz, Microsoft Research, USA

Scott Hudson, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Stephen Intille, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Marc Langheinrich, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Toshiyuki Masui, AIST, Japan

Chris Schmandt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Albrecht Schmidt, University of Munich, Germany

Yasuyuki Sumi, Kyoto University, Japan

Hide Tokuda, Keio University, Japan