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Call for Participation
SPIN 2022
International Symposium on Model Checking of Software
May 21, 2022
9:20am to 3:30pm US Central Time
Conference program:
About SPIN
The 28th edition of the SPIN symposium aims at bringing together
researchers and practitioners interested in automated tool-based
techniques for the analysis of software as well as models of
software, for the purpose of verification and validation. The
symposium specifically focuses on concurrent software but does not
exclude the analysis of sequential software. Submissions are
solicited on theoretical results, novel algorithms (classical and
quantum), tool development, including for modern hardware
(parallel and distributed), and empirical evaluation.
Registration is FREE. To receive the Zoom links to the event, sign
up here:
Invited speakers
* Prasad Sistla, University of Illinois at Chicago
* Gul Agha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
For the complete program and talk abstracts, see the website:
Owolabi Legunsen, Cornell University
Grigore Rosu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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