-------- Original-Nachricht --------
(Apologies for multiple postings.)
Call for Papers:
Special Issue of the Journal of Web Semantics
"Reasoning with context in the Semantic Web"
Mechanisms for reasoning with context have
become increasingly important factors in the Semantic Web. There
is a growing need for general and robust reasoning techniques that
make it possible to integrate heterogeneous knowledge or to use
homogeneous knowledge across different domains.
Research on this topic has so far, and not
surprisingly, concentrated on formal ontologies, i.e., on the
logical structures that encode the semantics of a software's
domain of application. Work on the Semantic Web as well as on
information integration, distributed knowledge management,
multi-agent and distributed reasoning has focussed on the
relationship between an ontology and its context. This has aimed
at clarifying how to relate knowledge that is distributed over
many resources. Recent Semantic Web specific developments suggest
that aspects of this relation can be captured by means of named
graphs (to express meta-information), the use of provenance (to
track the context where data/axioms came from) and querying (to
facilitate reasoning).
Other neighbouring research areas, though,
have also investigated topics that shed light on how to reason
with context in the Semantic Web. Ontology Engineering and
Maintenance, for instance, has tackled the problems faced by
ontology engineers when developing and maintaining an ontology.
The yielded automation of the process of ontology development and
of its phases (e.g. knowledge elicitation, revision cycles,
alignment with pre-existing ontologies etc.) has improved
efficiency, reduced the introduction of unintended meanings into
ontologies and in general made explicit the relationship between
an ontology and its development context. Finally, research on
Problem Solving and Agent Communication has explored how an
agent's ontology needs to change at run-time because of
interactions with its context – for instance with other agents
whose ontologies are not known or with new non-classifiable world
situations. This type of research has delivered a deeper
understanding of the evolution of an ontology and is often based
on non-monotonic reasoning, belief revision or changes of
signature, i.e., of the grammar of the ontology's language, with a
minimal disruption to the original theory.
* Topics of interest:
This special issue aims at bringing together
work on reasoning with context in the Semantic Web from the
integration, development and evolutionary perspectives described
above. Submitted articles, which may describe either theoretical
results or applications, must clearly pertain to the Semantic Web
and/or to semantic technologies. They should present either
Semantic Web specific approaches to reasoning with context, or
approaches that have characteristics that are interesting for the
Semantic Web (e.g., scalability, bounded reasoning), or approaches
that are of value to a larger community containing a non-trivial
Semantic Web sub-community (e.g. revision/update techniques and
error pin-pointing).
Submissions are welcome on topics relevant to
reasoning with context in the Semantic Web and that include but
are not limited to:
- Named graphs
- Provenance
- Knowledge representation languages for
semantic technologies
- Planning and reasoning about action and
change in the Semantic Web
- Ontology fault diagnosis and repair
- Pinpointing of logical errors in contexts
and ontologies
- Explanation and justifications in DL
- Ontology and context evolution, debugging,
update and merging
- Inconsistency handling in contexts and
- Uncertainty handling, defeasible reasoning
and argumentation in ontologies
- Non-classical belief revision
- Context revision and theory change in DL
- Ontology and context versioning
- Semantic difference in ontologies and in
- Information and knowledge integration
- The role of context and ontology in
distributed reasoning and knowledge management
- Heuristic and approximate reasoning
- Bounded reasoning and bounded rationality in
the Semantic Web
- Adaptive systems and reconfiguration
- Ontology-based data access
- Querying
- Multi-Agent systems in the Semantic Web
- Temporal and spatial reasoning
- Normative reasoning in the Semantic Web
- General problem solving for semantic
- Machine learning for the Semantic Web
- Philosophical foundations of reasoning about
context and ontology evolution
- Comparison of uses of contexts and
* How to submit:
Maximal length of submissions is 25 pages.
Authors should upload submissions on Elsevier's Electronic
Submission System at
Choose "Reasoning with context in SW" as
article type. See the link "Guide Authors" on the above url for
* Important dates:
- Submission deadline: 15 June 2011
- First-round reviews: 5 September 2011
- Revised papers submitted: 30 September 2011
- Final acceptance decisions: 31 October 2011
- Tentative publication date: April 2012
* Guest editors:
- Alan Bundy http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/bundy
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Jos Lehmann http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/people/staff/Jos_Lehmann.html
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Ivan Varzinczak http://en.varzinczak.net16.net
CSIR Meraka Institute, South Africa
Send enquiries and communications to:
organization [at] arcoe [dot] org