Subject: | [ACSOS] ACSOS 2020: Call for Workshops & Tutorials |
Date: | Mon, 13 Jan 2020 12:05:10 +0800 |
From: | ACSOS 2020 <> |
To: | |
1st Joint ICAC/SASO International Conference on
Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems
17-21 August 2020 – Washington, DC, USA
The goal of the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS) is to provide a forum for sharing the latest research results, ideas and experiences in autonomic computing, self-adaptation and self-organization. ACSOS was founded in 2020 as a merger of the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC) and the IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO). For more information about the merger, as well as up-to-date news, see or follow us at!
*** Important Dates ***
January 30, 2020: Workshop proposal submission deadline
February 7, 2020: Workshop acceptance notification
February 28, 2020: Workshop call for papers online (at the latest)
May 10, 2020: Tutorial proposal deadline
May 17, 2020: Tutorial acceptance notification
August 17-August 21, 2020: Workshop and Tutorial dates
*** About ACSOS Workshops & Tutorials ***
ACSOS 2020 is soliciting proposals for workshops and tutorials to be co-located with its main conference. ACSOS workshops will provide a meeting place for presenting novel ideas in a less formal and possibly more focused way than the conferences themselves. Their aim is to stimulate and facilitate active exchange, interaction, and comparison of approaches, methods, and ideas. To motivate the discussion and participation of all the workshop attendants, we encourage organizers to get away from the typical “mini-conference” format of a workshop and include more discussion sessions, panels, etc. The workshops/tutorials should be on original and timely topics of relevance to the ACSOS communities. We seek proposals from individuals and teams interested in organizing strong workshops and tutorials. Ideally, each workshop/tutorial should be full or half-day. Workshops and tutorials will take place on Monday and Friday surrounding the main conference. We will interact with workshop organizers in due time to define the schedule of the sessions and coffee breaks as well as room logistics. Please submit your workshop/tutorial proposals as soon as possible. We will try to decide as early as possible on workshop/tutorial acceptance in order to give the organizers more time to solicit papers.
Workshop descriptions, workshop papers, and tutorial abstracts are part of the ACSOS Companion Volume that will be published alongside the ACSOS main proceedings. Workshop papers should have a maximum of six pages. Workshop descriptions should have a maximum of two pages. The workshop description should introduce the workshop topics and summarise the papers accepted for the workshop. Tutorial abstract should be a maximum of one page and will be included in the ACSOS Companion Volume. A higher page limit and/or additional extra paid pages may be possible subject to the approval by the proceedings chair.
*** Workshop Proposals ***
Proposals for workshops should be organized as a preliminary call for papers or call for participation, depending on the intended format of the workshop, with a maximum of two pages and contain the following information:
- Title of the workshop.
- A brief technical description of the workshop, specifying the workshop goals, the technical issues that it will address, and the relevance of the workshop to the main conference. The names, affiliations, phone numbers, and email addresses of the proposed workshop organizing committee. We strongly encourage the organizing committee to consist of at least two people coming from multiple institutions knowledgeable about the technical issues to be addressed
- The primary email address for contacting the organizing committee.
- Expected duration of the workshop (half or full-day)
- A brief description of the workshop format.
- The workshop deadlines, both internal and external, aligned with the ACSOS timeline.
- Description of the paper review process and acceptance standards in order to keep the workshop high in quality. Accepted workshop papers will be published in the proceedings and submitted for inclusion to IEEE Xplore. Papers must thus be in the same format as the conference proceedings and may not be more than 6 pages in length. Workshop organizers must ensure that suitable quality measures have been taken. All papers must be reviewed by an International Technical Program Committee with a minimum of 3 reviews per paper.
- List of potential program committee members, including their title and affiliations.
- List of potential invited speakers, panelists, or disputants.
Additionally, the organizers should give further information in the proposal on an additional page not counted towards the page limit and not suitable for a Call for Papers, including:
- Information about previous offerings of the proposed workshop/tutorial: when and where it has been offered in the past, organizers’ names and affiliations, number of submissions, acceptances, and registered attendees.
- An expected number of submissions, accepted papers, and attendees (if applicable).
Workshop proposals should be sent as a pdf via email to
*** Tutorial Proposals ***
Proposals for tutorials should be organized as a preliminary call for participation with a maximum of two pages and contain the following information:
- Title of the tutorial.
- A brief technical description of the tutorial, specifying the tutorial goals, the technical issues that it will address, and the relevance of the tutorial to the main conference. The names, affiliations, phone numbers, and email addresses of the proposed tutorial organizer(s).
- The primary email address for contacting the organizers.
- Expected duration of the tutorial (half or full day).
Tutorial proposals should be sent as a pdf via email to
*** Responsibilities of ACSOS Workshop & Tutorial Organizers ***
- Produce a web page and a Call for Papers/Participation for their workshop/tutorial. The call must make it clear that at least one author of each accepted submission must register and present the paper (for workshops).
- Provide a brief description of the workshop/tutorial for the conference web page and program.
- Advertise the workshop/tutorial (and the main ACSOS event) and issuing a call for papers and a call for participation
- Write an organizers’ introduction for the workshop/an abstract of the tutorial.
- Ensure that the workshop/tutorial organizers and the participants register for the workshop/tutorial and/or the main conference (at least one author must register for the paper to appear in the proceedings).
Organizers must commit to meeting the following deadlines (these are the latest possible deadlines):
- Workshop paper submission deadline: early June (after acceptance notification for the main conference)
- Workshop paper acceptance notification: early July
- Camera-ready papers due: early July (synchronized with CRV deadline for the main conference)
- Workshop/Tutorial notes submission to workshops and tutorials/proceeding chairs: 8 July (synchronized with CRV deadline for the main conference)
In addition, workshop organizers will be responsible for the following:
- Setting up and managing the paper submission site and review process. Ensuring that all workshop papers follow the standard IEEE formatting guidelines and an agreed page limit of 6 pages. A higher page limit and/or additional extra paid pages may be possible subject to the approval by the proceedings chair.
- Assisting in producing a camera-ready version of the workshop proceedings.
Important Notes:
- ACSOS reserves the right to cancel any workshop/tutorial if the above responsibilities are not fulfilled, or if too few attendees register for the workshop to support its running costs.
- Workshops are not automatically endorsed by IEEE or ACM and should not use the names of these organizations in their titles.
If you have questions about your proposal, do not hesitate to contact the workshop chairs: or