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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP | Gamification | Journal of Business Research | Deadline Nov 15th 2017
Datum: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 20:13:06 +0300
Von: Juho Hamari <jujohama@gmail.com>
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

Theoretical Perspectives and Applications of Gamification in Business 
Contexts - 

Special Issue Guest Co-Editors:
Juho Hamari, Tampere University of Technology (juho.hamari@tut.fi)
Petri Parvinen, University of Helsinki (patri.parvinen@helsinki.fi)
Anders Gustafsson, Karlstad University (anders.gustafsson@kau.se)
Nancy V. Wünderlich, Paderborn University (nancy.wuenderlich@upb.de)

Submission deadline: 15 Nov 2017

First revisions due: 15 March 2018

Final revisions due: 15 October 2018

Expected publication date: JBR makes articles available as soon as they 
are accepted

This an open call. However, interested authors can OPTIONALLY submit a 
first 10-page version to the gamification-track at the 51st Annual 
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51):

Submission of 10-page version to HICSS-51: 15 Jun 2017

Deadline for HICSS-51 fast-track papers: 15 Feb 2018



*** CALL TEXT ***

During the last decade, games have become an established vein of 
entertainment, consumer culture, and essentially, a common part of 
people’s daily lives (Mäyrä, Karvinen, & Ermi, 2016). In the United 
States alone 59% of the population plays computer games while revenues 
of the computer games industry exceed US $15 billion (ESA, 2014). 
However, in addition to the increased penetration of games, also the 
ways in which people play and employ games have become more varied. 
There are more different kinds of games available for a multitude of 
different platforms, mediated through different technologies that cater 
for differing gaming needs (Hamari & Keronen, 2017) and which use a wide 
variety of business models (Hamari et al., 2017).

As a result, today, our reality and lives are increasingly game-like, 
not only because video games have become a pervasive part of our lives, 
but perhaps most prominently also because activities, systems and 
services that are not traditionally perceived as game-like are 
increasingly gamified.

Gamification refers to designing products, services and organizational 
practices to afford similar experiences as games do, and consequently, 
attempt to create value and affect people’s behavior (Huotari & Hamari, 
2017). In recent years, popularity of gamification has skyrocketed and 
manifested in growing numbers of gamified applications, as well as a 
rapidly increasing amount of research (Blohm & Leimeister, 2013; 
Deterding, 2015;.Marchand & Hennig-Thurau, 2013; Terlutter & Capella, 2013).

Beyond HCI and game research areas, however, gamification has thus far 
remained a relatively small vein of literature in the areas of business, 
marketing, and organization studies. In these areas, organizations apply 
gamification primarily to motivate two stakeholder groups: employees and 
consumers (Bittner & Shipper, 2014; Conaway & Garay, 2014; Hofacker et 
al., 2016)

While generally gamification is regarded as a highly potential 
technology, predictions about the diffusion of gamification have varied 
from extremely positive outlooks (e.g. Gartner, 2011; IEEE, 2014) to 
less optimistic ones (Gartner, 2012). In the academic realm, several 
studies in various contexts have shown that gamification can be an 
effective approach to increase motivation and engage users or 
participants in a given activity (Seaborn & Fels, 2015). However, it has 
also been predicted that a majority of gamification implementations are 
doomed to fail due to poor understanding of how to successfully design 
gamification (Morschheuser, Werder, Hamari, & Abe, 2017). This dearth in 
comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon continues to inhibit 
organizations from adopting and designing effective gamification approaches.

Organizations use gamification in intra-organizational settings 
primarily to motivate and engage employees to adapt to job tasks or to 
develop skills (Vesa, Hamari, Harviainen, & Warmelink, 2017). Research 
has studied the transformation of work processes into a game-like 
experience and identified the outcomes of gamification in the workplace 
on both the organizational and individual employee level. As such, 
studies support the beneficial effect of gamification such as improved 
job satisfaction and enhanced employee productivity (Oprescu, Jones, & 
Katsikitis, 2014), but also point to unintended side-effects such as a 
decrease of employees’ intrinsic motivation (Thom, Millen, & DiMicco, 
2012), the potential to cheating (Carignan & Lawler Kennedy, 2013; 
Makanawala, Godara, Goldwasser, & Le, 2013) and short-term engagement 
(Farzan et al., 2008). Due to short timeframes in studies around 
gamification, there may be novelty effects in the attraction of 
gamification. Therefore, more research is warranted that explores the 
short-and long-term effects of gamification on customer behaviors and on 
financial outcomes.

Firms implement customer-geared gamification elements to enhance 
customer experiences and to encourage product adoption (Müller-Stewens, 
Schalger, Häubl, & Herrmann, 2017) and value-creating behaviors such as 
boost consumption, strengthen loyalty, deeper engagement, or positive 
word-of-mouth (Leclerq, Hammedi, & Poncin, 2017). While research has 
shown effects of gamification predominantly on short-term behaviors 
(Harwood & Garry, 2015) or behavioral intentions (Bittner & Shipper, 
2014), more research is warranted that explores the short-and long-term 
effects of gamification on customer attitudinal and behavioral outcomes 
as well as on an organization’s financial and operational outcomes. It 
is of great interest to business practitioners, therefore, to answer how 
gamification should be implemented in a sustainable and profitable way. 
While research has focused mainly on exploring the game mechanics that 
drive participation, more research is needed that focuses on the 
mechanics and the underlying processes how firms, employees and customer 
may derive value from gamification.

This Special Issue calls for papers that explore the phenomenon in 
general, regarding both the firm, the employee and the customer 
perspective. Research is needed regarding the underlying mechanisms and 
drivers for the successful use of gamification in business settings. We 
call for research across disciplines from engineering, social science 
and humanities and welcome research from information systems, marketing, 
strategic management, human resources, organizational behavior and other 
fields. The objectives of this special issue are to publish findings and 
exchange knowledge on gamification and its application in business 
contexts. We seek studies that explore gamification application targeted 
to any stakeholder group across all industry sectors.

Theoretical, empirical, experimental, and case study research 
contributions are welcome. All contributions should clearly address the 
practical and theoretical implications of the research reported.

Submission guidelines and deadlines

When preparing your submission, please check the JBR website for 
guidelines on style and paper length: 

Manuscript submission for the review process will be done in the 
Elsevier Editorial system at the following website: 

Submission deadline: 15 Nov 2017

First revisions due: 15 March 2018

Final revisions due: 15 October 2018

Expected publication date: JBR makes articles available as soon as they 
are accepted

This an open call. However, interested authors can OPTIONALLY submit a 
first 10-page version to the gamification-track at the 51st Annual 
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51):

Submission of 10-page version to HICSS-51: 15 Jun 2017

Deadline for HICSS-51 fast-track papers: 15 Feb 2018



Selected paper accepted to the Gamification mini-track will be 
fast-tracked into the Gamification special issue of JBR. Attending the 
conference and/or submitting a manuscript to JBR for publication 
consideration are independent activities; authors are welcome to engage 
in one or both of these activities.

Inquiries should be sent by email to the coordinating JBR Guest 
Co-Editor Nancy V. Wünderlich (nancy.wuenderlich@upb.de).


Bittner, J. V., & Schipper J. (2014). Motivational effects and age 
differences of gamification in product advertising. Journal of Consumer 
Marketing 31(5), 391-400.

Blohm, I., & Leimeister, J. M. (2013). Gamification. Business and 
Information Systems Engineering, 5(4), 275-278.

Carignan, J., & Lawler Kennedy, S. (2013). Case study: Identifying 
gamification opportunities in sales applications. International 
Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability. Berlin: Springer.

Conaway, R., & Garay, M. C. (2014). Gamification and service marketing. 
SpringerPlus 3(1), 653.

Deterding, S. (2015). The lens of intrinsic skill atoms: A method for 
gameful design. Human–Computer Interaction, 30(3-4), 294-335.

ESA (2014). Essential facts about the computer and video game industry: 
2014 sales, demographic and usage data. ESA, 
http://www.theesa.com/facts/pdfs/ESAEF2014.pdf Access: March 27, 2017

Farzan, R., DiMicco, J. M., Millen, D. R., Dugan, C., Geyer, W., & 
Brownholtz, E. A. (2008). Results from deploying a participation 
incentive mechanism within the enterprise. Proceedings of the SIGCHI 
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 563-572.

Gartner (2011). Gartner says by 2015, more than 50 percent of 
organizations that manage innovation processes will gamify those 
processes. Gartner, April 12. 
http://www.gartner.com/it/page.jsp?id=1629214, Access: March 27, 2017

Gartner (2012). Gartner says by 2014, 80 percent of current gamified 
applications will fail to meet business objectives primarily due to poor 
design. Gartner, November 27. 
http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2251015, Access: March 27, 2017

Hamari, J., & Keronen, L. (2017). Why do people play games? A 
Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Information Management, 37(3), 

Harwood, T., & Garry, T. (2015). An investigation into gamification as a 
customer engagement experience environment. Journal of Services 
Marketing, 29(6/7), 533-546.

Hofacker, C. F., de Ruyter, K., Lurie, N. I., Manchanda, P., & 
Donaldson, J. (2016). Gamification and mobile marketing effectiveness. 
Journal of Interactive Marketing, 34(May), 225-36.

Huotari, K., & Hamari, J. (2017). A definition for gamification: 
Anchoring gamification in the service marketing literature. Electronic 
Markets, 27(1), 21-31.

IEEE (2014). Everyone’s a gamer – IEEE experts predict gaming will be 
integrated into more than 85 Percent of daily tasks by 2020. IEEE, 
April14.  http://www.ieee.org/about/news/2014/25_feb_2014.html, Access: 
March 27, 2017.

Leclerq, T., Hammedi, W., & Poncin, I. (2017). Engagement process during 
value co-creation: Gamification in new product-development platform. 
International Journal of Electronic Commerce (forthcoming).

Marchand, A., & Henning-Thurau, T. (2013). Value creation in the video 
game industry: Industry economics, consumer benefits, and research 
opportunities. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27(3), 141-157.

Makanawala, P., Godara, J., Goldwasser, E., & Le, H. (2013). Applying 
gamification in customer service application to improve agents’ 
efficiency and satisfaction. International Conference of Design, User 
Experience, and Usability. Berlin: Springer.

Morschheuser, B., Werder, K., Hamari, J., & Abe, J. (2017). How to 
gamify? Development of a method for gamification. Proceedings of the 
50th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 
Hawaii, USA, January 4-7, 2017.

Mäyrä, F., Karvinen, J., & Ermi, L., (2016). Pelaajabarometri 2015 – 
Lajityyppien suosio. TRIM Research Reports 21. Tampere: University of 
Tampere. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-03-0153-8.

Müller-Stewens, J., Schlager, T., Häubls, G., & Herrmann, A. (2016). 
Gamified information presentation and consumer adoption of product 
innovations. Journal of Marketing, 81(2), 8-24.

Oprescu, F., Jones, C., & Katsikitis, M. (2014). I PLAY AT WORK—ten 
principles for transforming work processes through gamification. 
Frontiers in Psychology, 5.

Seaborn, K., & Fels, D. I. (2015). Gamification in theory and action: A 
survey. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 74, 14-31.

Terlutter, R., & Capella, M. L. (2013). The gamification of advertising: 
Analysis and research directions of in-game advertising, advergames, and 
advertising in social network games. Journal of Advertising, 42(2/3), 

Thom, J., Millen, D., & DiMicco, J. (2012). Removing gamification from 
an enterprise SNS. Proceedings of the ACM 2012 Conference on Computer 
Supported Cooperative Work, 1067-1070.

Vesa, M., Hamari, J., Harviainen, J. T., & Warmelink, H. (2017). 
Computer games and organization studies. Organization Studies, 38(2), 

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