-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Just a brief reminder, *the deadline for submissions to CODE 2015 is 8/7*!!
For the second year, after a very well received first conference, Erik
Brynjolfsson, Sandy Pentland and I again are co-organizing an intimate, but
power packed "Summit on Digital Experimentation" on October 16-17 at MIT.
Its called The Conference on Digital Experimentation (CODE@MIT)... We'd
love for you to be a part of it!
The details of this year´s invited speakers are still being finalized and
are not yet online, but we have some great speakers committed already. Have
a look at last year's speakers the other details of the event at
We'd love for you to submit some of your latest work
on Digital Experimentation (whether empirical reports of experiments or
theoretical work on experimental design and inference).
We intend for this event to establish a lasting community of thinkers that
continue to engage one another on this topic for years to come, and we'd
like for you to be part of that community.
To Submit:
*Simply submit a 3 page abstract to info@codecon.net <info@codecon.net> and
cc sinan@mit.edu <sinan@mit.edu> and jolumets@mit.edu <jolumets@mit.edu> by
August 7th.*
We sincerely hope you will submit your work and join us in October!
Also: *PLEASE FORWARD THIS WIDELY* to friends, colleagues and students!!
Warm regards
Sinan, Erik and Sandy
Sinan Aral
David Austin Professor of Management
Associate Professor of IT and Marketing,
MIT Sloan School of Management.
Personal Webpage: http://web.mit.edu/sinana/www/
Google Scholar: http://bit.ly/15Mmxlb | SSRN: http://ssrn.com/author=110270
Twitter: @sinanaral <https://twitter.com/sinanaral>
Feeling Lucky? (A link to a random recent paper): http://bit.ly/1GBVm3f
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