Dear participant to earlier editions of the A3EH workshop, A3EH is here again, now in a combination, as below! We are looking forward to seeing you again at it!
We are happy to announce and invite you to submit a paper to the:
A3H: 1st International Workshop on Authoring of Adaptive and Adaptable Hypermedia
in conjunction with
A3EH: 4th International Workshop on Authoring of Adaptive and Adaptable Educational Hypermedia
At the Adaptive Hypermedia 2006 conference (AH'2006,
August 23, 2004 Eindhoven (The Netherlands) (Submission deadline: March 31, 2006)
WORKSHOP SITE: ===================================================
Suggested themes that the papers should be addressing include, but are not limited to:
THEMES: ============
* Design patterns for adaptive hypermedia * Authoring rich user models for adaptive/adaptable hypermedia * Authoring pedagogic models for adaptive/adaptable educational hypermedia * Authoring for mobile adaptive hypermedia * Generic authoring for adaptive/adaptable hypermedia * Authoring patterns for rich user models in adaptive/adaptable hypermedia * Authoring Tools for rich user models in adaptive/adaptable hypermedia * Generic authoring tools in adaptive/adaptable hypermedia * Reusable user models and adaptation models * Authoring personas (roles: e.g., domain author, adaptation author, etc.) for adaptive hypermedia * Authoring adaptation languages for adaptive hypermedia * Evaluation of authoring tools for adaptive hypermedia * Evaluation of adaptive hypermedia design patterns * Evaluation of adaptive hypermedia authoring patterns
MOTIVATION OF THE WORKSHOP: ==========================
This workshop follows a successful series of workshops on the same topic: A3EH@AIED’05; A3EH@AH’04; and A3EH@WBE’04.
The current workshop focuses on the issues of design, implementation and evaluation of general Adaptive and Adaptable Hypermedia, with applications in e-learning, e-government, corporate systems and e-commerce. Authoring of Adaptive Hypermedia has been long considered as secondary to adaptive hypermedia delivery. This task is not trivial at all. There exist some approaches to help authors to build adaptive-hypermedia-based systems, yet there is a strong need of high-level approaches, formalisms and tools that support and facilitate the description of reusable adaptive websites. Only recently have we noticed a shift in interest, as it became clearer that the implementation-oriented approach would forever keep adaptive hypermedia away from the ‘layman’ author. The creator of adaptive hypermedia cannot be expected to know all facets of this process, but can be reasonably trusted to be an expert in one of them. It is therefore necessary to research and establish the components of an adaptive hypermedia system from an authoring perspective, catering for the different author personas that are required.
This type of research has proven to lead to a modular view on the adaptive hypermedia. One of these modules, which is most frequently used, is the User Model, also called Learner Model in the Educational field (or Student Model in ITS). Less frequent, but also emerging as an important module is the Pedagogical Model (this model has also different names in different implementations, too various to name here). Other component models appearing can be: domain model, goal and constraints model, adaptation model. This workshop looks at how adaptive hypermedia can be created in an easier, more systematic way, based on reuse, automatization, flexible models and on emerging standards.
Therefore, important issues to discuss are, among others:
* Are richer user models more efficient for users, and how can they be authored?
* How to support adaptation scenarios?
* How can we consider user cognitive styles in adaptive hypermedia (from an authoring perspective)?
* Are there any recurring patterns that can be detected in the authoring process generally speaking?
The workshop will also lead to a better understanding and cross-dissemination of user-specific patterns extracted from existing design and authoring processes in AH. The workshop aims to attract the interest of the related research communities to the important issues of design and authoring; to discuss the current state of the art in this field; and to identify new challenges in the field.
Moreover, the workshop should be seen as a platform that enables the cooperation and exchange of information between European and non-European projects, as well as feeding back in the PROLEARN network of excellence.
The workshop continues the series opened with the:
* 1st International Workshop on Authoring of Adaptive and Adaptable Educational Hypermedia” (A3EH), at the: International Conference on Web-based Education, WBE 2004, February 16-18, 2004, Innsbruck, Austria,
* 2nd A3EH workshop at the AH'04 conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
* 3rd A3EH workshop at the AI-ED'05 conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
TARGET AUDIENCE: ================
The workshop is targeted at all people working towards the discovery and use of patterns, formalisms, and mechanisms that can help them to develop and author adaptive hypermedia, in the domain of education and beyond. The richer the adaptation of a hypermedia-based system is, the more complex its specification uses to be. Therefore, there is a clear need of discovering patterns and developing formalisms, mechanisms or tools to facilitate and support the task of authoring adaptive hypermedia, by performing it, in some cases, semi-automatically. The necessity of these patterns can be as a result of authoring push or AH system interfacing or ultimately open (adaptive) hypermedia or pull. This means that patterns can emerge from repetitive structures used by AH authors; alternatively, patterns can emerge from interface programs or interface languages between different adaptive hypermedia systems, or from trying to interface to the open adaptive hypermedia.
This includes researchers that are active in all these fields, as well as representatives of larger projects or networks dealing with these issues. We encourage these researchers to submit papers to the workshop on their latest results and ideas. Moreover, the workshop is also targeted at people who are interested to hear and discuss the state of the art and the future of this important domain of adaptive hypermedia patterns and pattern-based authoring. We encourage these researchers to participate actively in the discussions for which time will be especially allocated, as well as in the other interactive parts, such as questionnaires and, if time allows it, demos.
The workshop’s main aim is to bring together researchers working or interested in the emerging fields of adaptive patterns for adaptive hypermedia authoring. We expect to extract and discuss these emerging patterns, as well as see their implementations and evaluations, smoothening the transition towards standard proposals in the field.
Participants are expected to leave with a better knowledge of the state of the art of the field, as well as to have a fruitful brain-storming session generating new ideas and opening new paths.
As this is a new field, we do not expect final results, but pointers towards some existing solutions and better approaches. Results of the discussions and questionnaire processing will be posted after the workshop on-line on the workshop site, as is the case with the first three editions of this workshop.
ORGANIZATION OF THE WORKSHOP: =============================
There will be paper presentation and panel discussions.
These discussions will be open to all; not only those who have papers accepted at the workshop but also any other interested parties are welcome.
After the paper presentations, the discussion based on these questions will begin. Both the presenters and the audience will be asked to contribute to the answering of these questions.
EXPECTED RESULTS: ================
The workshop’s main aim is to bring together researchers working or interested in the emerging fields of adaptive patterns for adaptive hypermedia authoring. We expect to extract and discuss these emerging patterns, as well as see their implementations and evaluations, smoothening the transition towards standard proposals in the field.
Participants are expected to leave with a better knowledge of the state of the art of the field, as well as to have a fruitful brain-storming session generating new ideas and opening new paths.
As this is a new field, we do not expect final results, but pointers towards some existing solutions and better approaches.
Results of the discussions and questionnaire processing will be posted after the workshop on-line on the workshop site, as is the case with the first two editions of this workshop.
PAPERS AT THE WORKSHOP: ======================
We welcome discussion proposals as well as research papers. Papers accepted for the workshop will be published in the workshop proceedings of the AH’06 conference (online, as well as on paper).
SUBMISSION CATEGORIES: =====================
Full papers: 8-10 pages original mature research results
Short papers: 4-6 pages original ongoing research
All submissions must be formatted according to Springer LNCS guidelines and submitted as informed by the A3EH workshop website. This site will contain all further instructions when ready. All submissions will undergo a thorough reviewing and refereeing process in order to decide on acceptance. The submissions should be in the format of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Please check for instructions on how to prepare submissions.
IMPORTANT: Selected papers will also be invited for a Special Issue in a selected journal!
Send your submissions to all following three emails, with subject ‘A3H submission’:,, .
IMPORTANT DATES: ===============
Submission deadline: March 31, 2006 Notification of acceptance or rejection: May 5, 2006 Final versions due: May 19, 2006 Workshop: June 20, 2006 Main conference: June 21-23, 2006
Earlier submission is encouraged. Please send an intention e-mail with a title and a short intentional abstract as soon as you decide to submit.
WORKSHOP CO-CHAIRS: ===================
Alexandra Cristea, Einhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) Rosa Carro, University Autonoma of Madrid (Spain) Franca Garzotto, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
WORKSHOP PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBERS: ===================================
Sarabjot Singh Anand, Warwick University (UK) Helen Ashman, University of Nottingham (UK) Tim Brailsford, University of Nottingham (UK) Licia Calvi, University of Pavia (Italy) Cristina Conati, University of British Colombia (Canada) Declan Dagger, Trinity College Dublin (Irland) Hugh Davis, Southampton University (UK) Serge Garlatti, GET-ENST Bretagne (France) Nicola Henze, University of Hannover (Germany) Mike Joy, Warwick University (UK) Judy Kay, University of Sydney (Australia) Kinshuk, Massey University (New Zealand) Toshio Okamoto, University of Electro-Communications (Japan) Alvaro Ortigosa, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain) Simos Retalis, University of Piraeus (Greece) Pilar Rodríguez, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain) Daniel Schwabe, PUC - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Craig Stewart, Queen Mary University of London (UK) Carlo Strapparava, IRST (Italy) Lorna Uden, Staffordshire University (UK) Vincent Wade, Trinity College (Ireland) Gerhard Weber, Freiburg University of Education (Germany)
Dr. Alexandra Cristea, assistant professor Information Systems Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Technische Universiteit Eindhoven PO 513 5600MB Eindhoven The Netherlands Ph.:+31-40-247-4350 (direct) Ph.:+31-40-247-2733 (secretary)