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Upon numerous requests, the Deadline for CAiSE 2014 Main Conference has been
New paper submission deadline: 9 December 2013
The 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems
Call for Papers
Information Systems Engineering in Times of Crisis
Real-time information systems and overly complex financial products have
been blamed as causes of recent financial crises. The IS Engineering
community is treating such phenomena as challenges, to be addressed through
research and improved practices. In particular, our community has begun to
address the role of information systems in predicting, preventing, and
reacting to crises of many different kinds: data-centric financial and
fiscal dependency analysis of the globalized financial systems, resilience
of critical infrastructures by information management, reaction to natural
disasters such as fires, floods, earthquakes, etc. Due to the very nature of
crises as unexpected events with broad and vast impact, IS Engineering
challenges traditional wisdom and methodologies, as well as interactions
between research and practice including stakeholders such as crisis victims.
CAiSE '14 will, as always, act as a forum of discussion that brings together
researchers and practitioners in the field of IS Engineering. It will be the
place to share mature research, ground-breaking ideas, and experience
reports in our discipline.
CAiSE welcomes all submissions that fall in the domain of information
systems engineering. This year, the conference extends a special welcome to
papers that address the role of IS engineering in crisis situations. Four
kinds of contributions are accepted: technical papers, empirical evaluation
papers, reports of experience, and exploratory papers. The CAiSE topics of
interest include, but are not restricted to:
Methods, techniques and tools for IS engineering
. Innovation and creativity in IS engineering
. Enterprise architecture and enterprise modelling
. Requirements engineering
. Business process modeling, analysis and management
. Requirements, models, and software reuse
. Adaptation, evolution and flexibility issues
. Domain engineering
. IS in networked & virtual organizations
. Method engineering
. Knowledge, information, and data quality
. Languages and models
. Mining, monitoring and predicting
. Variability and configuration
. Matching, compliance and alignment issues
. Conceptual design and modelling
. Security
. Service science
Innovative platforms, architectures and technologies for IS
. Service-oriented architecture
. Model-driven architecture
. Component based development
. Agent architecture
. Distributed, mobile, and open architecture
. Innovative database technology
. Semantic web
. IS and ubiquitous technologies
. Adaptive and context-aware IS
Domain specific IS engineering:
. Crisis Management
. eGovernment
. Enterprise applications (ERP, COTS)
. Data warehouses and business intelligence
. Workflow systems
. Knowledge management systems
. Content management systems
Important dates
. Paper submission deadline: 9 December 2013
. Tutorial submission deadline: 13 December 2013
. Notification of acceptance: 17 February 2014
. Conference, Workshops & Related Events: 16-20 June 2014
Author Guidelines
Types of contributions. We invite four types of original and scientific
Formal and/or technical papers describe original solutions (theoretical,
methodological or conceptual) in the field of IS engineering. A technical
paper should clearly describe the situation or problem tackled, the relevant
state of the art, the position or solution suggested and the potential - or,
even better, the evaluated - benefits of the contribution.
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