---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: JOURNAL OF END USER COMPUTING, 14, 1, TABLE OF CONTENTS AND ABSTR ACTS Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 15:21:13 -0700 From: "Mahmood, Mo Adam" mmahmood@UTEP.EDU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
The contents of the latest issue of:
Journal of End User Computing Official publication of the Information Resources Management Association Vol. 14, 1, October-December 2001 Editor: Mo Adam Mahmood, University of Texas, El Paso
"The Focus of Research in End User Computing: Where Have We Come Since the 1980s?"
Anne Powell, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, USA Jo Ellen Moore, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, USA
This paper reviews academic literature on EUC from the 1990s and maps it to a framework developed by Brancheau and Brown (1993). In addition, the paper statistically compares the distribution of EUC research topics in the 1980s (as classified by Brancheau and Brown) to the distribution resulting from the present review of articles published in the 1990s. Issues identified as being in need of research at the close of the 1980s are revisited to determine if academic research in the 1990s has attempted to address them, and suggestions for future directions in EUC research are extended. To access the entire article, click on the link below.
http://www.metapress.com/link.asp?target=contribution&id=AU0DX1FQPTCLVC9... 8ac3706&lat=1005063436&hm___action=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2emetapress%2ecom%2flink %2easp%3ftarget%3dcontribution%26amp%3bid%3dAU0DX1FQPTCLVC9Q
"The Role of Trainer Behavior in End User Software Training"
Deborah Compeau, University of Calgary, Canada
The purpose of this research is to identify the behaviors that characterize effective trainers, and examine these behaviors in the context of the learning process. Six primary categories of behavior emerged from the research: knowledge, communication, course design, sympathy, training techniques, and class management. To read more about this article, click on the link below.
"Towards User-Oriented Control of End-User Computing in Large Organizations"
Neil McBride, De Montfort University, UK A. Trevor Wood-Harper, University of Salford, UK, & University of South Australia, Australia
This paper contrasts an IT-oriented view of EUC with a proposed, alternative user-oriented view. The paper advocates a shift in EUC research away from the technology and the IT issues towards the political, social and cultural issues associated with the users. EUC problems are, in the main, organizational problems requiring a research approach which addresses dynamic issues emerging over a period of time. As a basis for such research, the paper proposes a dynamic model for EUC in which the progression of EUC within an organization is visualized as a series of inference loops. To read more about this article, click on the link below.
"Organizational Actions, Computer Attitudes, and End-User Satisfaction in Public Organizations: An Empirical Study"
Adel M. Aladwani, Kuwait University, Kuwait
This paper reports the results of a field study that investigated the relationship among organizational actions (management advocacy and internal computing support), computer attitudes, and end-user satisfaction in public organizations. The results show that computer attitudes have a positive direct influence on end-user satisfaction. The findings also reveal that management advocacy has positive direct effects on computer attitudes and end-users satisfaction. To read more about this article, click on the link below.
http://www.metapress.com/link.asp?target=contribution&id=DFFP790PNTJJ68N... 680e857&lat=1005063436&hm___action=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2emetapress%2ecom%2flink %2easp%3ftarget%3dcontribution%26amp%3bid%3dDFFP790PNTJJ68NR
"Some Internet and E-commerce Legal Perspectives Impacting the End User"
Peter P. Mykytyn, JR., Southern Illinois University, USA
Not too many years ago, hardly anyone had heard the terms "Web browser," "Web," or "electronic commerce." Now, the Web is changing the way businesses do business, and, of course, it is changing the way many end users conduct their business as well. This paper discusses briefly two of the legal issues that can confront today's end users as they do business over the Web. They are matters dealing with contract law and jurisdictional questions.
If you are presently conducting research or have an interest in the end user computing area and you would like to get a free copy of the present issue of the journal, please let me know. You can make a request even if you have received a free copy before. Please do remember that I will only have a few sample copies to distribute and, therefore, I may not be able to satisfy everyone's request (I was able to satisfy everyone's request for a copy of the last issue). Of course, you can always buy a copy from Jan Travers (email: jtravers@idea-group.com mailto:jtravers@idea-group.com ) at the Idea Group Publishing office or ask your library to subscribe to JEUC.
If you would like to submit a manuscript to JEUC for publication consideration, please consult the manuscript submission guidelines provided a http://www.idea-group.com http://www.idea-group.com . After reviewing the guidelines, please send us four copies of your manuscript.
M. Adam Mahmood, Ph.D.
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