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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers -- Special Issue on Online Education -- Journal of IT Case and Application Research - Deadline October 1, 2020
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2020 23:31:42 +0000
From: Shailendra Palvia <Shailendra.Palvia@liu.edu>
To: AISWorld <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>
CC: bg@prospectpressvt.com <bg@prospectpressvt.com>

Dear Colleagues Worldwide:

Call for Papers
Special Issue, Volume 23, Number 2, 2021
Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research (JITCAR)
Special Issue on Online Education
Online education in its various modes has been growing steadily worldwide due to the confluence of new technologies, global adoption of internet, and intensifying demand for a workforce trained periodically for the ever-evolving digital economy. Pandemic Covid-19 has accelerated this transformation. Global, country, institutional, curriculum/program, and micro level factors impact quantity and quality of online education. Micro level factors include technology, professors, students, and course characteristics and their interactions. Several questions will remain unanswered: What new pedagogical theories and technologies were at play and continue to emerge? What innovative individual, disciplinary, and/or organizational shifts took place to ensure effective learning? How do we maintain, extend, and innovate on these strategies going forward? This special issue is dedicated to the analysis of the evolution of traditional in-class education towards blended, hybrid, flipped, synchrono
us online, asynchronous online and combinations thereof. Topics for submission can include the following and any other relevant subject on this theme:

* Efficacy of Online Education in Various Modes

* Impact of Institutional Characteristics on Implementation of Online Education

* Impediments to Globalization of Online Education

* Effectiveness of Online Education Platforms like Blackboard, Moodle, Zoom, Webex

* New Rules and Regulations for Online Education

* Meta-analysis of Online Education Studies

* Impact on Learning Outcomes with Online Education

* Mediating Factors in Successful Implementation of Online Education

* Cyber threats Plagiarism Issues with Online Education

Please note that for regular issues of JITCAR, it is required that the underlying research methodology is case and/or application based. But, for special issues all research methodologies are acceptable.

This special issue also welcomes Teaching Case articles describing certain contemporary methods of teaching that engage students in realistic scenarios pertaining to e-education. Such Teaching Case articles must be accompanied by a Research Note and a Teaching Note.

Submission Format and Guidelines

All submitted papers must be clearly written in English and must contain only original work, which has not been published by, or is currently under review for, any other journal, conference, symposium, or workshop. Manuscripts should explicitly state what is unique and valuable about the paper within the context of the special issue theme.
Important Dates:

* Paper Submission Deadline: October 01, 2020

* First Round Decision: November 30, 2020

* Revision Due: January 15, 2021

* Final Decision: February 28, 2021
Submission Requirements
There are two Special Issue co-editors. Please submit your manuscript to Shailendra Palvia (spalvia@liu.edu<mailto:spalvia@liu.edu>) by the due dates. Please make sure you review and refer to any past relevant articles published in JITCAR. Please note that JITCAR is included in SCOPUS besides several other indexes. Please read more details on the journal website.

Special Issue Co-editors:

Dr. Shailendra C. Palvia (spalvia@liu.edu<mailto:spalvia@liu.edu>) is Professor of MIS at Long Island University (LIU) Post. At LIU, he was Director of MIS during 1997-2004. He received his Ph.D. and M.B.A. from the University of Minnesota, and B.S. in Chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in New Delhi, India. He has published over 150 articles in refereed journals and conference proceedings including Decision Sciences, Communications of the ACM, MIS Quarterly, Information & Management, and Communications of AIS. He is Founding Editor (1999-2007) and Editor (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2020) of the Journal of IT Case and Application Research (JITCAR). During 2002-2013, he chaired eleven annual international smart-sourcing conferences in USA, India, and South Korea. He was nominated by the LIU Post receive Robert Krasnoff Lifetime Scholarship Award in 2012 and 2016. Dr. Palvia has co-edited four books on Global IT Management and one book on Global Sourcing Man
agement. He spent four months of January to April, 2017 at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India in his role as Fulbright-Nehru Senior Scholar. He has been an invited speaker (including keynote speaker) to Germany, India, Italy, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, and USA.

Dr. Vic Matta (matta@ohio.edu<mailto:matta@ohio.edu>) is an Associate Professor of Analytics and Information Systems (AIS) at the College of Business, Ohio University. He received his Ph.D. from the Russ College of Engineering and Technology at Ohio University in 2008. Vic teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses in Business Analytics, Information Systems Analysis, Systems Development, and Strategic Use of Information Systems. He also conducts seminars in business consulting and project management as part of executive education workshops at Ohio University. He is an accomplished teacher and has won several awards at the college and university for his commitment to Teaching and Service. He has published in academic and pedagogical journals such as International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Computer Information Systems and Journal of Information Systems Education, etc. Vic has editorial experience with Information Systems Frontiers (Associate Editor) and Journa
l of Information Systems Education (Editorial Board). He is a member of the Association of Information Systems (AIS), and actively participates as a chair, reviewer, organizer and presenter at information systems conferences and groups such as the International Conference for Information Systems (ICIS) and the Special Interest Group for Decision Sciences and Analytics (SIGDSA).


Dr. Shailendra Palvia
Fulbright-Nehru Senior Scholar 2016-17
Professor of MIS, College of Management
Long Island University Post, Brookville, NY 11801.
Lifetime Scholarly Achievement Nomination from LIU Post in 2012 and 2016
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of IT Case and Application Research (JITCAR)
Phone #: 732-983-7034
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