-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Exploratory Analysis in Dynamic Social Networks: theoretical and
practical applications
Submission Deadline: January 31, 2012
A book edited by Dr. Carlos Andre Reis Pinheiro, Analytics Lab, Oi
Telecom, Brazil and Dr. Markus Helfert, School of Computing, Dublin City
University, Ireland
To be published by iConcept Press: http://www.iconceptpress.com.
Interactions within social networks have been subject of recent studies.
As insights into these interactions offer great opportunities, many
practical applications have been proposed. Recent approaches focus on
using social network analysis methodology to study different aspects of
societies, communities, knowledge networks and competitive markets, such
as Social Medias through the Internet and Telecommunications
environments. By understanding social structures and its interactions it
is possible to understand how individuals and consumers relate to each
other allowing to subsequently forecasts behavior and social structures.
Most of the current efforts in analyzing social networks are in respect
to static structures. The social networks are considered by viewing
snapshots of a specific point in time. However, analyzing dynamic
aspects of social networks could provide insight how these structures
evolve. The dynamic approach for social network analysis might provide
insight into new perspectives in terms of pattern recognition,
predictive and simulation of social structures. With new technologies,
such as sensor data, analyses of movements and directions within social
networks are also subject of recent studies viewing social networks
In order to perceive how social relations evolve through time it is
necessary to collect the distinct snapshots of the social structures in
a timeline perspective. A sequence of pictures about social structures
should be taken into consideration to allow particular analyses about
how the members relate to each other but mostly how those relationships
have been changed over time.
Measures typically used in traditional social networks analysis can be
used such as characteristics of nodes and links in a static perspective,
depicting strength, overall distances and paths among related nodes,
amounts of connections, and others. The dynamic perspective on social
networks provides a historical view on data for particular events; such
as purchasing, acquisition, churn, fraud, and others; in a similar way
presented in predictive modeling. Due to historical information about
social structure and its movements throughout time, it is possible to
analyze the network in terms of behavior, structure and topology.
Objective of the Book
This book aims to provide relevant theoretical frameworks and practical
applications of innovative approaches to analyze social networks from a
dynamic perspective. The key objective of this book is to reflect and
document the current discussion about algorithms, metrics, mechanisms
and particular applications and solutions in terms of dynamic analyses
of social networks. Theories about new metrics to describe social
structures over the time, considering nodes and links, its weights,
distances and paths, and so on, are subject of discussion. Real world
applications in respect to particular industries such as
telecommunications, insurance, retail and mostly internet are also
particularly welcome and encouraged.
Target Audience
The main goal of this book is to be a guide edition suitable for
practitioners and researchers in the area of social network analysis,
particular to the ones performed over time, considering the evolvement
of social structures in a timeline perspective.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Fraud detection by using social network analysis
* Application of social network analysis and mining
* Communities discovery and analysis in large scale online and offline
social networks
* Dynamics and evolution of patterns in social networks
* Geography applications for social networks analysis
* Impact of social networks in recommendations systems
* Large-scale graph algorithms for social network analysis
* Misbehavior detection in communities
* Migration between communities over the time
* Recommendations for product adoption, customer acquisition and churn
prevention by using social network analysis
* Scalability of social networks
* Statistical modeling of large networks
* Temporal analysis on social networks topologies and structures
* Visual representation of dynamic social networks
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit by January 31, 2012,
a full chapter containing up to 12,000 words (around 20 pages). Authors
of accepted draft chapters will be notified by April 15, 2012 about the
status of their submission. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a
double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve
as reviewers for this project.
All submissions should be proceeded by registering an account through
the iConcept Press website at www.iconceptpress.com.
This book is scheduled to be published by iConcept Press Ltd. iConcept
Press is a young publishing company established in the summer of 2009.
Their main goals are:
* To open the door to the world's library of scientific knowledge by
giving people anywhere in the world unlimited access to the latest
scientific research.
* To facilitate research and education by making it possible to search
the full text of every article in our library for free.
* To enable scientists, researchers, librarians, publishers, and
entrepreneurs to develop innovative ways to explore and use the world's
treasury of scientific ideas and discoveries.
For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit
www.iconceptpress.com. The publication is targeted for early 2012.
Important Dates
January 31, 2012: Draft Chapter Submission Deadline
April 15, 2012: Notification of Acceptance
June 30, 2012: Final Chapter Submission
Editorial Advisory Board Members
Dr. Carlos Andre Reis Pinheiro, Analytics Lab, Oi Telecom, Brazil.
Dr. Markus Helfert, School of Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland.
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically to:
Dr. Carlos Andre Reis Pinheiro (cpinheiro@computing.dcu.ie).
Dr. Markus Helfert (markus.helfert@computing.dcu.ie).
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