-------- Original Message --------
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Valuing your distinguished contribution to the iiWAS and MoMM series of conferences, it is our honour to invite you to submit a paper to the 15th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2013).
iiWAS2013 is the 15th in the series of the highly successful International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services. Recently, MoMM has been held in Bali (2012), Ho Chi Minh City (2011), Paris (2010), Kuala Lumpur (2009), and Linz (2008). This year, Vienna will host iiWAS2013 on 2-4 December, 2013.
Further details can be found at the conference website: http://www.iiwas.org/conferences/iiwas2013/.
It is worth to mention that past iiWAS proceedings have been published and listed in the ACM Digital Library (http://dl.acm.org/event.cfm?id=RE544) and again iiWAS2013 proceedings will be published by ACM. Each year, iiWAS has had up to six special issues in reputable international journals. We are expecting that this will also continue this year.
Please find attached the CFP of iiWAS2013. We would really appreciate if you could help us to distribute it to your colleagues and students as well as any professional mailing lists to which you may have access. The submission deadline is July 15th for full papers, short papers, demos and work in progress.
Please contact us if you have any inquiry, need more information.
Thank you very much and we are looking forward to your support for the success of this conference series.
Edgar Weippl
SBA Research & Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Email: EWeippl@sba-research.org
Maria Indrawan
Monash University, Australia
Email: maria.indrawan@monash.edu
iiWAS2013 PC Chairs