-------- Original Message --------
publication of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Learning
Technology (TCLT)
SPECIAL ISSUE ON Adaptive and Intelligent Systems for Collaborative Learning
Guest Editor:
Assist. Professor Dr. Stavros Demetriadis
Department of Informatics,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Email: sdemetri@csd.auth.gr
* Deadline for submission: January 6th, 2012
The idea that learners in a collaborative learning situation can adaptively
be supported by technology systems lies at the crossroad of Intelligent
Tutoring, Adaptive Hypermedia Systems and Computer-Supported Collaborative
Learning (CSCL), expanding the perspective of the fields and setting
innovative research agendas. Also, the issue of introducing
adaptive/intelligent methods for managing and supporting the collaborative
learning activity can be approached from different but complementary
perspectives and may be of interest for researchers of various backgrounds
(learning scientists, educators, engineers/computer scientists,
instructional designers, the Learning Design community). Moreover, current
research emphasizes that either providing no support at all (i.e. free
collaboration) or unwittingly imposing unnecessary restrictions to group
learners ("overscripting") may have detrimental effects on learning. Thus,
collaborating students need carefully structured support that could help
them significantly increase the value of collaboration-generated benefits at
both cognitive and meta-cognitive level.
Working in the aforementioned context several research groups have made
various contributions leading gradually to the development of systems for
adaptive and intelligent collaborative learning support (AICLS systems). In
general, these systems aim to make pre-task interventions and support
in-task peer interactions and learning domain specific activities in
pedagogical settings for collaborative learning. System functionality is
expected to improve learners' both domain knowledge and collaboration
skills, however, these benefits are subject to the learning design and the
capability of AICLS to adapt and intervene in an unobtrusive way.
This special issue aims to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge in the
field and provide useful insights on state-of-the-art research by including
works that (a) analyze critical design issues of AICLS systems, (b) present
research evidence on the impact of these systems on student learning, and
(c) identify current trends and open research questions in the field. The
main areas of interest are (but they are certainly not limited to) the
following topics:
Modeling & Assessment
. Theoretical approaches on adaptive/intelligent methods addressing needs of
group learners.
. Group/Individual modeling in collaborative contexts.
. Modeling effective and ineffective student collaboration.
. Methods and tools for the design and operationalization of adaptive
systems for collaborative learning.
. Interaction analysis techniques to inform the flexible behavior of the
. Formalization efforts of the adaptive collaborative learning activity and
the role of the Learning Design.
. Evaluating various aspects of adaptive/intelligent systems for
collaborative learning (e.g. cost/benefit issues; evaluating the impact on
learning and development of metacognitive skills).
. Adaptive/Intelligent methods for supporting the orchestration of
activities in collaborative learning contexts
. Adaptive and intelligent forms of tutoring/scaffolding/scripting in
collaborative learning settings.
. Adaptive/Intelligent methods for setting up conditions conducive to
. Adaptive/Intelligent support for peer-interaction.
. Architectures and frameworks for building or testing AICLS systems.
. AI and Web 2.0 tools & methods to integrate in AICLS systems.
We invite short articles, case studies, and project reports for the January
issue. This special issue will be published in Volume 15, Issue 1 (January,
2012). Since several intriguing questions are still far from being
adequately addressed in the field we especially welcome papers that describe
speculative ideas, work in progress, and discussions of challenging issues.
** The newsletter is of non-refereed nature though the articles will be
selected and edited by the Guest Editor
* Submission procedure:
1. The articles in the newsletter are limited to 1000 words.
Over-length articles will not be published.
2. The manuscripts should be either in Word or RTF format.
Any figures used in the contributions would be required separately in a
graphic format (gif or jpeg). The figures should also be embedded in the
text at appropriate places.
3. Please send the manuscripts by email as attachment to
sdemetri@csd.auth.gr (Subject: Learning Technology January 2012 Submission).
4. In the email, please state clearly that the manuscript is original
material that has not been published, and is not being considered for
publication elsewhere.
For further information please see
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