Free access to DGX-1, 1000 Core Cluster, SAP HANA, and more for academic research ============================================================================== CALL FOR PROPOSALS FALL 2019 HPI Future of Service-oriented Computing Laboratory, Hasso Plattner Institute at the University of Potsdam (HPI) ============================================================================== The HPI Future SOC Lab offers researchers free of charge access to a powerful infrastructure to conduct their research activities. The Future SOC Lab, a cooperation of Hasso Plattner Institute and the industry partners Dell EMC, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Fujitsu, and SAP, provides researchers with free of charge access to a complete infrastructure of powerful heterogeneous hardware and software for various research areas. TOPICS OF INTEREST INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO * Applications in the areas of Machine Learning and Blockchain * GPU Computing * Application Containerization and Unikernels * Service-Oriented-Computing (SOC) * Microservices * Cloud Computing * In-Memory Database Technology * Multicore Architectures/Accelerators * On-Demand Delivery Models for Business Applications SUBMISSION Researchers can apply to gain access to this infrastructure by submitting project proposals until October 22, 2019. Project proposals are reviewed and approved by a Steering Committee at the HPI Future SOC Lab Day on November 12, 2019, which comprises representatives from HPI and the industry partners. IMPORTANT DATES Submission Deadline: October 22, 2019 HPI Future SOC Lab Day: November 12, 2019 FURTHER INFORMATION HPI Future SOC Lab webpage: Email to organizing committee: Submission via form at: