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Betreff: [AISWorld] IFKAD 2017 St. Petersburg- call for papers to the special track on resilient SMEs
Datum: Tue, 1 Nov 2016 12:15:53 +0000
Von: Isabel Ramos <iramos@dsi.uminho.pt>
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org


12th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics IFKAD 2017

Knowledge Management in the 21st Century: Resilience, Creativity and Co-creation

St. Petersburg, Russia | 7-9 June 2017


Special Track : Resilient SMEs in turbulent times -Implications for
Knowledge management and organizational learning


Klaus North | Wiesbaden Business School, Germany Susanne Durst |
University of Skövde, Sweden Isabel Ramos | University of Minho,

Gregorio Varvakis | Federal University of Santa Caterina, Brazil

Stefan Güldenberg | University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein


To sustain competitiveness in turbulent environments SMEs face major
challenges due to their limited human, organizational and financial
resources and capabilities. On the other hand, family-like structures
and informal decision-making enable adaptation to turbulent
environments. Therefore, SMEs need to develop resilience to withstand
current crises and agility to exploit and explore opportunities
provided by changes in the business environment. The track will
explore the specific challenges of and possible solutions to
resilience of SMEs. We invite theoretical papers, cases and pragmatic
approaches from practice.

Contributions are invited to address - amongst others - the following questions:

•             What makes SMEs resilient?

•             What is the interrelation of resilience, agility, and
dynamic capabilities of SMEs?

•             Which competitive strategies contribute to resilience?

•             How to measure resilience or vulnerability of SMEs?

•             How can knowledge management practices and
organizational learning contribute to resilience?

•             How can collaboration and networks enhance resilience of SMEs?


Researchers wishing to contribute are invited to submit an extended
structured abstract (in MS-Word format) of 500-700 words by January
15, 2017.  The abstract should address theoretical background,
research objective, methodology, and results in terms of expected
contribution to Knowledge Management theory and practice. Authors are
encouraged to follow the guidelines for both extended abstracts as
well as full papers available on IFKAD site www.ifkad.org


Important dates:

•             15 January 2017 - Abstracts Submission Deadline

•             20 February 2017 - Acceptance notification to authors

•             15 March 2017 - Early-Bird registration deadline

•             10 April 2017 - Full paper submission deadline

•             10 May 2017 - Registration deadline

•             7-9 June 2017 - Conference sessions

For any further information, please contact the conference manager at

Dep. Sistemas de Informação, Universidade do Minho

A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving (Lao Tzu)

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