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Subject: [AISWorld] IEEE ICDM 2020: Call for Tutorials (due Jul 10)
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2020 01:03:43 -0500
From: Carson Leung (IEEE ICDM 2020) <icdm@cs.umanitoba.ca>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
CC: Ting Bai <baiting@bupt.edu.cn>

IEEE ICDM 2020: Call for Tutorials (due Jul 10)

20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (IEEE ICDM 2020)
Sorrento, Italy
November 17-20, 2020

The safety and well-being of all conference participants is our priority.
We closely monitor the current COVID-19 situation. Depending on the
situation, we will have the conference either as planned in Sorrento, Italy
or as an online event. In any case, all deadlines and the conference dates
remain the same. The Program Chairs and other organizers will post more
information as soon as possible.

The 20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (IEEE ICDM 2020) will
host tutorials that focus on new research directions and initiatives.

We invite proposals for tutorials from active researchers and experienced
tutors. Ideally, a tutorial will cover the state-of-the-art research,
development and applications in a specific data mining direction, and
stimulate and facilitate future work. Tutorials on interdisciplinary
directions, novel and fast growing directions, and significant applications
are highly encouraged. We also encourage hands-on-tutorials that allow
attendees to learn a particular suite of tools, software and applications
that are relevant to the data mining community. Software and tools should
preferably be open-sourced and readily available to all participants.

We note that a tutorial should not only focus on the presenters' previous
work. In principle, the tutorial authors' previous work should not occupy
more than 50% of the tutorial coverage.

The tutorials are part of the main conference technical program, and are
free of charge to the registrants of the conference.

The conference will provide the following support for each tutorial:
* an honorarium of $500, and
* a complimentary registration for one of the tutorial presenters who is
not also a presenting author.

Tutorial presenters will be responsible for covering all their other

A tutorial proposal should be formatted into the following sections:
* Title
* Abstract (up to 150 words)
* Rationale: Why do you believe this is an interesting and significant
subject for the data mining and machine learning community at large? Is
this tutorial or a similar one presented by the same or some authors in
some other venues?
* Content details: An outline of the tutorial in the form of a bulleted
list with references and estimates for the time that will be devoted to
each subject (up to 1 page).
* Target audience and prerequisites (up to 100 words): From which areas do
you expect potential participants to come? What prior knowledge, if any, do
you expect from the audience? What will the participants learn? How many
participants do you expect?
* Relevance and rationale of presenting the tutorial at ICDM 2020 (up to
200 words).
* A list of forums and their time, location, and the number of attendees
(if available) if the tutorial or a similar/highly related tutorial has
been presented by the same author(s) before, and a short description
highlighting the similarity/difference between those and the one proposed
for ICDM 2020 (up to 100 words for each entry).
* A list of tutorials on the similar/highly related topics given by others,
and a short description highlighting the differences between yours and
theirs (up to 100 words for each entry).
* Tutor's short bio and their expertise related to the tutorial (up to 100
words per tutor).
* Proposed length of the tutorial: please choose from: 2.5 hours (half-day)
and 5 hours (full day). If you are flexible, please indicate in the outline
the content that will not be included if a short tutorial is given.
* A list of up to 20 most important references that will be covered in the
* (Optional) URLs of the slides/notes/video of the previous tutorials given
by the authors, and any specific audio/video/computer requirements for the

* Tutorial proposals due: July 10, 2020
* Notification: August 20, 2020
All deadlines are at 11:59PM Pacific Standard Time.

Please email your proposals to icdm2020tutorials@gmail.com with subject
line ICDM2020_<tutorial_name>.

* Diane Cook, Washington State University, USA
* Min-Ling Zhang, Southeast University, China

* Ting Bai, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
* Carson K. Leung, University of Manitoba, Canada
* Washio Takashi, Osaka University, Japan
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