-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] ASHEs 2009 CPF (New deadline) Datum: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 16:20:16 +0100 Von: Rachid Anane csx220@coventry.ac.uk Organisation: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
==================== Call for Papers ==========================
The Second International Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Heterogeneous Environments (ASHEs 2009)
[new deadline: October 25,2008]
The Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT),Fukuoka, Japan March 16-19, 2009
The Proceedings of the workshop will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press.
Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS), Elsevier. [Impact factor 2007: 1.185] ===============================================================
The ASHEs 2009 workshop will be held in conjunction with The International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2009) http://www.cisis-conference.eu/ and The International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2009) http://www.ares-conference.eu/
----- Scope ----- Adaptivity spans a range of behavioural complexity and sophistication where basic configurability and full autonomic behaviour appear as extreme points in a wide spectrum. It can be defined as the ability of a system to reconcile its requirements with the elements it is interacting with,by negotiating and adopting an optimal behaviour within and across different and potentially heterogeneous environments. Implicitly sustained by a variety of models these elements may be users, content, applications, systems, middleware, networks or operating systems. They define a hierarchy of levels where heterogeneity can occur. One specific instance where this heterogeneity is resolved is in the personalization of interactive systems through the generation and mediation of implict and explict user profiles and ontologies. At a lower level, in the middleware reflective architectures have been considered as an effective means of offering flexibility in QoS provision, while the endowment of a network with self-awareness enhances its capacity for self-management. The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of issues related to adaptivity and its role in the provision of innovative solutions in heterogeneous environments.
------ Topics ------ The workshop seeks original contributions on adaptivity and adaptive systems related but not limited to the following:
- Personalization - Ontologies for personalization - Self configuration - Behaviour optimisation - Negotiation - Emergence - Reflective architectures - Architectural Frameworks - Knowledge management - Workflow management - Resource brokering - Service provision - Models - QoS provision - Context-awareness - Model-driven engineering - Web engineering - Middleware management - Agent-based systems - Location-based systems - Smart environments - Hypermedia systems - Web and mobile applications - Autonomic and dependable systems - Network configuration and awareness - Grid and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems - Case studies and experiences of adaptive systems
------------------ Workshop Co-Chairs ------------------ Rachid Anane, Coventry University, UK Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK
------------------- Program Committee ------------------- Arantza Aldea, Oxford Brookes University, UK Richard Anthony, University of Greenwich, UK Behzad Bordbar, University of Birmingham, UK Kuo-Ming Chao, Coventry University, UK Jen-Yao Chung, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA Zhan Cui, British Telecom Research Lab, UK Larbi Esmahi, Athabasca University, Canada Torsten Eymann, University of Bayreuth, Germany Hui-Huang Hsu, Tamkang University, Taiwan Anne James, Coventry University, UK Panagiotis Kalnis, National University of Singapore, Singapore Mohan S Kankanhalli, National University of Singapore, Singapore Helen Karatza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Soraya Kouadri Mostefaoui, Open University, UK Yinsheng Li, Fudan University, China Kwei-Jay Lin, University of California at Irvine, USA Massimo Mecella, University of Rome, Italy Kozo Okano, Osaka University, Japan Guadalupe Ortiz, University of Extremadura, Spain Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA David Parker, Oxford University, UK Florin Pop, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK Indrakshi Ray, Colorado State University, USA Jose Raul Romero, University of Cordoba, Spain Rizos Sakellariou, University of Manchester, UK Weiming Shen, National Research Council of Canada Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Birmingham, UK Georgios Theodoropoulos, University of Birmingham, UK Jordi Torres, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
--------------- Important Dates --------------- - Submission deadline: October 25, 2008 - Author notification: November 20, 2008 - Final paper version: December 15, 2008 - Conference/Workshop: March 16-19, 2009
---------------------- Publication ---------------------- The Proceedings of the workshop will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press.
Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS), Elsevier. [Impact Factor 2007: 1.185]
-------- Contacts -------- Rachid Anane, Department of Computer and Network Systems Priory Street, Coventry University, Coventry CV1 5FB, UK r.anane[at]coventry.ac.uk
Muhammad Younas, Department of Computing, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK m.younas[at]brookes.ac.uk
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