---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: ISOMA Update Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 18:40:42 -0400 From: Ali Kamrani kamkode@ENGIN.UMD.UMICH.EDU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
As always, sorry for duplicate copies. ali ************
The deadline for submissions on both unsolicited papers and solicited sessions has been moved to October 30, 2001. This has been updated on the main web page,
http://www.wacong.com/Wac2002 http://www.wacong.com/Wac2002/isoma.html
*********** Dear Colleague,
We would like to invite you to participate in the Fifth Biannual World Automation Congress, to be held in Orlando, Florida USA from June 9-13, 2002. WAC 2002 will be hosting the Eighth International Symposium on Manufacturing and Applications (ISOMA), whose theme is "Informatics in Supply Chain Management." The Call for Papers is appended below; with the important dates regarding abstract and paper submission deadlines. The announcement of a special journal issue for the congress articles will follow. More information on WAC 2002/ISOMA 2002 can be found on the web sites:
http://www.wacong.com/Wac2002 http://www.wacong.com/Wac2002/isoma.html
We would like to invite you to participate in the ISOMA, 2002 and are seeking authors and speakers with research or application interests in Informatics, supply chain management and other topics in design and manufacturing. We are also inviting you to participate by organizing a short sessions of 4 technical papers in a focus areas. Please contact conference co-chairs for further inquires.
Best regards, Ali K. Kamrani, Ph.D.
World Automation Congress 2002
This 5th Biannual Congress is dedicated to Professor Ali Javan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for his fundamental and lasting contributions to physical optics including the co-invention of the Helium Neon Gas Laser
June 9-13, 2002 Sheraton World Resort Orlando, Florida, USA
Call for Papers
8th International Symposium on Manufacturing and Applications (ISOMA) Theme: Informatics in Supply Chain Management
Symposium Co-Chairs:
USA Region
Fred Proctor National Institute of Standards and Technology 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8230 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8230 Tel: 301-975-3425 Fax: 301-990-9688 frederick.proctor@nist.gov
Ali Khosravi Kamrani, Ph.D. Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department The University of Michigan-Dearborn Dearborn, MI 48128-1491 Tel: 313.593.5399 Fax: 313.593.3692 kamkode@umich.edu
European Region
Professor Nina Vojdani Richard-Wagner Strasse 31 University of Rostock 18119 Rostock-Warnemuende GERMANY nina.vojdani@mbst.uni-rostock.de
Asia Region
Professor Shigeki Umeda Management School Musashi University 1-26 Toyotama-kami Nerima Tokyo 176-8534 JAPAN voice: +81 35 984 3837 fax: +81 33 991 1198 shigeki@cc.musashi.ac.jp
Lai W.K. PhD., MSc., CEng., MIEEE, MIEE MIMOS Berhad, Technology Park Malaysia, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. lai@mimos.my
Program Committee:
Charu Chandra, University of Michigan, USA Sanjay Joshi, Penn State University, USA Saeid Motavalli, Northern Illinois University, USA Venkata Allada, University of Missouri-Rolla, USA Shaw Feng, NIST, USA Ehsan Asoudehgi, Northern Illinois University, USA Sead Salhieh, Wayne State University, USA Ghassan Kridli, University of Michigan, USA John Michaloski, NIST, USA Albert Jones, NIST, USA Ricardo Gonzales, University of Michigan, USA Jian Dong, Boeing, USA Reza Lashkari, University of Windsor, Canada Raj Veeramani, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Andrew Kusiak, University of Iowa, USA Nariman Sepehri, University of Manitoba, Canada Onur Ulgen, University of Michigan, USA Parviz Daneshgari, MCA, USA Hamid Seifoddini, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA Saifallah Benjaafar, University of Minnesota, USA Cihan Dagli, University of Missouri-Rolla, USA
ISOMA 2002 Theme:
The concept of supply chain management is about managing coordinated information, material and financial flows, plant operations, and logistics. It provides flexibility and agility in responding to consumer demand shifts with minimized cost overlays in resource utilization. The fundamental premise of this philosophy is synchronization of objectives, policies, and actions among multiple autonomous entities represented in it. That is, improved coordination within and between various supply chain members.
There are many applications in manufacturing that is impacted by the supply chain management philosophy. It could influence design through the plug and play method of configuration to achieve mass customization. In addition, in manufacturing and production, the supply chain effects practically every aspect of the product-process interface, which leads to collaborative activities in both the design and manufacturing functions.
Informatics has a major and key role to play in design and modeling of efficient supply chain management frameworks. It provides the opportunity to investigate and develop multi disciplinary approaches to supply chain problem solving. It has the potential to unify technologies in fields of enterprise integration: organization design, production operations management, and information systems in offering integrated methodological solutions.
We seek research and / or applied contributions in the following topics, or other topics in design and manufacturing from academics and practitioners:
Agent Modeling Business Process Reengineering CAD/CAM/CAE Collaborative Manufacturing Computer Integrated Manufacturing Concurrent Enterprising Configuration Management Data and Knowledge Management Data Mining Data Warehousing E-Management E-Manufacturing Manufacturing and Enterprise Integration Enterprise Resource Planning Information Modeling for Manufacturing Systems Intelligent Decision Support Intelligent Manufacturing Knowledge-Based Engineering Mass Customization Modularity in Design Ontology Management Production Systems Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems Product Design and Engineering Scalable Enterprise Engineering Scheduling Simulation Modeling Supply-Chain Management Manufacturing Systems & Engineering
******************************************************************** ** Ali Khosravi Kamrani, Ph.D. ** ** Director and Associate Professor ** ** Rapid Prototyping Laboratory ** ** Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, 2250 EC ** ** College of Engineering and Computer Science ** ** The University of Michigan-Dearborn ** ** Dearborn, MI 48128-1491 ** ** Tel (office/voice mail) : (313) 593-5399 ** ** Fax (IMSE Department) : (313) 593-3692 ** ** e-mail(u) : kamkode@umich.edu ** ** http://www.engin.umd.umich.edu/~kamkode/hmpage.html ** ********************************************************************
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