### to whom it may concern. //fw.
Apologies for cross-postings. Abstracts are welcome by February 1, 2006.
Jan Marco Leimeister
Call for Papers
Virtual Community is a well differentiated and well established business model. Examples for Virtual Communities range from Communities of Interest, Communities of Relationship, Gaming Communities, and Communities of Transaction to Peer-to-Peer Communities or Mobile Communities. Within the field of information systems sciences we are looking at interaction patterns, transaction processes, management aspects, business models, and design aspects of information systems and services for Virtual Communities. Community members interact via digital media and contribute value in the form of content, reviews, and recommendations. Related issues are trust, network effects, transaction costs and the design of services. Well-organized communities even expand their power across various channels and into the off-line world.
We call for papers on social as well as business communities. Possible topics include (but are not limited to): - Social, political and economic impact of Virtual Communities - Community models, platforms, services, and interactions, multi-channel communities - Management and organizational behavior of communities - Community-related business models - Transaction-oriented Virtual Communities, Customer collaboration - Peer-to-Peer or mobile services for Virtual Communities - Case studies and empirical studies, best practices and lessons learned
This mini-track builds on the success of the preceding AMCIS mini-tracks on Virtual Communities. During the last five years we have been gathering a community of researchers who are interested in the field of Virtual Communities and related issues. Information on last years? mini-tracks is available at: http://www.e-business.fhbb.ch/amcis
Please visit the mini-track websites at http://www.e-business.fhbb.ch/amcis
GUIDELINES FOR PAPER SUBMISSION 1. Submit abstracts via email to the appropriate mini-track chair(s) by February 1, 2006. 2. Submit final papers via the AIS Review System by March 1, 2006. http://reviews.aisnet.org/AMCIS2006. 3. Authors can submit multiple papers but in general may present only once during the conference. 4. Copyright Information: Submission of a paper to AMCIS2006 represents the author's agreement to allow AIS to publish the paper in any written or electronic format for distribution to all interested parties in perpetuity with or without compensation to AIS and without compensation to the author. The parties understand that the author is granting a nonexclusive license and all copyrights remain the property of the author.
Mini-track Chair Information:
Please use the following email-address for all inquiries: amcis@virtual-community.org
Ulrike Lechner (contact) Universität der Bundeswehr München Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39 D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany Ulrike.Lechner@unibw.de http://wi.informatik.unibw-muenchen.de
Jan Marco Leimeister Technische Universität München Boltzmannstr. 3 D-85748 Garching b. München, Germany leimeister@in.tum.de http://www.winfobase.de/
Achim Dannecker Universität der Bundeswehr München Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39 D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany Achim.Dannecker@unibw.de http://wi.informatik.unibw-muenchen.de